Adjectives That Start with C
Table of Contents
- Adjectives that start with C Exercises and Flashcards
- List of Positive Adjectives That Start With C
- List of Negative Adjectives That Start With C
- List of Fun Adjectives That Start With C
- List of C Adjectives to Describe Someone
- List of Inspirational Adjectives That Start With C
- List of Descriptive Adjectives That Start With C
- Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
- Everyday Use of Adjectives Starting With C
- Common Mistakes
Adjectives that start with C Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Adjectives that start with C
List of Positive Adjectives That Start With C
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Calming |
Having a soothing or relaxing effect. |
The soft music had a calming influence on everyone. |
Capable |
Having the ability or qualities to achieve something. |
She is a capable leader who inspires her team. |
Captivating |
Holding attention through charm or beauty. |
Her captivating performance earned a standing ovation. |
Caring |
Displaying kindness and concern for others. |
He is a caring teacher who goes the extra mile for his students. |
Charismatic |
Exuding charm and magnetism. |
The speaker was so charismatic that the audience was mesmerized. |
Charitable |
Generous in giving to those in need. |
Her charitable acts have helped countless families. |
Charming |
Pleasantly attractive or delightful. |
The small town had a charming atmosphere. |
Cheeky |
Playfully bold or mischievous. |
His cheeky jokes always make us laugh. |
Cheerful |
Noticeably happy and optimistic. |
She always greets people with a cheerful smile. |
Cheery |
Bright and happy in disposition. |
The decorations created a cheery holiday vibe. |
Classic |
Timeless and of high quality. |
The car is a classic model from the 1960s. |
Classy |
Elegant and sophisticated. |
She wore a classy outfit to the gala. |
Clever |
Quick-witted or resourceful. |
His clever solution saved us a lot of time. |
Colorful |
Full of vibrant colors or lively qualities. |
The garden was filled with colorful flowers. |
Comfortable |
Providing ease or relaxation. |
The chair is so comfortable that I could sit in it all day. |
Comical |
Funny or amusing. |
His comical expressions always make us laugh. |
Confident |
Self-assured and certain. |
She walked into the room with a confident stride. |
Content |
In a state of satisfaction. |
He felt content with his life choices. |
Convincing |
Able to persuade someone to believe or do something. |
Her argument was so convincing that everyone agreed. |
Cool |
Fashionable or impressive. |
He has such a cool sense of style. |
Courageous |
Showing bravery and strength in difficult situations. |
The firefighter’s courageous actions saved lives. |
Cozy |
Comfortable, warm, and inviting. |
The cabin was small but incredibly cozy. |
Creative |
Imaginative and innovative. |
Her creative artwork impressed the entire gallery. |
Credible |
Believable or trustworthy. |
The witness provided a credible testimony. |
Cute |
Endearing and attractive in a charming way. |
The puppy is so cute that everyone wants to cuddle it. |

List of Negative Adjectives That Start With C
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Chauvinistic |
Excessively patriotic or prejudiced. |
His chauvinistic remarks offended many people. |
Cheerless |
Gloomy or lacking joy. |
The cheerless weather dampened everyone's mood. |
Close-minded |
Unwilling to consider new ideas. |
Her close-minded attitude made discussion difficult. |
Clownish |
Behaving in a silly or foolish manner. |
His clownish antics disrupted the serious meeting. |
Clueless |
Lacking knowledge or understanding. |
She seemed completely clueless about the rules. |
Clumsy |
Lacking grace or skill in movement. |
His clumsy attempts to apologize only made things worse. |
Cocky |
Overconfident and arrogant. |
His cocky attitude annoyed his teammates. |
Cold-hearted |
Lacking kindness or sympathy. |
Her cold-hearted behavior shocked everyone. |
