Stunning success of Wordle – the first gaming and educational phenomenon of 2022. Tips for language schools

Illustration of Stunning success of Wordle – the first gaming and educational phenomenon of 2022. Tips for language schools
We have analyzed the success story of Wordle and outlined interesting ideas for language schools.

Wordle is the first gaming phenomenon of 2022. This simple game is so engaging that New York Times bought it for a seven-figure sum just three months after its launch.
Josh Wardle programmed the game for his girlfriend, as she was a fan of newspaper crossword puzzles. Reasons for its stunning success? Just do simple things: no ads, no annoying notifications and plain design. To top it all – you can play Wordle only once a day. 

Tip 1. No need to have a standalone mobile app as you can play in your browser

You don’t need to download any app or register your account to play Wordle. It only exists as a website working across all devices. Rules are simple: you have six attempts to guess the word from 5 letters hidden behind white squares.

Squares change colors after every attempt: they turn gray, if the indicated letter is missing, yellow – if letters are placed incorrectly and green if the guess is correct.

The game can be played only once a day. Users need to guess the same word and share their results on social media.

PushtoLearn offers a simple learning tool for language schools which works in all browsers.
Tip 2. Don’t try to monetize everything, but give value to users/students

Wordle doesn’t have an app, doesn’t show ads, doesn’t send push-notifications, doesn’t sell NFT and doesn’t collect personal data of users. “People like things that don’t require anything from them”, – Wordle’s founder told TechCrunch.

The game can be easily copied as it is simple and not trademarked. There were cases when other developers published clones with Apple and Google and tried to charge subscription fees. Having encountered severe criticism from the media, these clones are being removed from App Store and Play Market.
Customers of PushtoLearn provide the platform to their students as a part of the learning process without any additional fees. Everyone is teaching online now, and it has become vital to stand out from others by offering additional value to students.

Tip 3. People still need simple and easy tools for language practice

Simplicity is at the core of Wordle’s success. Simple game mechanics is very sticky and engaging. PushtoLearn has developed nine types of simple vocabulary games for language schools to engage students in additional training activities linked to coursebooks for homework and self-study.

Language practice is like fitness training, where regular and intensive training sessions enable you to achieve results. That’s why our training activities are based on random selection of tasks for users not to memorize the exact succession of tasks, but rather focus on their training drills.

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