Updated on February 23, 2025
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Unit 8 - Brain Games

This unit offers vocabulary items and exercises for Unit 8, Straight to First.

Unit 8, Straight to First Exercises and Flashcards

These exercises focus on Unit 8, Straight to First

Wordlist for Unit 8, Straight to First





often unable to remember things

I'm getting more and more forgetful as I get older

from memory

to do something based on what you remember or have learned in the past

Can you write down five people's phone numbers from memory?

have a good memory for facts and figures

to have the ability to remember pieces of information well

Sophie has a good memory for facts and figures

keep forgetting

to continually not remember

I keep forgetting to post this letter

learn by heart

to memorise; to learn something so well that you can write or recite it without thinking

She learned the lyrics by heart


worth remembering or easy to remember, because of being special in some way

The concert was a very memorable experience


to learn something so that you remember it perfectly

Sara is able to memorise large amounts of information

remember names and faces

to have the ability to not forget people's names or people you've seen before

I am terrible at remembering names and faces

remind you of sbdy

to make you think of someone because of being very similar to them

He really reminds me of my brother


something that is unforgettable will be remembered for a very long time

The trip was an unforgettable experience


feeling impatient or dissatisfied, because you are not interested in something or because you have nothing to do

I was so bored in the lecture –  I thought it would never end


if you are depressed, you feel very unhappy because of a difficult or unpleasant situation that you feel you cannot change

Rainy days make me feel depressed


relating to feelings and the way that they affect your life

I felt very emotional at my graduation ceremony


happy and satisfied

Thomas was pleased with his score on the test


unhappy because you are thinking about your problems or about bad things that could happen

Everyone was very worried when Juan didn't show up


behaving in an angry or rude way that shows you want to fight, attack, or argue with someone

Jorge can be vey confrontational and aggressive


attempting to get other people's attention, especially by behaving badly or in a very noticeable way

She never used to be so attention-seeking and spoilt


a modest person does not like to talk about themselves, their achievements, or their abilities, even if they are successful

Peter is very modest about his extraordinary achievements


likely to become unhappy or angry for no particular reason

Lack of sleep is making Sheila really moody


rarely showing or experiencing excitement or anger

Sonia was a very placid baby


someone who is polite behaves towards other people in a pleasant way that follows all the usual rules of society

The receptionist was polite but not very friendly


opposing authority or accepted ways of doing things

Ben has never been very rebellious, he's always done what he's told


feeling or showing respect

Farah is very respectful of her grandparents


shy and nervous

We need to encourage Matthew to be less timid


someone who is vain is very proud and thinks they are very attractive or special

She's so vain she's constantly taking selfies


abstract ideas exist as thoughts in the mind, and are not related to physical objects or real events and actions

His painting are very abstract so not everyone understands them


a woman who performs in ballets, especially as her job

The ballerina danced beautifully


a type of dancing used for telling a story, with complicated movements that need great skill and a lot of training

His dream had been to study ballet


a book that many people buy

The Fault in our Stars was a best-seller


a book that someone writes about someone else's life

The biography tells the story of how Tom Cruise became a star


a humorous drawing in a magazine or newspaper, often with words written below

There was a very funny satirical cartoon in The Daily Timesthe other day


a group of singers who perform together, for example in a church or school

Alison sings in the school choir


someone whose job is to plan the movements that dancers perform on stage

He is a choreographer for Broadway shows


relating to music written according to standard European forms or structures by people such as Mozart and Beethoven

When I'm trying to relax I listen to classical music


a magazine for children that contains stories told in a series of drawings

The Amazing Spiderman was the first comic I ever bought


someone who writes music, especially classical music

He is one of the most famous composers of our time

concert hall

a large building where people go to listen to concerts

I prefer to listen to music in small venues rather than in a great big concert hall


a public show where art or other interesting things are put so that people can go and look at them

There is an exhibition of paintings by Matisse at the gallery


objects that are part of an exhibition

There are many intersting exhibits at the British Museum


a public building where you can look at paintings and other works of art

The gallery on main street only has modern works of art


words or pictures drawn on walls in public places

Some people think graffiti is vandalism but I think it's art


pictures produced by computers

The video game's graphics were stunning

graphic novel

a novel that uses drawings to tell the story

Andy loves to collect graphic novels


a type of music that developed among African-American musicians using rap and samples that are repeated and combined with musical instruments

