Updated on March 07, 2025
by PushtoLearn
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Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions link an independent clause (a complete sentence) with a dependent clause (a sentence fragment that needs more information).

Conjunctions Exercises

These exercises focus on Conjunctions.

What Is a Subordinating Conjunction?

A subordinating conjunction introduces a dependent clause and connects it to an independent clause.

📌 Key Features:

  • It makes the dependent clause incomplete, meaning it cannot stand alone.

  • It shows a relationship between the two clauses (time, reason, contrast, etc.).

✅ Example:

  • I stayed home because I was feeling sick.

    • "I stayed home" = independent clause (a complete thought).

    • "because I was feeling sick" = dependent clause (it needs the main clause to make sense).

📌 Common Subordinating Conjunctions: because, although, if, since, until, when, while, unless, before, after, so that

Illustration of Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating Conjunctions by Category

Subordinating conjunctions express different types of relationships between clauses.

🔹 Condition (If Something Will Happen)

Subordinating Conjunction

Example Sentence


I’ll help you if you help me in return.


You can’t leave unless you finish your homework.

As long as

You can stay out late as long as you call me.

Provided that

We’ll approve the loan provided that you have a stable income.

Even if

I’ll join you even if I’m tired.

🔹 Time (When Something Happens)

Subordinating Conjunction

Example Sentence


Finish your work before you go out.


I’ll call you after I arrive.


She listens to music while studying.


We haven’t met since last summer.


I waited until the rain stopped.

🔹 Purpose (Why Something Happens)

Subordinating Conjunction

Example Sentence

So that

I explained it clearly so that everyone understood.

In order that

We practice daily in order that we can win the tournament.

🔹 Place (Where Something Happens)

Subordinating Conjunction

Example Sentence


She took me to the café where we first met.


I’ll go wherever you want to go.

🔹 Contrast (Showing Opposite Ideas)

Subordinating Conjunction

Example Sentence


She finished the race although she was exhausted.

Even though

I love the beach even though I don’t like swimming.


This dress is expensive, whereas that one is affordable.


She was tired, while he was full of energy.

🔹 Reason (Why Something Happens)

Subordinating Conjunction

Example Sentence


I’m staying home because it’s raining.


I took the job since I needed money.


He left early as he had an appointment.

🔹 Manner (How Something Happens)

Subordinating Conjunction

Example Sentence

As if

He talks as if he knows everything.

As though

She acted as though she had seen a ghost.

Coordinating vs. Subordinating Conjunctions

It’s important to distinguish subordinating conjunctions from coordinating conjunctions.




Coordinating Conjunction

Connects two independent clauses (equal parts of a sentence)

I was tired, but I kept working.

Subordinating Conjunction

Connects a dependent clause to an independent clause

I left early because I had an appointment.

📌 Remember:

  • Coordinating conjunctions = FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So).

  • Subordinating conjunctions = introduce dependent clauses.

Comma Rules with Subordinating Conjunctions

The placement of commas depends on the position of the subordinating clause in the sentence.

🔹 No Comma (Subordinating Conjunction in the Middle of a Sentence)

✅ I’ll call you when I arrive.
✅ She stayed home because she was sick.

🔹 Comma Required (Subordinating Clause at the Beginning of a Sentence)

✅ When I arrive, I’ll call you.
✅ Because she was sick, she stayed home.

📌 Exception: If "because" is used for emphasis, a comma can be added:
✅ I decided not to go, because I needed rest. (Emphasizing the decision.)

Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

🚫 Using a dependent clause as a complete sentence (sentence fragment)
❌ Because I was tired. (Incomplete sentence)
✅ I left early because I was tired.

🚫 Confusing subordinating and coordinating conjunctions
❌ I love pizza, because it tastes great. (Comma before "because" is unnecessary.)
✅ I love pizza because it tastes great.

🚫 Forgetting the comma when the dependent clause is first
❌ Because I was late I missed the bus.
✅ Because I was late, I missed the bus.

FAQs About Subordinating Conjunctions

What is the purpose of a subordinating conjunction?

It introduces a dependent clause and connects it to an independent clause to show relationships like time, reason, contrast, or condition.

What is the difference between subordinating and coordinating conjunctions?

  • Subordinating conjunctions connect a dependent and an independent clause.

  • Coordinating conjunctions connect two independent clauses.

Can a subordinating conjunction start a sentence?

Yes! When it does, you need a comma after the dependent clause.
✅ "Because it was raining, we stayed inside."

What are the most common subordinating conjunctions?

Some of the most common are: because, although, if, since, while, before, after, unless, until, when, whereas.

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