Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Illustration of Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Past Simple talks about actions in the past and Past Continuous talks about ongoing actions in the past.

Past Simple vs Past Continuous - Exercises and Quiz

These exercises focus on using Past Simepl and Past Continuous for actions happening in the past.


Key Differences Between Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Simple

Past Continuous

Describes completed actions in the past.

Describes ongoing actions in the past.

Tells us what happened.

Tells us what was happening at a specific time.

Example: I watched TV yesterday.

Example: I was watching TV at 8 PM yesterday.

When to Use the Past Simple

  1. For actions that happened once and are finished:

    Example: She went to the store.

  2. For actions that happened at a specific time in the past:

    Example: They played soccer last week.

  3. For a sequence of actions in the past:

    Example: I woke up, ate breakfast, and left for school.

When to Use the Past Continuous

  1. For actions that were happening at a specific time in the past:

    Example: At 7 PM, I was studying.

  2. For an action that was interrupted by another action:

    Example: I was cooking when the phone rang.

  3. For two or more actions happening at the same time in the past:

    Example: While they were playing outside, I was reading a book.

How to Form the Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Simple Structure:

  • Subject + verb in past form.

Regular Verbs

Irregular Verbs

I played.

I went.

She worked.

She had.

Past Continuous Structure:

  • Subject + was/were + verb + -ing.


Past Continuous Example


I was reading.


They were playing.

Examples: Past Simple vs. Past Continuous

  1. Completed Action vs. Ongoing Action at a Specific Time:

    • Past Simple: I ate dinner at 6 PM.

    • Past Continuous: I was eating dinner at 6 PM.

  2. Action Happened vs. Interrupted Ongoing Action:

    • Past Simple: I watched TV last night.

    • Past Continuous: I was watching TV when the phone rang.

  3. Two Actions in Sequence vs. Two Actions Happening at the Same Time:

    • Past Simple: I finished my homework and went to bed.

    • Past Continuous: While I was studying, my brother was playing video games.

How to Combine Past Simple and Past Continuous

We often use the Past Continuous to describe what was happening in the background when another action in the Past Simple interrupted it.

Past Continuous (ongoing action) + Past Simple (interrupting action):

    • Example: I was reading a book when my friend called.

    • Example: They were playing soccer when it started to rain.

Common Time Expressions Used with Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Simple

Past Continuous


At [specific time]: At 5 PM, I was eating.

Last night, last week, last month

While: While I was working, he was sleeping.

Two days ago

When: I was walking when it started to rain.

Common Errors and How to Fix Them

  1. Using the wrong tense for interrupted actions:

    • Incorrect: I watched TV when the phone rang.

    • Correct: I was watching TV when the phone rang.

  2. Forgetting to use "was/were" with the Past Continuous:

    • Incorrect: I eating dinner at 6 PM.

    • Correct: I was eating dinner at 6 PM.

  3. Mixing up Past Simple and Past Continuous forms:

    • Incorrect: She was watched a movie.

    • Correct: She was watching a movie.

Practice Sentences

Past Simple

Past Continuous

I played soccer yesterday.

I was playing soccer at 5 PM.

They visited their grandma.

They were visiting their grandma when it started raining.

She went to the store.

She was going to the store when she saw a friend.

We ate dinner at 7 PM.

We were eating dinner when the power went out.


When do I use the Past Simple?

Use the Past Simple to talk about finished actions or things that happened at a specific time in the past. Example: "I ate breakfast this morning."

When do I use the Past Continuous?

Use the Past Continuous to talk about ongoing actions that were happening at a specific time or when something else interrupted them. Example: "I was eating breakfast when the phone rang."

Can I use the Past Simple and Past Continuous together?

Yes! Use the Past Continuous for the ongoing action and the Past Simple for the action that interrupts. Example: "I was walking when it started to rain."

What are the time expressions used with Past Continuous?

Time expressions like while, when, and at [specific time] are often used with the Past Continuous. Example: "She was studying while I was cooking."

How can I practice using these tenses?

Try talking about what you were doing at a specific time in the past and what happened during that time. Example: "At 3 PM, I was reading, and then my friend called."

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