Words with Silent Letters in English
Table of Contents
Words with Silent Letters in English Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Words with Silent Letters in English
List of Words With Silent Letters
Silent A
Silent "a" often appears in adverbs ending in -ically, where the letter is not pronounced.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Artistically |
The sculpture was artistically designed. |
/ɑːrˈtɪstɪkli/ |
Romantically |
They danced romantically under the stars. |
/roʊˈmæntɪkli/ |
Logically |
Logically, his argument made perfect sense. |
/ˈlɒdʒɪkli/ |
Musically |
She is musically gifted. |
/ˈmjuːzɪkli/ |
Silent B
Silent "b" usually appears in words ending in -mb or -bt.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Climb |
We decided to climb the mountain. |
/klaɪm/ |
Lamb |
The farmer raised a flock of lambs. |
/læm/ |
Doubt |
I have no doubt about her abilities. |
/daʊt/ |
Comb |
He used a comb to tidy his hair. |
/koʊm/ |
Debt |
She struggled to pay off her debt. |
/dɛt/ |
Thumb |
He accidentally hit his thumb with a hammer. |
/θʌm/ |
Subtle |
Her subtle smile conveyed her gratitude. |
/ˈsʌtl/ |
Numb |
My fingers were numb from the cold. |
/nʌm/ |
Silent C
Silent "c" is found in combinations like sc or cn.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Science |
Science has greatly advanced human progress. |
/ˈsaɪəns/ |
Fascinating |
The book was absolutely fascinating. |
/ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ |
Muscle |
He pulled a muscle during the workout. |
/ˈmʌsl/ |
Scissors |
She used scissors to cut the paper. |
/ˈsɪzərz/ |
Scene |
The opening scene of the movie was gripping. |
/siːn/ |
Crescent |
The moon was a beautiful crescent shape. |
/ˈkrɛznt/ |
Conscience |
Her conscience wouldn’t let her lie. |
/ˈkɒnʃəns/ |
Scenario |
Let’s consider a different scenario. |
/səˈnɛərioʊ/ |
Silent D
Silent "d" is common in words like bridge or Wednesday.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Bridge |
They crossed the bridge to reach the castle. |
/brɪdʒ/ |
Badge |
The officer wore a shiny badge. |
/bædʒ/ |
Hedge |
The garden was surrounded by a tall hedge. |
/hɛdʒ/ |
Edge |
Be careful near the edge of the cliff. |
/ɛdʒ/ |
Handsome |
He is a handsome young man. |
/ˈhændsəm/ |
Sandwich |
She packed a sandwich for lunch. |
/ˈsænwɪtʃ/ |
Wednesday |
The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. |
/ˈwɛnzdeɪ/ |
Fudge |
The dessert was rich with chocolate fudge. |
/fʌdʒ/ |
Silent E
The silent "e" often modifies the pronunciation of the preceding vowel.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Kite |
The kids flew a colorful kite in the park. |
/kaɪt/ |
Love |
They share a deep love for music. |
/lʌv/ |
Debate |
They had a heated debate on the topic. |
/dɪˈbeɪt/ |
Desire |
His desire to learn was evident. |
/dɪˈzaɪər/ |
Name |
Please write your full name on the form. |
/neɪm/ |
Make |
She wants to make a difference in the world. |
/meɪk/ |
Breathe |
Take a moment to breathe deeply. |
/briːð/ |
Please |
Please close the door behind you. |
/pliːz/ |
Silent G
Silent "g" occurs in words with gn or -igh combinations.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Gnome |
A gnome stood in the garden as decoration. |
/noʊm/ |
High |
The kite soared high into the sky. |
/haɪ/ |
Light |
Turn off the light before going to bed. |
/laɪt/ |
Sign |
The sign on the door said “Closed.” |
/saɪn/ |
Resign |
He decided to resign from his position. |
/rɪˈzaɪn/ |
Champagne |
They celebrated with a bottle of champagne. |
/ʃæmˈpeɪn/ |
Benign |
The tumor was thankfully benign. |
/bɪˈnaɪn/ |
Cologne |
He bought a new bottle of cologne. |
/kəˈloʊn/ |
Silent H
The letter "h" is silent in many words, often due to their Greek, French, or Old English origins.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Echo |
His voice created an echo in the empty hall. |
/ˈɛkoʊ/ |
Ache |
She felt an ache in her lower back. |
/eɪk/ |
Monarch |
The monarch ruled for over 50 years. |
/ˈmɑːnərk/ |
Ghost |
Many believe the old house is haunted by a ghost. |
/ɡoʊst/ |
School |
She attends a prestigious school. |
/skuːl/ |
Hour |
It will take an hour to complete the task. |
/aʊr/ |
Honest |
