Updated on March 09, 2025
by PushtoLearn
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Argumentative Essay Topics

An argumentative essay is a type of writing where the writer presents an opinion and supports it with evidence. It also includes counterarguments to show different perspectives. This guide offers some great topics for argumentative essays.

100 Argumentative Essay Topics by Subject


  1. Should college education be free?

  2. Are standardized tests effective in evaluating students?

  3. Should homework be banned in schools?

  4. Is homeschooling beneficial compared to traditional schooling?

  5. Should schools implement mandatory uniforms?

  6. Should schools teach comprehensive sex education?

  7. Are online classes as effective as traditional classes?

  8. Should universities eliminate entrance exams?

  9. Should schools provide mental health services?

  10. Is grading an outdated method of assessing students?


  1. Has social media improved human communication?

  2. Should artificial intelligence replace human labor?

  3. Are smartphones causing mental health issues?

  4. Should online privacy be considered a fundamental right?

  5. Is technology making humans less intelligent?

  6. Should autonomous vehicles replace human-driven cars?

  7. Should governments regulate the use of drones?

  8. Is internet censorship necessary for public safety?

  9. Does technology promote laziness?

  10. Should genetic engineering be permitted in humans?


  1. Should vaccinations be mandatory?

  2. Should euthanasia be legalized globally?

  3. Is healthcare a universal human right?

  4. Are GMOs safe for consumption?

  5. Should sugary drinks be taxed to reduce obesity?

  6. Is veganism beneficial for health?

  7. Should cosmetic surgery be regulated more strictly?

  8. Is obesity a disease or a personal responsibility?

  9. Should mental health treatments be more accessible?

  10. Should smoking be banned completely?


  1. Should governments ban plastic bags entirely?

  2. Is climate change the greatest threat facing humanity?

  3. Should animal testing be banned worldwide?

  4. Is nuclear energy a safe alternative to fossil fuels?

  5. Should hunting be outlawed globally?

  6. Are electric vehicles truly environmentally friendly?

  7. Should countries be fined for excessive pollution?

  8. Is recycling effective at reducing waste?

  9. Should fracking be banned?

  10. Should zoos be banned due to ethical concerns?

Politics and Government

  1. Should voting be compulsory?

  2. Is democracy the best political system?

  3. Should the death penalty be abolished globally?

  4. Are surveillance programs justified for national security?

  5. Should marijuana be legalized globally?

  6. Is nationalism harmful?

  7. Should governments control misinformation on the internet?

  8. Should refugees have unrestricted entry to countries?

  9. Should governments provide a universal basic income?

  10. Is censorship justified in wartime?


  1. Is capitalism more effective than socialism?

  2. Should the minimum wage be increased significantly?

  3. Should governments regulate cryptocurrency?

  4. Does globalization benefit developing countries?

  5. Should corporations pay higher taxes?

  6. Should student loan debt be forgiven?

  7. Is free trade beneficial to all countries?

  8. Should billionaires be taxed heavily?

  9. Should unpaid internships be banned?

  10. Is economic growth harmful to the environment?

Ethics and Morality

  1. Is the death penalty ethically justified?

  2. Should human cloning be allowed?

  3. Should abortion rights be protected?

  4. Are lie-detector tests ethical?

  5. Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?

  6. Is torture ever justifiable?

  7. Should animals have the same rights as humans?

  8. Is it ethical to eat animals?

  9. Should violent video games be banned?

  10. Are beauty pageants exploitative?

Society and Culture

  1. Does feminism benefit society?

  2. Should cultural appropriation be considered offensive?

  3. Does the media reinforce gender stereotypes?

  4. Should hate speech be criminalized?

  5. Is immigration beneficial to society?

  6. Does reality TV have a negative influence?

  7. Should social media influencers be regulated?

  8. Is cancel culture harmful?

  9. Should historical monuments associated with controversial figures be removed?

  10. Are traditional gender roles outdated?


  1. Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?