Conceited |
Excessively proud of oneself. |
He was too conceited to listen to anyone's advice. |
Condescending |
Acting superior or patronizing. |
Her condescending tone upset her colleagues. |
Conflicting |
Inconsistent or contradictory. |
The witness provided conflicting statements. |
Confounded |
Extremely confused or perplexed. |
He was confounded by the unexpected results. |
Confusing |
Difficult to understand or unclear. |
The instructions were unnecessarily confusing. |
Contemptuous |
Showing disdain or disrespect. |
Her contemptuous glare silenced the room. |
Convulsive |
Involving uncontrollable movements or emotions. |
His convulsive sobbing alarmed everyone nearby. |
Corny |
Overused and lacking originality. |
The joke was too corny to be funny. |
Corrupt |
Dishonest or morally depraved. |
The corrupt official accepted bribes openly. |
Costly |
Expensive or causing great loss. |
The mistake proved to be costly for the company. |
Cowardly |
Lacking courage or bravery. |
His cowardly actions let his team down. |
Crabby |
Irritable or easily annoyed. |
She’s always crabby in the mornings before coffee. |
Crass |
Lacking sensitivity or refinement. |
His crass comments embarrassed everyone at the dinner. |
Craven |
Cowardly or lacking courage. |
The craven decision to flee showed his true character. |
Crazy |
Mentally unstable or wildly foolish. |
His crazy ideas were dismissed immediately. |
Creepy |
Causing unease or fear. |
The abandoned house had a creepy atmosphere. |
Criminal |
Relating to or guilty of a crime. |
His criminal behavior landed him in prison. |
Critical |
Inclined to find fault. |
She was overly critical of every minor mistake. |
Crude |
Lacking refinement or tact. |
His crude humor offended the audience. |
Cruel |
Willfully causing pain or harm. |
Her cruel words left him heartbroken. |
Crushed |
Feeling defeated or overwhelmed. |
He was crushed by the rejection. |
Cursed |
Under a spell or marked by misfortune. |
The family believed the land was cursed. |
List of Fun Adjectives That Start With C
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Cakey |
Having the texture or appearance of cake. |
The makeup looked a bit cakey under the lights. |
Candid |
Honest and straightforward. |
His candid answer surprised everyone in the room. |
Cardboardy |
Resembling cardboard in texture or quality. |
The cookies were overbaked and tasted cardboardy. |
Celestial |
Relating to the sky or heavens. |
The stars created a celestial view at night. |
Ceremonial |
Relating to formal or traditional events. |
She wore a ceremonial robe during the celebration. |
Chalky |
Having a dry or powdery texture. |
The candy had a strange, chalky aftertaste. |
Cheesy |
Overly sentimental or tacky. |
The romantic comedy was fun but a bit cheesy. |
Chewy |
Requiring a lot of chewing. |
These brownies are so gooey and chewy—delicious! |
Chic |
Stylish and fashionable. |
Her chic outfit turned heads at the party. |
Childlike |
Innocent or resembling a child. |
His childlike enthusiasm was contagious. |
Chock-full |
Completely full or overflowing. |
The basket was chock-full of fresh fruits. |
Choppy |
Rough or uneven in motion or appearance. |
The boat ride was choppy due to high winds. |
Chummy |
Friendly or sociable. |
They became quite chummy after just one meeting. |
Citrusy |
Having the flavor or aroma of citrus fruits. |
The lemonade had a wonderfully citrusy tang. |
Clammy |
Unpleasantly damp or sticky. |
His hands felt clammy before the big presentation. |
Classy |
Elegant and sophisticated. |
Her classy choice of decor impressed the guests. |
Cloistered |
Secluded or sheltered. |
The artist lived a cloistered life in the mountains. |
Clumsy |
Awkward in movement or behavior. |
His clumsy attempt to dance made everyone laugh. |
Cockamamie |
Ridiculous or nonsensical. |
That’s the most cockamamie idea I’ve ever heard! |
Comical |
Funny or amusing. |
His comical expressions always make us laugh. |
Computerized |
Controlled or operated by computers. |