He’s always been honest with his opinions. |
/ˈɒnɪst/ |
Character |
The main character was deeply flawed. |
/ˈkærɪktər/ |
Silent I
Silent "i" is rare but appears in some commonly used words.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Business |
Running a business requires dedication. |
/ˈbɪznɪs/ |
Silent J
Silent "j" is found in some borrowed words, primarily from Spanish.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Marijuana |
The use of marijuana is legal in some states. |
/ˌmærɪˈwɑːnə/ |
Silent K
The letter "k" is silent in words beginning with kn.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Knife |
Be careful when using a sharp knife. |
/naɪf/ |
Knit |
She learned to knit scarves during the winter. |
/nɪt/ |
Knot |
He tied a secure knot in the rope. |
/nɒt/ |
Know |
Do you know the answer to the question? |
/noʊ/ |
Knowledge |
Acquiring knowledge is a lifelong pursuit. |
/ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ |
Knight |
The knight fought bravely in battle. |
/naɪt/ |
Knuckle |
He scraped his knuckle on the rough surface. |
/ˈnʌkəl/ |
Knee |
He fell and hurt his knee while running. |
/niː/ |
Silent L
Silent "l" is common in words with -alk, -alm, or -ould combinations.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Salmon |
They served grilled salmon for dinner. |
/ˈsæmən/ |
Almond |
She prefers almond milk to regular milk. |
/ˈɑːmənd/ |
Talk |
Let’s talk about the project later. |
/tɔːk/ |
Should |
You should study more for the exam. |
/ʃʊd/ |
Would |
He would like to visit Paris someday. |
/wʊd/ |
Walk |
They went for a walk in the park. |
/wɔːk/ |
Half |
She ate only half of the pizza. |
/hæf/ |
Calm |
Try to stay calm in stressful situations. |
/kɑːm/ |
Silent M
Silent "m" appears in rare words of Greek origin.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Mnemonic |
Use a mnemonic to remember the formula. |
/nɪˈmɒnɪk/ |
Silent N
The letter "n" is often silent when preceded by m at the end of a word.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Autumn |
The leaves change color in autumn. |
/ˈɔːtəm/ |
Column |
Each column in the spreadsheet contains data. |
/ˈkɒləm/ |
Condemn |
They will condemn any act of violence. |
/kənˈdɛm/ |
Solemn |
The ceremony was a solemn occasion. |
/ˈsɒləm/ |
Hymn |
The choir sang a beautiful hymn. |
/hɪm/ |
Damn |
He muttered a soft damn under his breath. |
/dæm/ |
Silent O
Silent "o" is rare and mostly found in unique words.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Colonel |
The colonel inspected the troops. |
/ˈkɜːrnəl/ |
Silent P
The letter "p" is silent in many scientific or medical terms.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Psychology |
She’s studying psychology at university. |
/saɪˈkɒlədʒi/ |
Raspberry |
He picked a fresh raspberry from the bush. |
/ˈræzˌbɛri/ |
Receipt |
Keep the receipt for proof of purchase. |
/rɪˈsiːt/ |
Cupboard |
The cups are stored in the cupboard. |
/ˈkʌbərd/ |
Pneumonia |
He was hospitalized with pneumonia. |
/njuːˈmoʊniə/ |
Pseudonym |
The author wrote under a pseudonym. |
/ˈsuːdənɪm/ |
Silent Q
Silent "q" is rare and mainly found in words borrowed from French.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Lacquer |
She applied a shiny coat of lacquer to the wood. |
/ˈlækər/ |
Silent R
The letter "r" is silent in non-rhotic accents (e.g., British English) when it follows a vowel and is not followed by another vowel.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Iron |
He pressed his shirt with an iron. |
/ˈaɪən/ |
Silent S
Silent "s" is common in French-derived words.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Aisle |
She walked down the aisle during the ceremony. |
/aɪl/ |
Island |
They vacationed on a remote tropical island. |
/ˈaɪlənd/ |
Viscount |
The viscount inherited a vast estate. |
/ˈvaɪkaʊnt/ |
Debris |
The earthquake left a trail of debris. |
/dəˈbriː/ |
Bourgeois |
His family has a bourgeois lifestyle. |
/ˈbʊrʒwɑː/ |
Silent T
Silent "t" often appears in words with -stle, -ten, or -tch combinations.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Castle |
They explored an ancient castle in Scotland. |
/ˈkæsl/ |
Listen |
Please listen carefully to the instructions. |
