Sustantivos plurales irregulares en inglés
Table of Contents
Ejercicios de Sustantivos Irregulares en Plural
Estos ejercicios se enfocan en los sustantivos irregulares en plural.
¿Qué son los sustantivos irregulares en plural?
Los sustantivos irregulares en plural son palabras que cambian de forma cuando se convierten en plural. A diferencia de los sustantivos regulares, no puedes simplemente agregar -s o -es. En su lugar, la palabra cambia de manera única o incluso puede mantenerse igual.
Por ejemplo:
Child → Children
Foot → Feet
Deer → Deer (sin cambio)

Lista de los 100 sustantivos irregulares más comunes en inglés
Aquí tienes una tabla con algunos de los sustantivos irregulares más usados:
Palabra |
Forma Plural |
Ejemplo |
Addendum |
Addenda, Addendums |
The document has two important addenda. |
Aircraft |
Aircraft |
The hangar is full of military aircraft. |
Alumna |
Alumnae |
The alumnae of the university gathered for an event. |
Alumnus |
Alumni |
Many alumni attended the school’s anniversary. |
Analysis |
Analyses |
His analyses of the data were very detailed. |
Antenna |
Antennae, Antennas |
The car has two antennas for better reception. |
Antithesis |
Antitheses |
The two ideas are direct antitheses of each other. |
Apex |
Apices, Apexes |
They reached the apices of the mountain. |
Appendix |
Appendices, Appendixes |
The book includes several appendices. |
Axis |
Axes |
The Earth rotates on its axes. |
Bacterium |
Bacteria |
Some bacteria are beneficial to humans. |
Basis |
Bases |
The team worked from strong theoretical bases. |
Bison |
Bison |
A herd of bison grazed in the field. |
Bureau |
Bureaux, Bureaus |
The government established new bureaux for efficiency. |
Cactus |
Cacti, Cactuses |
Cacti thrive in arid environments. |
Child |
Children |
The children are playing soccer in the yard. |
Codex |
Codices |
Ancient codices were stored in the library. |
Concerto |
Concerti, Concertos |
The orchestra performed several famous concertos. |
Corpus |
Corpora |
The corpora of ancient texts were digitized. |
Crisis |
Crises |
Several crises arose during the project’s timeline. |
Criterion |
Criteria, Criterions |
The criteria for the award were very strict. |
Datum |
Data |
The data shows a significant increase in sales. |
Deer |
Deer, Deers |
A group of deer was seen near the forest. |
Diagnosis |
Diagnoses |
The doctor provided several diagnoses for the symptoms. |
Die |
Dice, Dies |
He rolled the dice to start the game. |
Dwarf |
Dwarves, Dwarfs |
The fantasy story featured a clan of dwarves. |
Foot |
Feet |
His feet were tired after walking all day. |
Formula |
Formulae, Formulas |
The scientist explained the formulae for the experiment. |
Fungus |
Fungi, Funguses |
Fungi grow in damp and dark environments. |
Goose |
Geese |
A flock of geese flew across the sky. |
Index |
Indices, Indexes |
The book includes both subject and author indices. |
Larva |
Larvae, Larvas |
Larvae eventually turn into butterflies. |
Loaf |
Loaves |
He bought two loaves of bread from the bakery. |
Man |
Men |
The men worked together on the project. |
Medium |
Media, Mediums |
Digital media have transformed how we communicate. |
Memorandum |
Memoranda, Memorandums |
The manager distributed memoranda to the team. |
Mouse |
Mice |
The mice nibbled on the crumbs under the table. |
Oasis |
Oases |
The travelers rested at several oases along the route. |
Offspring |
Offspring, Offsprings |
The animal’s offspring were healthy and strong. |
Ox |
Oxen, Ox |
The farmer used two oxen to pull the plow. |
Phenomenon |
Phenomena, Phenomenons |
Natural phenomena like auroras are fascinating. |
Quiz |
Quizzes |
We had to take two quizzes this week. |
Radius |
Radii, Radiuses |
The circle’s radii were measured accurately. |
Referendum |
Referenda, Referendums |
Two referenda were held to decide the issue. |
Salmon |
Salmon, Salmons |
He caught three large salmon in the river. |
Self |
Selves |
They learned to express their true selves. |
Series |
Series |
The TV series was very popular among young people. |
Sheep |
Sheep |
The shepherd watched over his sheep carefully. |
Shrimp |
Shrimp, Shrimps |
We ordered a plate of shrimp for dinner. |
Species |
Species |
This species of bird is endangered. |
Stimulus |
Stimuli |
Bright lights can serve as stimuli for certain reactions. |
Thesis |
Theses |
The graduate students presented their theses. |
Tooth |
Teeth |
Her teeth are perfectly straight after braces. |
Woman |
Women |
The women in the community worked together to organize the event. |
Reglas para los sustantivos irregulares en plural
Aquí hay algunos patrones comunes:
Sustantivo Singular |
Sustantivo Plural |
Regla |
Child |
Children |
Cambia completamente la palabra |
Man |
Men |
Cambia el sonido de la vocal (a → e) |
Tooth |
Teeth |
Cambia la vocal (oo → ee) |
Sheep |
Sheep |
No cambia |
Cactus |
Cacti |
Cambia la terminación (-us → -i) |
Person |
People |
Forma plural completamente diferente |
Errores comunes con los sustantivos irregulares en plural
🚫 Agregar -s a los sustantivos irregulares
❌ Childs en lugar de Children
🚫 Usar la forma plural incorrecta
❌ Mans en lugar de Men
🚫 Olvidar que algunos sustantivos no cambian
❌ Sheeps en lugar de Sheep
¿Qué son los sustantivos irregulares en plural?
Son sustantivos que no siguen la regla común de agregar -s o -es para formar el plural. En su lugar, cambian de forma o permanecen igual.
¿Cómo puedo recordar los sustantivos irregulares?
Es importante practicarlos con frecuencia, usar tarjetas de memoria y aprender los patrones más comunes.
¿Existen reglas fáciles para los sustantivos irregulares?
No hay una sola regla que aplique a todos, pero algunos patrones (como man → men) pueden ayudar a recordarlos.
¿Por qué algunos sustantivos no cambian en plural?
Palabras como sheep o deer provienen del inglés antiguo y nunca han cambiado de forma en plural.
¿Son comunes los sustantivos irregulares?
Sí, son muy comunes en el inglés cotidiano, por lo que aprenderlos es fundamental para mejorar la fluidez en el idioma.