Updated on March 02, 2025
by PushtoLearn
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Fewer vs Less

"Less" is used with uncountable nouns such as "salt," "sand," "water," etc. "Fewer" is used with things that you would count such as "people," "pets," "pens," "pots." In other words, "less" means "a smaller quantity of," while "fewer" means "a smaller number of."

Fewer and Less Exercises 


✔️ Fewer = Countable (books, apples, students)
✔️ Less = Uncountable (water, sugar, time, money)
✔️ Exception: Use less with time, money, and distance.

Illustration of Fewer vs Less

Fewer vs. Less – The Basic Rule


Used With



Countable nouns (things you can count)

There are fewer apples in the basket. 🍏


Uncountable nouns (things you cannot count)

There is less water in the glass. 💧

📌 Tip: If you can count it (1, 2, 3…), use fewer. If you cannot count it, use less.

When to Use "Fewer"

Use fewer with countable nouns (things that have a plural form and can be counted).

✔️ Examples:

  • There are fewer students in the classroom today. (students = countable)

  • I need to eat fewer cookies. (cookies = countable)

  • We have fewer chairs than we need. (chairs = countable)

📌 Quick Test: Can you count it? If yes, use fewer!

When to Use "Less"

Use less with uncountable nouns (things you cannot count individually).

✔️ Examples:

  • There is less sugar in my coffee. (sugar = uncountable)

  • I have less time to study today. (time = uncountable)

  • She drank less milk than her brother. (milk = uncountable)

📌 Tip: If the noun is singular and uncountable, use less.

See also Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Common Exceptions

🚨 "Less" with Time, Money, and Distance
Even though time, money, and distance seem countable, we use "less" with them because they act as uncountable quantities.

✔️ Examples:

  • We have less than 10 minutes left. (time)

  • I spent less than $50 on dinner. (money)

  • It’s less than 5 miles to the city. (distance)

🚨 "Fewer" with Plural Numbers and Items
Even though numbers refer to amounts, they represent countable things, so we use fewer.

✔️ Examples:

  • There were fewer than 50 people at the event. (people = countable)

  • I have fewer than 100 followers on Instagram. (followers = countable)

Common Mistakes with Fewer and Less




With countable nouns

There are less apples in the basket. ❌

There are fewer apples in the basket. ✅

With uncountable nouns

I drink fewer water. ❌

I drink less water. ✅

With time, money, and distance

I have fewer than 5 minutes. ❌

I have less than 5 minutes. ✅

With plural items

There are less cars on the road today. ❌

There are fewer cars on the road today. ✅

📌 Tip: If it’s plural, use fewer. If it’s singular, use less.

FAQ: Common Questions About Fewer vs. Less

Can I use "less" for plural nouns?

➡️ No! Use "fewer" for plural countable nouns.

❌ Less books → ✅ Fewer books

What about "less than 10 items" in supermarkets?

➡️ Technically incorrect! Supermarket signs should say "Fewer than 10 items," but "less" is often used informally.

Is "less people" correct?

➡️ No! "People" is countable, so say "fewer people."

Can I say "fewer money"?

➡️ No! "Money" is uncountable, so say "less money."

What if I’m not sure?

➡️ Ask yourself: Can I count it? If yes, use fewer. If no, use less.

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