How PushtoLearn helps its customer to test language skills of thousands of employees of the international company
Today we will tell how PushtoLearn helps its customer (language school) to arrange corporate testing of a few thousand employees working for an international brand selling sports goods and accessories.
Task: set up an online testing facility to determine English language level for employees in different CIS countries.
- Testing is provided as a service by the language school with a fixed price for every tested user
- Testing is conducted via a dedicated online platform with user registration
- Language tests should be complex and include different language aspects and skills. Tasks should be variable with different tests available at different times
- Tests should be timed and users should be able to see only general results without a specific breakdown of tasks
- Detailed reports should be provided to this corporate client about their employees
Project runs throughout 2021. As of the moment of writing tests have been taken 4492 times with more than 3900 registered user in 2 months.
We will be happy to help your language school to introduce digital components into your learning process.