Formas del Presente Simple de "To Be" – Am / Is / Are - Reglas y Uso
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El Verbo "To Be" en Presente Simple - Ejercicios y Cuestionario
Estos ejercicios se centran en las diferentes formas del verbo "To Be" en Presente Simple.
Resumen Rápido
✔️ "Am" → I
✔️ "Is" → He, She, It
✔️ "Are" → You, We, They
✔️ Para negativas, agrega "not"
✔️ Para preguntas, invierte el sujeto y el verbo

Formas del Presente Simple del Verbo "To Be"
Sujeto |
Verbo "To Be" |
Ejemplo |
I |
am |
I am a student. |
He / She / It |
is |
She is my friend. |
You / We / They |
are |
They are happy. |
📌 Consejo: La forma de "To Be" cambia dependiendo del sujeto.
Cómo usar "Am / Is / Are"
✔️ Para identidad e información personal
I am a teacher.
She is from Canada.
They are my classmates.
✔️ Para descripciones y características
The sky is blue.
You are very kind.
He is tall.
✔️ Para ubicaciones
I am at home.
The books are on the table.
She is in the office.
✔️ Para sentimientos y condiciones
We are tired.
He is sick.
I am happy today.
📌 Consejo: El verbo "To Be" NO se sigue de otro verbo en Presente Simple.
Forma Negativa del Verbo "To Be"
Para hacer una oración negativa, agrega "not" después del verbo "To Be".
Sujeto |
Forma Negativa |
Ejemplo |
I |
am not |
I am not a doctor. |
He / She / It |
is not (isn’t) |
She is not at home. / She isn’t at home. |
You / We / They |
are not (aren’t) |
They are not ready. / They aren’t ready. |
📌 Consejo: Las contracciones más comunes son:
✔ "Is not" → "isn’t"
✔ "Are not" → "aren’t"
Preguntas con "To Be"
Para formar preguntas, invierte el sujeto y el verbo "To Be".
Oración Afirmativa |
Pregunta |
You are a teacher. |
Are you a teacher? |
She is happy. |
Is she happy? |
They are at home. |
Are they at home? |
Preguntas de Sí/No:
✔️ Are you from France? → Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
✔️ Is she your sister? → Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
Preguntas con "Wh-"
✔️ Where is your book? → It is on the table.
✔️ How are you? → I am fine.
Errores Comunes con "To Be"
Error |
Incorrecto ❌ |
Correcto ✅ |
Olvidar el verbo "To Be" |
She happy. ❌ |
She is happy. ✅ |
Usar "do/does" con "To Be" |
Does she is a doctor? ❌ |
Is she a doctor? ✅ |
Usar la forma incorrecta |
They is my friends. ❌ |
They are my friends. ✅ |
📌 Consejo: ¡NUNCA uses "do" o "does" con "To Be"!
¿Puedo usar "am not" en preguntas?
➡️ No. En su lugar, usa "Aren’t I?"
❌ Am I not your friend?
✅ Aren’t I your friend?
¿Cuál es la contracción de "I am"?
➡️ "I’m"
✔️ I’m happy.
¿Puedo decir "I amn’t"?
➡️ No. En su lugar, di "I’m not."
¿Puedo usar "To Be" con otro verbo?
➡️ No. En el Presente Simple, "To Be" no se sigue de otro verbo.
❌ She is study English.
✅ She is a student.
¿Cómo hago una pregunta negativa?
➡️ Usa "Aren’t" / "Isn’t" al inicio.
✔️ Isn’t she your teacher?
✔️ Aren’t they coming?