  2. Should college athletes be paid?

  3. Is cheerleading a sport?

  4. Should violent sports (e.g., boxing, MMA) be banned?

  5. Should transgender athletes compete according to their gender identity?

  6. Is the Olympic Games beneficial to host countries?

  7. Should sports betting be legal everywhere?

  8. Are professional athletes overpaid?

  9. Should athletes be role models?

  10. Should esports be recognized as official sports?

Law and Justice

  1. Should juveniles be tried as adults for serious crimes?

  2. Should the age of criminal responsibility be lowered?

  3. Should prisons focus more on rehabilitation than punishment?

  4. Is solitary confinement ethical?

  5. Should gun control laws be stricter?

  6. Should police officers wear body cameras at all times?

  7. Is plea bargaining fair?

  8. Should hate crimes carry harsher punishments?

  9. Should cyberbullying be criminalized?

  10. Is surveillance infringing on personal privacy?

Argumentative Essay Topics by Skill Level


🟢 Beginner (Easy)

🟡 Intermediate (Medium)

🔴 Advanced (Difficult)


Should pets be allowed in schools?

Should cell phones be banned in middle schools?

Is multiculturalism beneficial or harmful to society?


Are cartoons beneficial for children?

Is homework harmful or helpful?

Does democracy promote inequality?


Should junk food be banned in schools?

Is social media harmful to teenagers?

Should free speech have any limits?


Should children be paid for chores?

Should athletes be role models?

Is space exploration a waste of resources?


Are video games good or bad for kids?

Should plastic bottles be banned globally?

Should genetic modification in humans be allowed?


Should students wear uniforms?

Is tourism beneficial or harmful?

Can war ever be justified?


Are zoos helpful or harmful to animals?

Should teenagers have part-time jobs?

Is nationalism beneficial or harmful?


Should all students learn another language?

Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

Is colonizing Mars ethical or necessary?


Is reading books better than watching TV?

Should unpaid internships be banned?

Should artificial intelligence have human rights?


Should the school day be shorter?

Should school exams be abolished?

Is capitalism inherently exploitative?


Should sports participation be mandatory?

Should people be fined for littering?

Should governments regulate cryptocurrency?


Is online learning better than classroom learning?

Should schools allow controversial books in libraries?

Are economic sanctions ethical or harmful?


Should recycling be mandatory everywhere?

Is organic food worth the extra cost?

Should historical injustices be compensated financially?


Should students have longer holidays?

Should schools have cameras in classrooms?

Is religion beneficial or harmful to global peace?


Are superheroes good role models for kids?

Should teachers receive higher pay?

Should reparations for slavery be implemented?


Should schools provide free lunches?

Is reality television harmful to society?

Is nuclear disarmament achievable or unrealistic?


Should birthday parties in schools be banned?

Should animal circuses be banned?

Should universal basic income be implemented worldwide?


Should there be awards for participation?

Should violent sports be banned?

Is mandatory military service ethical?


Is it important for schools to have recess?

Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?

Should intellectual property rights be abolished?


Should schools ban energy drinks?

Should vaccination refusal be criminalized?

Should euthanasia extend to minors with terminal illness?


Should fast-food restaurants serve healthier foods?

Is peer pressure more harmful or beneficial?

Are diplomatic solutions always preferable to war?


Should students choose their subjects?

Should community service be compulsory for students?

Is globalization inevitable or preventable?


Is technology making life easier or harder?

Should advertisements aimed at children be banned?

Should privacy rights be sacrificed for security?


Should homework be optional for young kids?

Should schools offer self-defense classes?

Are intellectual debates on religion productive?


Should children get allowance without chores?

Should smoking outdoors be banned?

Should developed nations assist developing ones?


Should smartphones be allowed at family dinners?

Is vegetarianism better for the environment?

Is censorship of controversial artwork justified?


Should kids' screen time be limited?

Should standardized testing be reduced?

Should affirmative action policies continue?


Is outdoor play better than indoor games?

Should school attendance be voluntary?

Is surveillance capitalism unethical?


Should music lessons be compulsory at schools?

