Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Illustration of Present Simple vs Present Continuous
We use Present Simple to talk about habits, everyday activities and facts. Present Continuous describes actions happening right now.

Present Simple vs Present Continuous - Exercises and Quiz

These exercises focus on using Present Simple and Present Continuous for different actions.


Differences Between Present Simple and Present Continuous


When to Use It

Example Sentence

Present Simple

For habits, routines, and general facts

I eat breakfast every morning.

Present Continuous

For actions happening right now or temporary situations

I am eating breakfast right now.

When to Use the Present Simple

  1. For routines and habits (things you do regularly).

    Example: I go to school every day.

  2. For facts and general truths (things that are always true).

    Example: Water boils at 100°C.

  3. For schedules or fixed events.

    Example: The bus leaves at 8:00 AM.

Time Expressions Used with Present Simple:

  • Every day, usually, often, sometimes, always:

    • I always wake up at 7 AM.

    • They often play soccer on Sundays.

When to Use the Present Continuous

  1. For actions happening right now (at this moment).

    Example: I am studying English right now.

  2. For temporary actions or situations (things happening around this time, but not always).

    Example: He is living in London for a few months.

  1. For future plans (with a specific time or arrangement).

    Example: We are meeting our friends tonight.

Time Expressions Used with Present Continuous:

  • Now, right now, at the moment, today, this week:

    • She is reading a book right now.

    • We are traveling this week.

How to Form the Present Simple and Present Continuous

Present Simple Structure:

  • Subject + base verb (add -s/-es for he/she/it).

    Example: She works at a hospital.

Present Continuous Structure:

  • Subject + am/is/are + verb + -ing.

    Example: They are playing in the park.


Present Simple Example

Present Continuous Example


I like pizza.

I am eating pizza.

He / She / It

He plays football.

He is playing football.

We / You / They

They watch TV.

They are watching TV now.

Key Differences and Examples

  1. Routine vs. Now:

    • Present Simple: She watches TV every evening. (A routine)

    • Present Continuous: She is watching TV right now. (Happening now)

  2. General Fact vs. Temporary Action:

    • Present Simple: He lives in Spain. (He lives there permanently)

    • Present Continuous: He is living in Spain for the summer. (Temporary situation)

  3. Regular Action vs. Action Happening Now:

    • Present Simple: I study English every day. (Habit)

    • Present Continuous: I am studying English right now. (Action happening at the moment)

Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them

  1. Mixing up the tenses:

    • Incorrect: I am liking ice cream. (We don’t use the Present Continuous for feelings or likes/dislikes)

    • Correct: I like ice cream.

  2. Using Present Simple for actions happening now:

    • Incorrect: He plays soccer now.

    • Correct: He is playing soccer now.

  3. Forgetting to add -s/-es for he/she/it in Present Simple:

    • Incorrect: She work at a school.

    • Correct: She works at a school.

  4. Forgetting the -ing in Present Continuous:

    • Incorrect: We are play soccer.

    • Correct: We are playing soccer.

Everyday Use of Present Simple and Present Continuous

  • Present Simple: I brush my teeth every morning. (Routine)

  • Present Continuous: I am brushing my teeth now. (Happening right now)

Practice Sentences

Present Simple

Present Continuous

I eat lunch at 12 PM every day.

I am eating lunch right now.

She goes to school by bus.

She is going to school now.

They play soccer on Sundays.

They are playing soccer today.


When do I use the Present Simple?

Use the Present Simple for routines, habits, general facts, and schedules. For example: "I study English every day."

When do I use the Present Continuous?

Use the Present Continuous for actions happening right now or temporary situations. For example: "I am studying English right now."

How do I make a Present Simple sentence?

Use the base form of the verb (add -s/-es for he/she/it). Example: "She drinks tea."

How do I make a Present Continuous sentence?

Use am/is/are + the verb + -ing. Example: "They are playing soccer."

Can I use the Present Continuous for future plans?

Yes! You can use the Present Continuous for future plans with a specific time. Example: "We are meeting tomorrow."

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