The system is fully computerized for efficiency. |
Cosmic |
Vast or universal in scope. |
The film explored the cosmic mysteries of space. |
Cosmopolitan |
Sophisticated and worldly. |
She has a cosmopolitan taste in food and fashion. |
Cottony |
Soft and fluffy like cotton. |
The clouds looked soft and cottony in the sky. |
Craggy |
Rugged or uneven, often describing terrain. |
The craggy cliffs made for a dramatic coastline. |
Crinkly |
Wrinkled or creased. |
The paper had a crinkly texture that added character. |
Crystalline |
Clear or resembling crystal. |
The water in the lake was crystalline and pure. |
Cuddly |
Soft and inviting hugs. |
The stuffed animal was so cuddly that it became her favorite. |
Curly |
Having curls or curves. |
Her curly hair was the envy of all her friends. |
Cushy |
Comfortable or easy. |
He landed a cushy job with flexible hours. |
List of C Adjectives to Describe Someone
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Cadaverous |
Looking extremely thin or pale. |
His cadaverous appearance worried his friends. |
Cagey |
Reluctant to share information; secretive. |
She was cagey about her plans for the weekend. |
Callous |
Showing no empathy or concern for others. |
His callous remarks hurt everyone in the group. |
Callow |
Inexperienced or immature. |
The callow intern struggled to handle the pressure. |
Calm |
Peaceful and free from disturbance. |
He remained calm under pressure during the crisis. |
Calming |
Having a soothing or relaxing effect. |
Her calming presence made everyone feel at ease. |
Camera-shy |
Reluctant to be photographed. |
He’s so camera-shy that he avoids group photos. |
Camouflaged |
Hidden or blended into surroundings. |
Her intentions were cleverly camouflaged. |
Cantankerous |
Bad-tempered or argumentative. |
The cantankerous old man shouted at everyone. |
Captivating |
Attracting and holding attention. |
Her captivating story had the audience spellbound. |
Captive |
Held under control or influence. |
He was a captive audience during her performance. |
Carefree |
Without worry or responsibility. |
She led a carefree life, enjoying each moment. |
Careful |
Taking care to avoid mistakes or harm. |
She was very careful while carrying the fragile vase. |
Careless |
Lacking attention or responsibility. |
His careless mistake cost them the contract. |
Caring |
Displaying kindness and concern for others. |
He is a caring mentor who always supports his students. |
Casual |
Relaxed and unconcerned. |
His casual attitude helped ease the tension in the room. |
Catatonic |
Appearing lifeless or unresponsive. |
She remained in a catatonic state after the shocking news. |
Catty |
Spiteful or mean in remarks. |
Her catty comments about her colleague were unnecessary. |
Cautious |
Careful to avoid danger or mistakes. |
He took a cautious approach to the risky investment. |
Cavalier |
Showing a lack of concern or seriousness. |
His cavalier attitude annoyed his coworkers. |
Celebrated |
Widely known and praised. |
She’s a celebrated author with several bestsellers. |
Celestial |
Divine or heavenly. |
Her voice has a celestial quality that mesmerizes listeners. |
Centered |
Emotionally stable and focused. |
He remained centered despite the chaos around him. |
Certain |
Sure or confident about something. |
She felt certain about her decision to move forward. |
Challenging |
Demanding or testing one's abilities. |
He’s a challenging but rewarding professor. |
Charismatic |
Exuding charm and appeal. |
His charismatic personality makes him a natural leader. |
Charitable |
Generous in giving to those in need. |
Her charitable work has helped many families. |
Charmed |
Feeling fortunate or lucky. |
She felt charmed to have such amazing friends. |
Charming |
Pleasant and attractive. |
His charming smile made a lasting impression. |
Chaste |
Pure or virtuous. |
She led a simple and chaste lifestyle. |
Chatty |
Talkative in a friendly way. |
He’s always chatty at social gatherings. |
Chauvinistic |
Excessively patriotic or prejudiced. |