Hip-Hop is one of the most popular types of music in our country


an object such as a piano, guitar, or drum that you use for playing music

I wish I had learned to play a musical instrument when I was younger


a type of music that developed in the late 19th century in which there is a strong lively beat and the players often improvise

The one type of music I can't stand is jazz

lead singer

the main person in a music group who sings

Rafael is the lead singer of the band


the words of a song

The singer forgot the lyrics halfway through the song


someone who performs or writes music, especially as their job

She is an extremely accomplished musician


a long written story about imaginary or partly imaginary characters and events

J K Rowling's first novel was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


someone who writes novels

Tina is an award-winning novelist


a type of play performed by singers and an orchestra

We usually go to the opera once or twice a year


a large group of musicians using many different instruments to play mostly classical music. The person in charge of an orchestra is its conductor

Vanesssa is a violinist in a famous orchestra


a picture made using paint

The Mona Lisa is probably the most famous painting in the world


a book with a cover made of thick paper

I usually buy paperback books as they're cheaper than hardbacks


the act of performing a play, dance, or other form of entertainment

The college drama society will give a performance of Hamlet


a piece of writing intended to be performed by actors in a theatre or on television or the radio

Denise should be very proud of her performace in the play


someone who writes plays, especially as their job

William Shakespeare was an English playwright


a piece of writing using beautiful or unusual language arranged in fixed lines that have a particular beat and often rhyme

We sometimes had to write poems at school


someone who writes poetry

I never knew Gregory was such a gifted poet


a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone, especially of their face only

Stefan is paying an artist a lot of money to paint his portrait


a solid object that someone makes as a work of art by shaping a substance such as stone, metal, or wood

There is a sculpture that I want to buy at the auction


a picture of you that you draw or paint yourself

Vermeer painted several self-portraits throughout his life

soap opera

a television or radio series about the imaginary lives of a group of people. A soap opera is often simply called a soap

I recognise that actor from that soap opera set in Mexico


a piece of music or a part of a piece of music that is performed by one person

The trumpeter did a brilliant solo in the middle of the song


the part of a theatre where the actors or musicians perform

Frederick has never acted on stage before


the events in a book, film etc

This series' storyline hasn't been as interesting as the first series'


a room or rooms where music or a film, television show, or radio show is recorded

Tamsin is going to the studio today to record her album


the place where an activity or event happens

The venue was absolutely packed with people

Illustration of Unit 8 - Brain Games

FAQ: Memory, Emotions, Personality, and Arts Vocabulary

What’s the difference between “memorise” and “learn by heart”?

  • Memorise means to actively commit something to memory (e.g., He memorised all the dates for the history test).

  • Learn by heart means to remember something so well that you don’t need to read it (e.g., She learned the poem by heart).

What does it mean to be “moody” or “attention-seeking”?

  • Moody means having frequent emotional changes (e.g., He’s very moody—happy one moment and angry the next).

  • Attention-seeking describes someone who behaves in a way to get attention (e.g., Her loud behavior was just attention-seeking).

What’s the difference between a “novelist,” a “playwright,” and a “poet”?

  • A novelist writes novels (e.g., J.K. Rowling is a famous novelist).

  • A playwright writes plays for theatre (e.g., Shakespeare was a famous playwright).

  • A poet writes poetry (e.g., Emily Dickinson was a well-known poet).

How is a “graphic novel” different from a “comic”?

  • A comic is a short, often humorous story with illustrated panels (e.g., Superhero comics are very popular).

  • A graphic novel is a longer, more complex illustrated story (e.g., Maus is a famous graphic novel).

What’s the difference between “concert hall,” “studio,” and “venue”?

  • A concert hall is a place where live music performances happen (e.g., They performed in a famous concert hall in Vienna).

  • A studio is where musicians or artists work (e.g., The band recorded their album in a studio).

A venue is any location where events take place (e.g., The theatre was a perfect venue for the festival).

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