Verbs That Start With G
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Verbs That Start With G Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Verbs That Start With G
List of Top 50 Verbs That Start With G
Verb |
Definition |
Example |
Gain |
To acquire or increase something |
"She gained confidence after completing the course." |
Gallop |
To run fast, like a horse |
"The horse galloped across the field." |
Gape |
To stare with an open mouth |
"The tourists gaped at the breathtaking view." |
Gargle |
To rinse the throat with liquid |
"He gargled with salt water for his sore throat." |
Gather |
To collect or bring together |
"She gathered flowers for the table." |
Gawk |
To stare openly and stupidly |
"He gawked at the celebrity walking past." |
Generate |
To create or produce something |
"The machine generates electricity for the building." |
Gesture |
To express or indicate with movements |
"He gestured toward the door to show the way out." |
Get |
To obtain or receive something |
"She got a new phone for her birthday." |
Giggle |
To laugh in a silly or nervous way |
"The children giggled at the funny cartoon." |
Give |
To offer or transfer something |
"He gave her a beautiful bouquet of flowers." |
Glare |
To stare angrily |
"She glared at him for interrupting her speech." |
Glean |
To collect gradually |
"He gleaned information from multiple sources." |
Glide |
To move smoothly and effortlessly |
"The swan glided across the pond." |
Glimpse |
To see something briefly |
"She glimpsed her friend in the crowd." |
Glisten |
To shine with a sparkling light |
"The morning dew glistened on the grass." |
Gloat |
To show excessive pride or satisfaction |
"He gloated about his victory." |
Glow |
To emit a steady light |
"The candle glowed softly in the dark room." |
Gnaw |
To bite or chew persistently |
"The dog gnawed on the bone happily." |
Go |
To move from one place to another |
"He went to the park to relax." |
Goad |
To provoke or annoy someone into action |
"She goaded him into answering the question." |
Gobble |
To eat quickly and greedily |
"He gobbled down his dinner after a long day." |
To search for information online |
"She googled the recipe for the cake." |
Gossip |
To talk about others, often spreading rumors |
"They gossiped about their coworker's new promotion." |
Gouge |
To dig or force out with force |
"He gouged a hole in the wood for the screw." |
Govern |
To rule or manage |
"The mayor governs the city with transparency." |
Grab |
To seize something quickly |
"He grabbed the keys from the table and ran out." |
Graduate |
To complete a course of study successfully |
"She graduated from university with honors." |
Grant |
To agree to give or allow something |
"The bank granted his loan application." |
Grapple |
To struggle or wrestle |
"The wrestler grappled with his opponent in the ring." |
Grasp |
To take hold of something firmly |
"She grasped the opportunity to travel abroad." |
Gratify |
To give pleasure or satisfaction |
"The praise gratified him after all his hard work." |
Graze |
To feed on grass |
"The cows grazed in the lush green pasture." |
Greet |
To welcome someone with words or gestures |
"She greeted her guests with a warm smile." |
Grieve |
To feel deep sorrow |
"He grieved the loss of his beloved pet." |
Grimace |
To make an expression of pain or disgust |
"She grimaced when she tasted the bitter coffee." |
Grin |
To smile broadly |
"He grinned when he saw his surprise gift." |
Grind |
To crush something into small pieces |
"She ground the coffee beans for her morning brew." |
Groan |
To make a low sound of pain or discomfort |
"He groaned when he stubbed his toe." |
Groom |
To clean or care for |
"The cat groomed itself meticulously." |
Grovel |
To act in a servile or humble manner |
"He groveled for forgiveness after making the mistake." |
Grow |
To increase in size or develop |
"The plant grew taller every day." |
Growl |
To make a low, angry sound |
"The dog growled at the stranger." |
Grumble |
To complain quietly |
"She grumbled about the long wait at the restaurant." |
Guarantee |
To promise or assure something |
"The store guarantees customer satisfaction." |
Guess |
To estimate or suppose without certainty |
"She guessed the answer and got it right." |
Gulp |
To swallow quickly or in large amounts |
"He gulped down the water after his run." |
Gurgle |
To make a bubbling sound |
"The stream gurgled as it flowed over the rocks." |
Gush |
To flow out suddenly and forcefully |
"Water gushed from the broken pipe." |
Guzzle |
To drink greedily or excessively |
"He guzzled the soda during the hot day." |

Featured Verbs Grouped by Topics
Daily Life Actions
Get: To obtain or receive something.
Example: "She got a promotion at work."
Synonyms: Obtain, Receive, Acquire. -
Give: To offer or transfer something.
Example: "He gave her a thoughtful gift for her birthday."
Synonyms: Present, Provide, Deliver. -
Gather: To collect or bring things together.
Example: "The children gathered seashells on the beach."
Synonyms: Collect, Assemble.
Emotional Expressions
Giggle: To laugh in a silly or nervous way.
Example: "The joke made them giggle uncontrollably."
Synonyms: Chuckle, Snicker. -
Grieve: To feel deep sorrow.
Example: "She grieved the passing of her grandmother."
Synonyms: Mourn, Lament. -
Gloat: To show excessive pride.
Example: "He gloated over his victory in the game."
Synonyms: Boast, Brag.
Movements and Physical Actions
Gallop: To run fast, like a horse.
Example: "The horse galloped across the open field."
Synonyms: Sprint, Charge. -
Glide: To move smoothly and effortlessly.
Example: "The skater glided gracefully across the ice."
Synonyms: Slide, Float. -
Grab: To seize quickly.
Example: "She grabbed the falling vase just in time."
Synonyms: Snatch, Clutch.
Everyday Use of Verbs Starting With G
Example: "He goes to the gym every morning."
One of the most versatile and commonly used verbs in English.
Example: "Can you guess the answer to this riddle?"
Used frequently for making assumptions or predictions.
Example: "The company is growing rapidly this year."
Regularly used for development and change.
Common Mistakes
Confusing “Gossip” with “Greet”
Mistake: "She gossiped her neighbors when she saw them."
Correction: "She greeted her neighbors when she saw them."
Tip: Use "gossip" for talking about others and "greet" for welcoming.
Misusing “Glimpse” as “Glare”
Mistake: "He glimpsed angrily at his rival."
Correction: "He glared angrily at his rival."
Tip: "Glimpse" means a brief look, while "glare" means an angry stare.
Mixing Up “Generate” and “Gather”
Mistake: "She generated flowers for the bouquet."
Correction: "She gathered flowers for the bouquet."
Tip: "Generate" is for producing, while "gather" is for collecting.
What’s the difference between “Go” and “Greet”?
"Go" refers to movement from one place to another, while "greet" means to welcome someone.
Can “Glow” and “Glisten” be used interchangeably?
Not always. "Glow" is for steady light, while "glisten" describes sparkling light, often with moisture.
How is “Glean” used in modern contexts?
It means collecting small amounts of information, e.g., "She gleaned tips from various online sources."
What’s a common synonym for “Grasp”?
"Clutch" or "Hold" are common synonyms.
Can “Giggle” and “Laugh” be substituted?
Sometimes, but "giggle" refers to a specific type of laugh, often high-pitched or silly.
Explore other Verbs: