Cuantificadores en inglés y cómo se usan
Table of Contents
Ejercicios de Cuantificadores
Estos ejercicios se centran en el uso de cuantificadores en inglés.
Cuantificadores con Sustantivos Contables e Incontables
Algunos cuantificadores pueden usarse tanto con sustantivos contables como incontables.
Cuantificador |
Ejemplo con un Sustantivo Contable |
Ejemplo con un Sustantivo Incontable |
all |
All students passed the test. |
All the water is dirty. |
some |
I have some apples. |
There is some rice left. |
more |
Can you bring more chairs? |
We need more sugar. |
a lot of |
She has a lot of books. |
He drank a lot of milk. |
enough |
Do we have enough plates? |
There isn’t enough time. |
no |
There are no eggs in the fridge. |
There is no information available. |
any |
Did you see any people? |
Do you have any advice? |
most |
Most birds can fly. |
Most of the music was loud. |
lots of |
He has lots of friends. |
There is lots of food left. |
less |
(No se usa con sustantivos contables) |
Drink less coffee. |
📌 Errores comunes:
❌ I have much apples. → (Incorrecto, porque "apples" es contable)
✅ I have many apples.
❌ There are less books. → (Incorrecto, porque "books" es contable)
✅ There are fewer books.

Cuantificadores Solo para Sustantivos Contables
Algunos cuantificadores solo pueden usarse con sustantivos contables.
Cuantificador |
Ejemplo |
(not) many |
I don’t have many pencils. |
each |
Each student got a book. |
either |
You can take either chair. |
(a) few |
I have a few ideas. |
several |
She has several pets. |
both |
Both phones are broken. |
neither |
Neither answer is correct. |
fewer |
Fewer cars are on the road today. |
a couple of |
I’ll be there in a couple of minutes. |
hundreds of |
There were hundreds of people at the event. |
thousands of |
Thousands of fans came to the concert. |
📌 Errores comunes:
❌ I have much friends. → (Incorrecto, "friends" es contable)
✅ I have many friends.
❌ She has fewer money. → (Incorrecto, "money" es incontable)
✅ She has less money.
Cuantificadores Solo para Sustantivos Incontables
Algunos cuantificadores solo pueden usarse con sustantivos incontables.
Cuantificador |
Ejemplo |
(not) much |
There isn’t much sugar left. |
a bit of |
Could you add a bit of salt? |
a little |
I have a little time to help. |
a great deal of |
She has a great deal of patience. |
a good deal of |
He spent a good deal of money. |
📌 Errores comunes:
❌ There isn’t many water. → (Incorrecto, "water" es incontable)
✅ There isn’t much water.
❌ Can I have few rice? → (Incorrecto, "rice" es incontable)
✅ Can I have a little rice?
Cuantificadores para Grupos y Grupos Específicos
Cuando hablamos de un grupo general, podemos usar un cuantificador seguido de un sustantivo:
✔ Few snakes are dangerous.
✔ Most children love ice cream.
✔ I never have enough time.
Pero cuando hablamos de un grupo específico, agregamos "of the":
✔ Few of the snakes in this zoo are dangerous.
✔ Most of the students in my class passed the test.
✔ He spent all (of) the money I gave him.
📌 Regla especial: Con "all" y "both", "of" es opcional:
✅ Both the chairs are broken. = ✅ Both of the chairs are broken.
Both, Either y Neither
Estos cuantificadores solo se usan para dos elementos.
Expresión |
Ejemplo |
both |
Both hotels were expensive. (Se refiere a dos) |
either |
You can choose either dress. (Uno u otro) |
neither |
Neither of the answers was correct. (Ni uno ni otro) |
💡 Consejo gramatical:
✔ "Both" usa un verbo en plural (Both hotels are nice.).
✔ "Either" y "neither" usan un verbo en singular (Neither answer is correct.).
Every y Each
"Every" y "Each" significan "todos", pero se usan con sustantivos en singular.
✔ Every shop was closed. (Means all shops)
✔Each student received a certificate. (Focuses on individuals)
También usamos "every" para hablar de frecuencia de tiempo:
✔ We go on vacation every summer.
✔ I take a walk every morning.
📌 Error común:
❌ The every student got a gift. (Incorrecto, no se usa "the" antes de "every")
✅ Every student got a gift.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre "few" y "a few"?
✔ "Few" significa casi ninguno → Few people came to the party. (Casi nadie vino).
✔ "A few" significa algunos, pero no muchos → A few people came to the party. (Algunas personas vinieron).
¿Cuándo usamos "some" y "any"?
✔ "Some" se usa en oraciones afirmativas: I have some cookies.
✔ "Any" se usa en preguntas y oraciones negativas:
✔ Do you have any cookies?
✔ I don’t have any cookies.
¿Se usa "less" con sustantivos contables?
❌ No.
✔ "Less" se usa con sustantivos incontables (less water).
✔ "Fewer" se usa con sustantivos contables (fewer bottles).
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre "each" y "every"?
✔ "Each" se enfoca en los elementos individuales (Each child got a toy.).
✔ "Every" se refiere al grupo como un todo (Every child got a toy.).
¿Se puede usar "both" con más de dos elementos?
❌ No. "Both" solo se usa para dos cosas.
✔ Usa "all" para más de dos elementos:
✅ Both cars are red. (Dos autos)
✅ All cars are red. (Más de dos autos)