Verbs That Start With E
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Verbs That Start With E Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Verbs That Start With E
List of Top 50 Commonly Used Verbs That Start With E
Verb |
Definition |
Example |
Earn |
To receive money or reward for work |
"She earns a good salary as a teacher." |
Eat |
To consume food |
"We ate lunch together at a café." |
Eavesdrop |
To secretly listen to someone’s conversation |
"He was caught eavesdropping on their meeting." |
Echo |
To reflect or repeat a sound |
"Her voice echoed in the empty hall." |
Eclipse |
To overshadow or surpass |
"The new model eclipsed its predecessor in performance." |
Edit |
To revise or correct something |
"She edited the article before publication." |
Educate |
To provide knowledge or instruction |
"The school educates children from ages 5 to 18." |
Eject |
To force someone or something to leave |
"The referee ejected the player for foul play." |
Elaborate |
To explain in greater detail |
"Can you elaborate on your proposal?" |
Elapse |
To pass or go by (used for time) |
"Several months elapsed before we met again." |
Elect |
To choose or vote for someone |
"They elected her as the team leader." |
Electrify |
To charge with electricity or excite |
"The crowd was electrified by the performance." |
Elevate |
To raise to a higher level or position |
"The teacher elevated her to an advanced class." |
Elicit |
To draw out or bring forth |
"The question elicited various responses from the audience." |
Eliminate |
To remove or get rid of |
"The company eliminated unnecessary costs." |
Elongate |
To make something longer |
"The shadows elongated as the sun set." |
Elope |
To run away secretly to get married |
"The couple eloped to Paris last weekend." |
Elude |
To avoid or escape |
"The criminal eluded capture for months." |
To send a message via electronic mail |
"She emailed her resume to the hiring manager." |
Embark |
To begin a journey or project |
"They embarked on a new adventure together." |
Embarrass |
To cause someone to feel awkward or ashamed |
"He embarrassed her with his rude comments." |
Embed |
To fix something firmly into a surrounding mass |
"The journalist embedded the video in the article." |
Embellish |
To add decorative details |
"She embellished her story to make it more interesting." |
Embezzle |
To illegally take money entrusted to one’s care |
"He was fired for embezzling funds from the company." |
Embody |
To represent or symbolize |
"She embodies the spirit of innovation." |
Embrace |
To accept something willingly or to hug |
"He embraced the idea of remote work." |
Emerge |
To come into view or existence |
"The sun emerged from behind the clouds." |
Emit |
To release or send out |
"The factory emits harmful gases into the air." |
Employ |
To hire someone or make use of something |
"The company employs over 1,000 workers." |
Empower |
To give someone authority or confidence |
"Her mentor empowered her to pursue her dreams." |
Emulate |
To imitate or match something or someone |
"He emulates his father’s work ethic." |
Enable |
To make something possible |
"The software enables users to edit photos easily." |
Enact |
To make into law or perform |
"The government enacted new regulations." |
Enchant |
To captivate or charm |
"The magician enchanted the audience with his tricks." |
Enclose |
To surround or include within something |
"The garden is enclosed by a wooden fence." |
Encounter |
To meet or experience unexpectedly |
"We encountered some difficulties during the project." |
Encrypt |
To convert information into code |
"The data was encrypted to ensure security." |
End |
To bring something to a conclusion |
"The concert ended with a beautiful song." |
Endanger |
To put in danger or at risk |
"Pollution endangers many marine species." |
Endear |
To cause someone to feel affection for |
"Her kindness endeared her to everyone." |
Endure |
To suffer patiently or continue despite difficulties |
"They endured the harsh winter conditions." |
Energize |
To give energy or enthusiasm |
"The motivational speaker energized the audience." |
Enfold |
To wrap or surround |
"The blanket enfolded her in warmth." |
Engage |
To participate or attract attention |
"She engaged in a lively discussion with her peers." |
Enjoy |
To take pleasure in |
"He enjoys spending time with his family." |
Enthrall |
To captivate or fascinate |
"The story enthralled the children." |
Erase |
To remove or delete |
"He erased the incorrect answers from the board." |
Escape |
To get away from a place or situation |
"The prisoners managed to escape from the facility." |
Evict |
To remove someone from a property |
"The landlord evicted the tenants for not paying rent." |
Excite |
To cause enthusiasm or happiness |
"The news of her promotion excited her family." |

Featured Verbs Grouped by Topics
Daily Life Actions
Eat: To consume food.
Example: "We ate dinner together at a fancy restaurant."
Synonyms: Devour, Consume, Munch. -
Earn: To receive a reward, typically money, for work.
Example: "She earned a bonus for her excellent performance."
Synonyms: Gain, Obtain, Achieve. -
Email: To send a message via electronic mail.
Example: "He emailed the client the revised proposal."
Synonyms: Message, Contact, Communicate.
Professional Verbs
Employ: To hire someone or use a resource.
Example: "The company employs innovative techniques to stay ahead."
Synonyms: Hire, Utilize, Engage. -
Educate: To provide instruction or training.
Example: "The organization educates communities about environmental issues."
Synonyms: Teach, Instruct, Train. -
Edit: To revise and improve written or visual content.
Example: "He edited the manuscript before sending it to the publisher."
Synonyms: Revise, Correct, Refine.
Emotional and Inspirational Verbs
Empower: To give someone authority or confidence.
Example: "The program empowers women to start their own businesses."
Synonyms: Enable, Authorize, Encourage. -
Embrace: To accept willingly or to hug.
Example: "He embraced the idea of innovation."
Synonyms: Accept, Adopt, Hug. -
Endear: To make someone liked or loved.
Example: "Her humor endeared her to the audience."
Synonyms: Charm, Attract, Inspire affection.
Everyday Use of Verbs Starting With E
Example: "They enjoyed the movie last night."
Frequently used to describe pleasure or satisfaction in everyday activities.
Example: "He escaped the crowded city for a quiet weekend."
A versatile verb for describing getting away from undesirable situations.
Example: "The sun emerged from behind the clouds."
Commonly used to describe things coming into view or existence.
Common Mistakes
Confusing “Elicit” and “Illicit”
Mistake: "The movie was banned because it was elicit."
Correction: "The movie was banned because it was illicit."
Tip: "Elicit" means to draw out; "illicit" means illegal.
Misusing “Elect” as Select
Mistake: "We elected him to do the presentation."
Correction: "We selected him to do the presentation."
Tip: "Elect" often implies formal voting.
Overusing “Enjoy” Without Context
Mistake: "I enjoy."
Correction: "I enjoy spending time with friends."
Tip: Always pair “enjoy” with an activity or object.
What’s the difference between “Employ” and “Empower”?
"Employ" means to use or hire, while "empower" means to give confidence or authority.
Can “Edit” only be used for written content?
No, "edit" can be used for videos, photos, or any creative content.
What are synonyms for “Emerge”?
Appear, Arise, Surface.
How is “Eliminate” used in context?
"Eliminate" means to remove completely, e.g., "They eliminated unnecessary steps from the process."
What’s a common use of “Embrace”?
To accept something or someone wholeheartedly, e.g., "She embraced the new culture after moving abroad."
Explore other Verbs: