Updated on February 09, 2025
by PushtoLearn
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Animals That Start with S

Animals that start with the letter "S" are an extraordinary group, ranging from aquatic creatures like squid and salmon to iconic mammals like the Siberian tiger and sloth. Some animal names that start with "S" include salmon, scallop, scorpion, seagull, seal, shark, sheep, sparrow, spider, squirrel, and starfish.

List of Animals That Start with S



Where It Lives

Interesting Fact



Forests, Streams Worldwide

Some salamanders can regenerate lost limbs.



Rivers and Oceans of the Northern Hemisphere

Salmon return to their birthplace to spawn.



Coastal Waters of the Tropics

Sawfish use their saw-like snout to detect and stun prey.



Oceans Worldwide

Scallops have dozens of tiny, light-sensitive eyes.



Deserts, Forests, Grasslands Worldwide

Scorpions glow under ultraviolet light due to a chemical in their exoskeleton.



Coastal Areas Worldwide

Seagulls are highly adaptable and can drink saltwater.



Shallow Oceans Worldwide

Male seahorses carry and birth the young.


Marine Mammal

Oceans and Coastal Waters Worldwide

Seals can hold their breath for up to two hours underwater.



Grasslands of Africa

Servals are excellent hunters, with a 50% hunting success rate.



Oceans Worldwide

Sharks have been around for over 400 million years.



Grasslands Worldwide

Sheep have excellent peripheral vision due to their rectangular pupils.

Shih Tzu

Mammal (Dog)

Domesticated Worldwide

This ancient breed originated in Tibet and was bred as a companion dog.

Siberian Tiger


Forests of Russia and Northeast Asia

The Siberian tiger is the largest big cat species.



Forests and Grasslands of the Americas

Skunks spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism.



Rainforests of Central and South America

Sloths move so slowly that algae grow on their fur.



Gardens, Forests, Oceans Worldwide

Some land snails can hibernate for years in extreme conditions.



Forests, Deserts, Grasslands Worldwide

Snakes can dislocate their jaws to swallow prey larger than their heads.

Snow Leopard


Mountain Ranges of Central Asia

Snow leopards have thick fur and large paws adapted for cold environments.



Forests, Grasslands, Urban Areas Worldwide

Sparrows are social birds, often forming large flocks.



Forests, Deserts, Urban Areas Worldwide

Some spiders can spin webs strong enough to catch small birds.



Forests, Urban Areas Worldwide

Squirrels bury nuts, which often grow into new trees.



Oceans Worldwide

Starfish can regenerate their arms and even their entire body.



Coastal Waters Worldwide

Stingrays use their flat bodies to hide in the sand from predators.



Forests, Grasslands of Europe, Asia, North America

Stoats turn white in winter to blend into snowy environments.



Oceans Worldwide

Squids can propel themselves by jetting water through their siphons.



Lakes, Ponds, Rivers Worldwide

Swans form monogamous bonds that often last a lifetime.

Animals that start with S - Flashcards and Exercise

These exercises focus on Animals that start with S

Illustration of Animals That Start with S


Salamanders are amphibians with remarkable regenerative abilities, capable of regrowing lost limbs, tails, and even parts of their heart or brain. They play an essential role in maintaining healthy ecosystems by controlling insect populations.

Siberian Tiger

The Siberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger, is the largest and one of the most endangered big cat species. These solitary hunters are highly adapted to cold environments, with thick fur and a layer of fat to insulate against harsh winters.


Seahorses are unique among fish due to their upright swimming posture and male pregnancy. The males carry fertilized eggs in a specialized pouch until they hatch, making them extraordinary parents in the animal kingdom.

Snow Leopard

Snow leopards are elusive predators that inhabit the rugged mountains of Central Asia. With their thick, spotted fur and long tails, they are perfectly adapted to blend into their snowy surroundings. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect this endangered species.


Starfish, or sea stars, are echinoderms with remarkable regenerative abilities. If a starfish loses an arm, it can grow a new one. Some species can even regenerate their entire body from a single arm and part of the central disk.

Everyday Use of Animal Names

Some animal names starting with "S" are used metaphorically or in expressions:

  • "Slow as a sloth": Refers to someone or something moving at a very slow pace.

  • "As sly as a snake": Symbolizes cunning or deceitful behavior.

  • "Swim like a fish": Describes someone who is an excellent swimmer.

Common Errors

Spelling Mistakes

  • Incorrect: "Seahorsefish" → Correct: "Seahorse"

  • Incorrect: "Siberain Tiger" → Correct: "Siberian Tiger"

Pronunciation Issues

  • Salamander: Pronounced as (/ˈsæl.əˌmæn.dər/), not "sala-mender."

  • Stoat: Pronounced as (/stoʊt/), not "stote."

Using Articles

  • Incorrect: "I saw skunk in the woods." → Correct: "I saw a skunk in the woods."

  • Incorrect: "Snails is slimy creatures." → Correct: "Snails are slimy creatures."


Why do skunks spray?

Skunks spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism to deter predators. They typically give a warning, such as stomping their feet, before spraying.

Can sloths swim?

Yes, sloths are surprisingly good swimmers and can move faster in water than on land.

Are stingrays dangerous to humans?

Stingrays are generally not aggressive, but they can sting if accidentally stepped on. Shuffling your feet in shallow waters can help avoid this.

How do snow leopards stay warm in freezing climates?

Snow leopards have thick fur, large paws that act as snowshoes, and long, bushy tails that they wrap around their bodies for warmth.

What do seahorses eat?

Seahorses feed on small crustaceans and plankton, sucking them into their mouths with a tube-like snout.

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