Updated on March 13, 2025
by PushtoLearn
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Plural of Hypothesis

The plural of hypothesis is hypotheses. Many English learners struggle with words that end in -is, like hypothesis, because their plural forms follow a different rule. Instead of adding -s or -es, these words often change to -es with an -i before it.


Singular and Plural Forms





The -is at the end of hypothesis changes to -es in the plural form.

Confusing Plural Forms Exercise

This exercise focuses on confusing plural forms, including Hypothesis.

Illustration of Plural of Hypothesis

How to Use "Hypothesis" in Sentences

Singular Example:

✅ The scientist tested a new hypothesis.
✅ My hypothesis is that plants grow faster with sunlight.

Plural Example:

✅ The researchers developed several hypotheses.
✅ Different hypotheses explain the same phenomenon.

Since hypothesis is a countable noun, remember to use a/an for singular and some/many for plural.

Common Mistakes

❌ "Hypothesises" (Incorrect) – The correct plural is hypotheses.
❌ "An hypothesis are correct." (Incorrect) – "A hypothesis is correct."
❌ "One hypothese" (Incorrect) – The singular is still hypothesis.

When to Use "Hypothesis"

  1. In Science – "Her hypothesis was tested in the lab."

  2. In Research – "Many hypotheses were proposed in the study."

  3. In Everyday Thinking – "My hypothesis is that she forgot her phone."


What is the plural form of hypothesis?

The plural of hypothesis is hypotheses.

How do you pronounce "hypotheses"?

It's pronounced /haɪˈpɒθ.ə.siːz/ (high-POTH-uh-seez).

Do we say "this hypothesis is" or "these hypothesis are"?

  • Singular: "This hypothesis is correct."

  • Plural: "These hypotheses are important."

What is the singular form of hypotheses?

The singular form is hypothesis.

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