Past Continuous

Illustration of Past Continuous
The Past Continuous Tense is used to talk about actions that were happening at a specific time in the past. It’s often used to describe what was going on when something else happened.

Past Continuous - Exercises and Quiz

These exercises focus on using Past Continuous for actions happening in the past.


When Do We Use the Past Continuous?

  1. For actions that were happening at a specific time in the past:

Example: At 8 PM last night, I was watching TV.

  1. For actions that were interrupted by another action:

Example: I was reading a book when the phone rang.

  1. For two or more actions happening at the same time in the past:

Example: While she was cooking, they were playing outside.

How to Form the Past Continuous

The Past Continuous is formed with:

  1. The past tense of to be (was/were) +

  2. The base verb + -ing.


Past Form of "To Be"

Base Verb + -ing

Example Sentence

I / He / She / It



I was watching TV.

You / We / They



They were playing soccer.

Spelling Rules for Verbs Ending in -ing

  1. For most verbs, just add -ing:

    • read → reading

  2. For verbs ending in -e, drop the -e and add -ing:

    • make → making

  3. For short verbs with a consonant + vowel + consonant, double the last consonant and add -ing:

    • run → running

Negative Sentences in the Past Continuous

To make a negative sentence, add not after was or were.


Positive Sentence

Negative Sentence


I was playing soccer.

I was not playing soccer.


She was reading a book.

She wasn’t reading a book.


We were cooking dinner.

We weren’t cooking dinner.

Short Forms (Contractions):

  • Was not = wasn’t

  • Were not = weren’t


  • He wasn’t working yesterday.

  • They weren’t studying for the test.

Questions in the Past Continuous

To ask a question in the past continuous, switch was/were and the subject.

Positive Sentence

Question Form

I was sleeping at 10 PM.

Was I sleeping at 10 PM?

They were playing soccer.

Were they playing soccer?

She was studying English.

Was she studying English?

Short Answers:

  • Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t.

  • Yes, they were / No, they weren’t.

When to Use the Past Continuous: Examples

  1. Action happening at a specific time in the past:

    • At 6 PM, I was watching TV.

  2. Action interrupted by another action:

    • I was reading when the phone rang.

  3. Two actions happening at the same time:

    • She was cooking while I was studying.

Time Expressions Used with the Past Continuous

We often use the Past Continuous with these time expressions:

  • At [specific time]: At 7 PM, I was eating dinner.

  • While: While he was working, she was sleeping.

  • When: I was driving when it started to rain.

Common Errors and How to Fix Them

  1. Forgetting "was/were":

    • Incorrect: I playing soccer.

    • Correct: I was playing soccer.

  2. Using the wrong form of "to be":

    • Incorrect: They was eating.

    • Correct: They were eating.

  3. Forgetting to add -ing to the main verb:

    • Incorrect: She was cook dinner.

    • Correct: She was cooking dinner.

Everyday Use of the Past Continuous

  • I was studying at 8 PM last night.

  • They were playing in the park when it started raining.

  • We were watching a movie when the lights went out.

Practice Sentences

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

I am playing soccer.

I was playing soccer.

She is reading a book.

She was reading a book.

We are cooking dinner.

We were cooking dinner.

They are watching TV.

They were watching TV.


When do I use the Past Continuous?

Use the Past Continuous to talk about actions that were happening at a specific time in the past or actions that were interrupted by something else. For example: "I was sleeping when the phone rang."

How do I form the Past Continuous?

Use was/were + the verb + -ing. Example: "She was talking."

How do I make a negative sentence?

Add not after was/were. Example: "He was not playing." (short form: "He wasn’t playing.")

How do I ask a question in the Past Continuous?

Switch the subject and was/were. Example: "Were you playing soccer?"

Can I use the Past Continuous with "when" or "while"?

Yes! Use while to talk about two actions happening at the same time (e.g., "I was cooking while she was reading"). Use when to talk about an interruption (e.g., "I was sleeping when the alarm rang").
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