/ˈlɪsən/ |
Mortgage |
She applied for a mortgage to buy a house. |
/ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ/ |
Watch |
Don’t forget to watch the sunset. |
/wɒtʃ/ |
Christmas |
They decorated the tree for Christmas. |
/ˈkrɪsməs/ |
Whistle |
He gave a loud whistle to call the dog. |
/ˈwɪsl/ |
Fasten |
Please fasten your seatbelt before takeoff. |
/ˈfɑːsən/ |
Silent U
Silent "u" often appears in words with gu or gue combinations.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Baguette |
He bought a fresh baguette from the bakery. |
/bæˈɡɛt/ |
Guess |
Can you guess the correct answer? |
/ɡɛs/ |
Guitar |
He plays the guitar beautifully. |
/ɡɪˈtɑːr/ |
Guilty |
She felt guilty about forgetting his birthday. |
/ˈɡɪlti/ |
Guide |
The guide led them through the museum. |
/ɡaɪd/ |
Tongue |
The cat licked her hand with its rough tongue. |
/tʌŋ/ |
Colleague |
She had a meeting with a colleague this morning. |
/ˈkɒliːɡ/ |
Silent W
The letter "w" is often silent in words beginning with wr or in some specific contexts.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Wrong |
You took the wrong turn on the highway. |
/rɒŋ/ |
Sword |
The knight drew his sword during the battle. |
/sɔːrd/ |
While |
While waiting, she read a book. |
/waɪl/ |
Write |
Please write your name clearly. |
/raɪt/ |
Two |
She bought two tickets for the show. |
/tuː/ |
Wrist |
He wore a watch on his left wrist. |
/rɪst/ |
Wrapper |
The candy wrapper was thrown in the bin. |
/ˈræpər/ |
Silent X
Silent "x" is primarily found in words borrowed from French.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Faux |
She wore a faux fur coat to the party. |
/foʊ/ |
Silent Y
Silent "y" appears in certain words where it doesn’t contribute to pronunciation.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Prayer |
She said a quiet prayer before dinner. |
/prɛər/ |
Silent Z
Silent "z" occurs in French-derived words, often in formal contexts.
Word |
Example Sentence |
Transcription |
Laissez-faire |
The government adopted a laissez-faire policy. |
/ˌleɪseɪˈfɛər/ |
Rendezvous |
They arranged a rendezvous at the café. |
/ˈrɒndeɪvuː/ |

Why Are There Silent Letters?
Silent letters have historical roots. English spelling often reflects how words were pronounced centuries ago. As pronunciation evolved, many sounds became silent, but the spellings remained unchanged. Silent letters also exist due to the influence of other languages, like French, Latin, and Greek, which contributed to the development of English vocabulary.
Types of Silent Letters in English
Auxiliary Silent Letters: Affect the pronunciation of adjacent letters (e.g., make, breathe).
Dummy Silent Letters: Have no phonetic function but remain in the spelling (e.g., knife, island).
Common Mistakes
Pronouncing Silent Letters:
Mistake: Pronouncing the "k" in knife.
Correction: The correct pronunciation is /naɪf/.
Spelling Errors:
Mistake: Writing lamb as lam.
Correction: Keep the silent "b" in lamb.
Confusing Words with Similar Spellings:
Mistake: Mixing up write and right.
Correction: Use context to choose the correct word.
Ignoring Silent Letters in Writing:
Mistake: Spelling doubt as dout.
Correction: Include the silent "b" in doubt.
Overpronouncing Silent Letters:
Mistake: Pronouncing the "p" in psychology.
Correction: The correct pronunciation is /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/.
Why does English have so many silent letters?
Silent letters exist due to historical spelling conventions and the influence of other languages like French, Latin, and Greek.
Which silent letters are the most common?
The most common silent letters are b, k, w, and e in words like comb, knife, write, and name.
How can I remember words with silent letters?
Practice frequently, use flashcards, and focus on common patterns like kn- for silent "k" or -mb for silent "b".
Do silent letters affect pronunciation?
Yes, silent letters often modify the pronunciation of adjacent vowels or consonants, such as the silent "e" in make, which lengthens the "a" sound.
Are there exceptions to silent letter rules?
Some regional accents may pronounce certain letters that are silent in standard English, but these instances are rare.