Should energy drinks have age restrictions?

Should assisted reproductive technologies be regulated?


Should bullying be punished by suspension?

Should single-gender schools be encouraged?

Should governments censor misinformation online?


Should every family own a pet?

Should bottled water be banned?

Is democracy effective in dealing with climate change?


Should children be allowed to vote on school matters?

Should teenagers have unrestricted internet access?

Should governments intervene to stop hate speech online?


Are bedtime stories important for children?

Should parents monitor teens' social media?

Is racial profiling ever justified in law enforcement?


Should toys be gender-neutral?

Should video games with violence be banned for minors?

Should monuments of controversial historical figures stay?


Should sports be co-ed in elementary school?

Should the school year be shorter but more intensive?

Is animal experimentation ethical for medical progress?


Should soda be banned from children's diets?

Is graffiti legitimate street art or criminal damage?

Should internet access be considered a basic human right?


Should students rate their teachers?

Should businesses close on weekends?

Is automation a threat or opportunity for society?


Should bedtime be enforced strictly for kids?

Should junk food advertising be banned?

Should cultural appropriation be criminalized?


Should kids have their own smartphones?

Should veganism be promoted in schools?

Is human cloning morally permissible?


Is having a best friend important for kids?

Should the driving age be raised to 18?

Should financial aid be tied to academic performance?


Should kids be taught cooking at school?

Should animal shelters euthanize unadopted animals?

Should cryptocurrencies replace traditional currency?


Is riding a bike better than driving to school?

Should teenagers have curfews?

Should rich countries cancel debts of poor nations?


Should kids help cook meals at home?

Should the school day start later for teens?

Should prostitution be legalized and regulated?


Should classrooms have more technology?

Should PE classes be optional?

Are patents on medicines ethical?


Is family dinner important every day?

Should advertising of alcohol be banned?

Should humans intervene in natural selection?


Should candy be given as a reward in schools?

Should homework grades impact overall grades?

Is the war on drugs effective or harmful?


Should every child learn to swim?

Should athletes undergo mandatory drug testing?

Should the media be regulated during crises?


Should primary schools teach financial education?

Should citizens be required to vote?

Should billionaires exist in society?


Should kids be allowed to pick family vacations?

Should public transport be free?

Should corporate lobbying be banned?


Is it better to be good at sports or good at school?

Should fast fashion be banned?

Should international borders be open to refugees?

Illustration of Argumentative Essay Topics

How to Choose a Good Argumentative Essay Topic?

  1. Pick a topic you care about – Writing is easier when you are passionate about the subject.

  2. Make sure there is enough research available – Check if there are facts and sources to support your argument.

  3. Choose a debatable topic – If everyone agrees on a topic, it is not a good choice for an argumentative essay.

  4. Consider your audience – Think about who will read your essay and how they might react.

  5. Be specific – A narrow topic is better than a broad one because it allows for deep discussion.

Common Mistakes in Argumentative Essays

Even with a great topic, students often make mistakes when writing argumentative essays. Here are some common errors and how to avoid them:


How to Fix It

Weak thesis statement

Clearly state your position in one sentence.

Not enough evidence

Use facts, statistics, and expert opinions.

Ignoring the other side

Address opposing views and refute them.

Too emotional

Use logic and facts instead of personal feelings.

Bad structure

Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

FAQs about Argumentative Essays

What is an argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay is a type of writing where the writer presents an opinion and supports it with evidence. It also includes counterarguments to show different perspectives.

How do I start an argumentative essay?

Start with a strong introduction that includes a hook (an interesting fact or question), background information, and a clear thesis statement.

How long should an argumentative essay be?

The length depends on the assignment, but most essays are 4–5 paragraphs (introduction, 2–3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion).

What is the best way to support my argument?

Use reliable sources like books, research papers, expert opinions, and statistics. Avoid personal opinions without evidence.

How do I write a strong conclusion?

Summarize your main points, restate your thesis in a new way, and give a final thought or call to action.

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