Posts about language schools and language learning
Former and Latter
Latter and former are antonyms. If you say you like two things, x and y, then you can say 'the latter is better than the former" meaning y is better than x. Former means the first thing, latter means the second thing.
Advice vs Advise
“Advice” is a noun. “Advise” is a verb.
Autumn vs Fall
"Fall" is no longer used in Britain, but is the predominant form in the U.S. Americans may find “autumn”more poetic and evocative.
Are Season Names Capitalized?
Spring, summer, autumn and winter don’t get capitalized unless they start a sentence.
Biweekly vs Bimonthly
TLDR: Biweekly can mean either twice a week or once every two weeks. Similarly, bimonthly can mean either twice a month or once every two months.
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