Verbs That Start With F
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Verbs That Start With F Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Verbs That Start With F
List of Top 50 Verbs That Start With F
Verb |
Definition |
Example |
Fabricate |
To make or invent something, often with skill |
"He fabricated a new part for the machine." |
Fade |
To gradually lose brightness, color, or strength |
"The sound faded as the car drove away." |
Fail |
To not succeed |
"She failed the math test." |
Faint |
To lose consciousness briefly |
"He fainted from the heat at the festival." |
Fall |
To move downward or drop |
"The leaves fall from the trees in autumn." |
Falter |
To lose strength or momentum |
"Her voice faltered during the speech." |
Fantasize |
To imagine or dream about something unlikely |
"He fantasized about winning the lottery." |
Fascinate |
To captivate or hold someone’s attention |
"The performance fascinated the audience." |
Fasten |
To attach or secure something |
"She fastened her necklace carefully." |
Fatten |
To make or become larger or fatter |
"The farmer fattened the pigs before selling them." |
Favor |
To show preference or support |
"The teacher favored students who worked hard." |
Fear |
To feel afraid or anxious |
"She feared the consequences of her actions." |
Feature |
To include or display as a main attraction |
"The movie featured stunning visual effects." |
Feed |
To give food to someone or something |
"He feeds the birds in his backyard every morning." |
Feel |
To experience an emotion or physical sensation |
"She felt happy after hearing the news." |
Feign |
To pretend to have or feel something |
"He feigned surprise when they threw him a party." |
Ferry |
To transport people or goods across water |
"The boat ferried passengers across the river." |
Fetch |
To go and bring something |
"The dog fetched the ball from the yard." |
Fib |
To tell a small lie |
"She fibbed about her age to avoid extra charges." |
Fiddle |
To play with something idly |
"He fiddled with his pen while waiting for the meeting to start." |
Fidget |
To make small movements due to nervousness |
"The child fidgeted in his chair during the lecture." |
Fight |
To engage in a struggle or battle |
"The brothers fought over the last piece of cake." |
File |
To arrange or store something systematically |
"She filed the documents in the cabinet." |
Filter |
To remove unwanted material from something |
"The machine filters impurities from the water." |
Finalize |
To complete or make something final |
"They finalized the contract yesterday." |
Find |
To discover or locate something |
"She found her keys under the couch." |
Finish |
To complete or conclude |
"He finished the project on time." |
Fix |
To repair or correct something |
"He fixed the broken chair with glue." |
Fizzle |
To end weakly or fail after a strong start |
"The fireworks fizzled out before the finale." |
Flail |
To wave or swing something wildly |
"He flailed his arms in excitement." |
Flake |
To break off into small, thin pieces |
"The paint flaked off the old walls." |
Flap |
To move up and down or back and forth quickly |
"The bird flapped its wings before flying." |
Flash |
To emit a brief burst of light |
"Lightning flashed across the sky." |
Flatter |
To praise excessively or insincerely |
"He flattered her by complimenting her outfit." |
Flaunt |
To show off something proudly |
"She flaunted her new car at the event." |
Flavor |
To add taste to food or drink |
"He flavored the soup with herbs and spices." |
Flee |
To run away from danger |
"The villagers fled their homes during the storm." |
Flip |
To turn something over quickly |
"He flipped the pancake in the pan." |
Flourish |
To grow or develop successfully |
"The plants flourished in the fertile soil." |
Fluff |
To make something softer or fuller |
"She fluffed the pillows on the couch." |
Flush |
To become red in the face or clean with water |
"He flushed with embarrassment." |
Flutter |
To move with quick, light movements |
"The butterfly fluttered above the flowers." |
Fly |
To move through the air |
"The birds flew south for the winter." |
Foam |
To form or produce a mass of small bubbles |
"The waves foamed as they hit the shore." |
Focus |
To concentrate attention or effort on something |
"She focused on her studies for the exam." |
Fold |
To bend something so one part covers another |
"He folded the letter and placed it in the envelope." |
Follow |
To come after someone or something |
"The dog followed its owner closely." |
Freeze |
To become solid or very cold |
"The pond froze during the winter." |
Frown |
To furrow the brow in displeasure or concentration |
"She frowned when she read the bad news." |
Fuel |
To supply energy or encouragement |
"The conversation fueled his determination." |

Featured Verbs Grouped by Topics
Daily Actions
Feed: To give food to someone or something.
Example: "He feeds his pets twice a day."
Synonyms: Nourish, Supply, Serve. -
Fix: To repair or correct something.
Example: "She fixed the broken lamp."
Synonyms: Mend, Adjust, Repair. -
Finish: To complete or bring something to a conclusion.
Example: "He finished writing his report."
Synonyms: Complete, Conclude.
Emotions and Reactions
Fear: To feel afraid of something.
Example: "He feared for his safety during the storm."
Synonyms: Dread, Worry. -
Frown: To show displeasure or concentration by wrinkling the forehead.
Example: "She frowned at the confusing instructions."
Synonyms: Scowl, Grimace. -
Flatter: To praise someone excessively.
Example: "He flattered her to gain her trust."
Synonyms: Compliment, Praise.
Movement and Travel
Fly: To move through the air.
Example: "The plane flew over the mountains."
Synonyms: Soar, Glide. -
Flee: To escape from danger or an unpleasant situation.
Example: "They fled the area when the fire spread."
Synonyms: Run away, Escape. -
Flutter: To move with quick, light movements.
Example: "The flag fluttered in the wind."
Synonyms: Flap, Quiver.
Everyday Use of Verbs Starting With F
Example: "I found my glasses on the table."
Common for locating objects or discovering solutions.
Example: "He followed the instructions carefully."
Frequently used for guidance and learning.
Example: "She finished her chores early."
Widely used to describe completing tasks.
Common Mistakes
Misusing “Faint” as “Fade”
Mistake: "The colors fainted over time."
Correction: "The colors faded over time."
Tip: Use "faint" for losing consciousness and "fade" for gradual loss.
Using “Fix” Without a Direct Object
Mistake: "She fixed quickly."
Correction: "She fixed the broken chair quickly."
Tip: Always include what is being fixed.
Confusing “Flee” and “Fly”
Mistake: "The bird fled to the south."
Correction: "The bird flew to the south."
Tip: Use "flee" for escaping danger, and "fly" for aerial movement.
What’s the difference between “Fear” and “Frighten”?
"Fear" is a feeling of being scared, while "frighten" means to cause fear in someone.
Can “Follow” and “Pursue” be used interchangeably?
Sometimes, but "follow" implies simply coming after, while "pursue" suggests active effort or intent.
What are synonyms for “Finish”?
Complete, Conclude, Wrap up.
How is “Flatter” different from “Praise”?
"Flatter" often implies insincerity, while "praise" is genuine appreciation.
Can “Freeze” be used metaphorically?
Yes, e.g., "She froze when she saw the shocking news."
Explore other Verbs: