Verbs That Start With U
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Verbs That Start With U Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Verbs That Start With U
List of Top 50 Verbs That Start With U
Verb |
Definition |
Example |
Unbalance |
To disrupt equilibrium |
"The strong winds unbalanced the ladder." |
Unbuckle |
To release a buckle |
"He unbuckled his seatbelt after parking." |
Uncork |
To remove a cork from a bottle |
"She uncorked the wine before dinner." |
Uncover |
To reveal or expose |
"The journalist uncovered the hidden scandal." |
Underestimate |
To misjudge as less important or capable |
"He underestimated the difficulty of the task." |
Undergo |
To experience or endure |
"She underwent surgery last week." |
Underline |
To emphasize or draw attention to |
"He underlined the key points in the report." |
Undermine |
To weaken or damage |
"His actions undermined the team's efforts." |
Underscore |
To emphasize or stress |
"The report underscored the need for action." |
Understand |
To grasp the meaning or concept |
"He understood the instructions clearly." |
Undertake |
To begin or commit to a task |
"She undertook the project with enthusiasm." |
Underwrite |
To guarantee financial support |
"The bank underwrote the new housing project." |
Undo |
To reverse an action |
"He undid the knot with ease." |
Undress |
To remove clothing |
"She undressed before stepping into the shower." |
Unearth |
To dig up or discover |
"Archaeologists unearthed ancient artifacts." |
Unfold |
To open or spread out |
"She unfolded the map to find the route." |
Unfurl |
To unroll or open |
"They unfurled the sails as the wind picked up." |
Unhook |
To detach from a hook |
"She unhooked her necklace carefully." |
Uninstall |
To remove software from a device |
"He uninstalled the app to free up space." |
Unite |
To bring together |
"The cause united people from all backgrounds." |
Unleash |
To release or let loose |
"The movie unleashed a wave of emotions." |
Unload |
To remove goods from a vehicle |
"They unloaded the truck at the warehouse." |
Unlock |
To open or gain access |
"She unlocked the door with her key." |
Unnerve |
To make someone anxious |
"The strange noises unnerved her." |
Unpack |
To remove items from a container |
"He unpacked his suitcase after the trip." |
Unplug |
To disconnect from power or a source |
"She unplugged the TV before moving it." |
Unravel |
To untangle or solve |
"Detectives unraveled the mystery." |
Unroll |
To open or spread something that was rolled |
"They unrolled the carpet in the living room." |
Unseat |
To remove from a position or seat |
"The new candidate unseated the incumbent mayor." |
Unsettle |
To disturb or make uneasy |
"The unexpected question unsettled him." |
Unsubscribe |
To cancel a subscription |
"She unsubscribed from the email newsletter." |
Untangle |
To free from knots or complications |
"He untangled the fishing net." |
Untie |
To loosen or release a knot |
"She untied the ribbon on the gift box." |
Unveil |
To reveal or disclose |
"The company unveiled its latest product." |
Unwind |
To relax after tension |
"She unwinds by reading a good book." |
Unwrap |
To remove wrapping or covering |
"He unwrapped the gift excitedly." |
Update |
To bring up to date |
"They updated the software to fix bugs." |
Upend |
To turn something upside down |
"She upended the box to empty it." |
Upgrade |
To improve or enhance |
"He upgraded his phone to the latest model." |
Uphold |
To maintain or support |
"The court upheld the earlier decision." |
Upload |
To transfer data to a system |
"She uploaded the photos to the cloud." |
Uproot |
To remove from the ground or a familiar place |
"The family was uprooted during the move." |
Upsell |
To persuade someone to buy more or better options |
"The waiter upsold the premium wine." |
Upset |
To disturb or cause emotional distress |
"The news upset everyone at the meeting." |
Urge |
To strongly encourage or recommend |
"She urged him to take the job offer." |
Use |
To apply or employ something |
"He used a calculator to solve the problem." |
Usher |
To guide someone or something into place |
"The guide ushered them into the auditorium." |
Usurp |
To take a position of power illegally |
"The rebel leader usurped the throne." |
Utilize |
To make practical use of something |
"The program utilized advanced technology." |
Utter |
To speak or express aloud |
"She uttered a few words of thanks." |

Featured Verbs Grouped by Topics
Daily Activities
Unpack: To remove items from a container.
Example: "She unpacked her groceries and placed them in the fridge."
Synonyms: Empty, Unload. -
Unplug: To disconnect from a power source.
Example: "He unplugged the charger before leaving the house."
Synonyms: Disconnect, Detach. -
Unwind: To relax after stress or tension.
Example: "She unwinds with a cup of tea after work."
Synonyms: Relax, De-stress.
Professional and Technical Contexts
Upgrade: To enhance or improve.
Example: "They upgraded their systems to handle more users."
Synonyms: Improve, Enhance. -
Update: To bring something up to date.
Example: "The app needs to be updated to fix the bug."
Synonyms: Modernize, Revise. -
Upload: To transfer data to a digital system.
Example: "She uploaded her assignment to the online portal."
Synonyms: Transfer, Post.
Emotional and Abstract Verbs
Unite: To bring people or things together.
Example: "The event united communities from across the city."
Synonyms: Join, Combine. -
Unsettle: To disturb or make someone uneasy.
Example: "The eerie silence unsettled her."
Synonyms: Disturb, Disconcert. -
Urge: To strongly encourage or recommend.
Example: "He urged his team to stay focused on the goal."
Synonyms: Push, Advise.
Everyday Use of Verbs Starting With U
Example: "She unlocked the door and entered the house."
Commonly used for physical or metaphorical access.
Example: "He used his phone to take notes during the lecture."
A fundamental verb for employing tools or resources.
Example: "She uttered a cry of surprise."
Frequently used for verbal expressions.
Common Mistakes
Confusing “Unpack” with “Unwrap”
Mistake: "He unpacked the present."
Correction: "He unwrapped the present."
Tip: Use "unpack" for removing contents from luggage and "unwrap" for gifts or packaging.
Using “Underestimate” When “Misjudge” Fits Better
Mistake: "She underestimated his character."
Correction: "She misjudged his character."
Tip: "Underestimate" focuses on underappreciating capability, while "misjudge" is about wrong assumptions.
Overusing “Utilize” Instead of “Use”
Mistake: "He utilized a pen to write the note."
Correction: "He used a pen to write the note."
Tip: Reserve "utilize" for formal or technical contexts.
What’s the difference between “Unfold” and “Unfurl”?
"Unfold" refers to opening something flat, like paper, while "unfurl" is used for spreading something that was rolled, like sails or flags.
Can “Upgrade” and “Update” be used interchangeably?
No. "Upgrade" means to improve, while "update" means to bring up to date with current information.
What are synonyms for “Utilize”?
Use, Employ, Leverage.
How is “Unravel” used metaphorically?
It can mean solving a complex issue, e.g., "The detective unraveled the mystery."
What does “Underwrite” mean in financial contexts?
It refers to guaranteeing financial support or taking on risk, such as underwriting a loan or insurance policy.
Explore other Verbs: