Future Simple

Illustration of Future Simple
The Future Simple tense is used to talk about actions or events that will happen in the future. It’s one of the easiest tenses to form because it only requires the word "will" plus the base form of the verb.

Future Simple - Exercises and Quiz

These exercises focus on using Future Simple.


When Do We Use the Future Simple?

  1. To talk about things that will happen in the future (tomorrow, next week, etc.).

Example: I will go to the park tomorrow.

  1. To make promises or offers.

Example: I will help you with your homework.

  1. To make predictions about the future (something you think will happen).

Example: It will rain tomorrow.

  1. For spontaneous decisions (deciding something at the moment).

Example: I’m hungry. I will eat a sandwich.

How to Form the Future Simple

The Future Simple is formed with:

  1. Will +

  2. Base form of the verb.


Example Sentence


I will play soccer.


You will go to school.

He / She / It

He will visit his friend.


We will watch a movie.


They will call tomorrow.

Using "Will" in the Future Simple

  1. Positive Sentences:

    • Subject + will + base verb.

    • Example: They will travel to Paris next week.

  2. Negative Sentences:

    • Subject + will not (or won’t) + base verb.

    • Example: She will not (won’t) come to the party.

    • Short Form (Contraction): Will not = won’t

      • Example: I won’t eat pizza.

  3. Questions:

    • Will + subject + base verb?

    • Example: Will you help me with this project?

    • Short Answer: Yes, I will / No, I won’t.

Examples of Future Simple

Positive Sentence

Negative Sentence


I will call you later.

I won’t call you later.

Will I call you later?

She will study tomorrow.

She won’t study tomorrow.

Will she study tomorrow?

They will visit next week.

They won’t visit next week.

Will they visit next week?

We will have a meeting at 2 PM.

We won’t have a meeting.

Will we have a meeting?

When to Use "Will"

  1. Decisions made at the moment:

    • Example: I’m thirsty. I will drink some water.

  2. Promises:

    • Example: I will help you with your homework.

  3. Predictions about the future:

    • Example: I think it will rain tomorrow.

  4. Offers:

    • Example: Don’t worry, I will take you to the airport.

Time Expressions Used with the Future Simple

We often use the Future Simple with time expressions like:

  • Tomorrow: I will see you tomorrow.

  • Next week / month / year: They will travel to Spain next year.

  • In (an hour, a day, a week): We will leave in an hour.

  • Soon: She will call you soon.

Common Errors and How to Fix Them

  1. Forgetting to use "will":

    • Incorrect: I go to school tomorrow.

    • Correct: I will go to school tomorrow.

  2. Using the wrong verb form:

    • Incorrect: He will goes to the store.

    • Correct: He will go to the store.

  3. Confusing "won’t" with "will":

    • Incorrect: I won’t help you. (when you mean you will help)

    • Correct: I will help you.

Everyday Use of the Future Simple

  • I will cook dinner tonight.

  • She will visit her grandmother this weekend.

  • We won’t be late to the meeting.

  • Will you come to the party?

Practice Sentences

Positive Sentence

Negative Sentence


I will study tomorrow.

I won’t study tomorrow.

Will I study tomorrow?

They will go to the park.

They won’t go to the park.

Will they go to the park?

He will call you later.

He won’t call you later.

Will he call you later?


When do I use the Future Simple?

Use the Future Simple to talk about things that will happen in the future, promises, predictions, and decisions made at the moment. Example: "I will go to the store tomorrow."

How do I form the Future Simple?

Use will + the base form of the verb. Example: "She will study tonight."

How do I make a negative sentence?

Add not after will (or use the contraction won’t). Example: "He won’t come to the party."

How do I ask a question in the Future Simple?

Start with will, then add the subject + base form of the verb. Example: "Will you call me tomorrow?"

What’s the difference between "will" and "won’t"?

Will is used for positive sentences, and won’t (will not) is used for negative sentences. Example: "I will help" vs. "I won’t help."

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