BC vs AD vs BCE vs CE
Table of Contents
What Does BC Mean?
"BC" stands for Before Christ and refers to the years before the birth of Jesus Christ.
Used in the Gregorian calendar to denote the time before year 1 AD.
The years count backward. For example, 500 BC is earlier than 100 BC.
➡️ "The Parthenon in Athens was completed in 438 BC."
What Does AD Mean?
"AD" stands for Anno Domini, Latin for "In the Year of Our Lord," referring to the years after the birth of Jesus Christ.
Used in the Gregorian calendar to denote the time after year 1 BC.
The years count forward from 1 AD onward.
➡️ "The fall of the Western Roman Empire occurred in 476 AD."

What Does BCE Mean?
"BCE" stands for Before Common Era and is equivalent to "BC" but without the religious connotation.
Used in academic and secular contexts as an alternative to "BC."
Just like "BC," the years count backward.
➡️ "Stonehenge was built around 2500 BCE."
What Does CE Mean?
"CE" stands for Common Era and is equivalent to "AD," but without the religious connotation.
Used in academic and secular contexts as an alternative to "AD."
The years count forward, just like "AD."
➡️ "The French Revolution began in 1789 CE."
Key Differences
⭐ Religious vs. Secular:
"BC" and "AD" have Christian religious connotations, while "BCE" and "CE" are more neutral, making them preferable in secular and academic contexts.
⭐ Counting:
The numerical values for years are identical in both systems. For example, 500 BC is the same as 500 BCE, and 2024 AD is the same as 2024 CE.
What is the difference between BC and BCE?
"BC" stands for "Before Christ," while "BCE" stands for "Before Common Era." They represent the same years, but "BCE" is used in secular contexts.
What is the difference between AD and CE?
"AD" stands for "Anno Domini" (In the Year of Our Lord), while "CE" stands for "Common Era." They represent the same years, but "CE" is used in secular contexts.
Can I use BC and BCE interchangeably?
Yes, they refer to the same time period, but "BCE" is preferred in secular or non-religious writing.
Is there a year 0 between BC/BCE and AD/CE?
No, there is no year 0. The calendar transitions directly from 1 BC/BCE to 1 AD/CE.
Why do we have BCE and CE?
BCE and CE were introduced to provide a more inclusive and neutral way to refer to historical dates, especially in contexts that are not related to Christianity.