His chauvinistic views made him unpopular. |
Cheap |
Stingy or of low quality. |
He’s too cheap to tip the waiter fairly. |
Cheeky |
Playfully bold or mischievous. |
His cheeky humor always lightens the mood. |
Cheerful |
Noticeably happy and optimistic. |
She has such a cheerful demeanor that it’s contagious. |
Cheerless |
Gloomy or lacking joy. |
The room felt cheerless without any decorations. |
Cheery |
Bright and happy in mood. |
The cafe has a cheery atmosphere that makes you feel welcome. |
Cheesy |
Overly sentimental or tacky. |
His jokes are always cheesy but endearing. |
Chic |
Stylish and fashionable. |
She looked chic in her black evening gown. |
Childish |
Immature or silly. |
His childish behavior annoyed everyone in the room. |
Childlike |
Innocent and resembling a child. |
Her childlike wonder made her trip to the museum special. |
Chinese |
Relating to China or its people. |
He’s studying Chinese culture and language. |
Chiseled |
Having well-defined, sharp features. |
His chiseled jawline made him look like a movie star. |
Chivalrous |
Courteous and gallant, especially toward women. |
He’s always been a chivalrous gentleman. |
Choosy |
Picky or selective. |
She’s very choosy when it comes to food. |
Chubby |
Slightly overweight in a pleasant way. |
The chubby baby smiled adorably at everyone. |
Chummy |
Friendly and sociable. |
They’ve become quite chummy after working together. |
Chunky |
Bulky or thick in size. |
He wore a chunky sweater to keep warm. |
Churlish |
Rude or lacking civility. |
His churlish behavior upset the entire room. |
Civil |
Polite and respectful in behavior. |
Despite their disagreement, they remained civil. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Civilized |
Polite, well-mannered, and culturally advanced. |
She handled the disagreement in a civilized manner. |
Clammy |
Unpleasantly damp or sticky. |
His hands felt clammy before the big presentation. |
Clamorous |
Loud and demanding attention. |
The clamorous crowd shouted for answers. |
Clandestine |
Secretive or hidden. |
Their clandestine meeting raised suspicions. |
Classic |
Timeless and of recognized excellence. |
Her dress had a classic design that never goes out of style. |
Classy |
Elegant and sophisticated. |
She looked classy in her tailored suit. |
Clean |
Free from dirt or impurities. |
He keeps a clean and organized workspace. |
Clear-cut |
Easy to understand or unambiguous. |
The policy change was a clear-cut solution. |
Clear-headed |
Thinking logically and calmly. |
She made a clear-headed decision under pressure. |
Clever |
Quick-witted and resourceful. |
His clever remarks always add humor to the conversation. |
Clingy |
Overly dependent or emotionally attached. |
Her clingy behavior made him feel uncomfortable. |
Clinical |
Objective and unemotional. |
His explanation was clinical and lacked empathy. |
Clipped |
Short and abrupt in speech or manner. |
Her clipped response showed her irritation. |
Close |
Emotionally intimate or physically near. |
They have a close friendship that has lasted years. |
Close-minded |
Unwilling to consider new ideas. |
His close-minded attitude hindered progress in the discussion. |
Clownish |
Silly or foolish in behavior. |
His clownish antics made everyone laugh. |
Clueless |
Lacking knowledge or understanding. |
She seemed completely clueless about the situation. |
Clumsy |
Awkward or lacking coordination. |
He dropped the glass due to his clumsy grip. |
Cluttered |
Messy or disorganized. |
Her desk was so cluttered that she couldn’t find anything. |
Cocky |
Overconfident and arrogant. |
His cocky attitude annoyed his peers. |
Coercive |
Using force or threats to gain compliance. |
The manager’s coercive tactics upset the employees. |
Cohesive |
United or working together effectively. |
The team presented a cohesive plan to the board. |
Cold |
Lacking warmth or emotion. |
His cold stare made everyone uncomfortable. |
Coldhearted |
Unfeeling and lacking compassion. |
She was accused of being coldhearted for her decision. |
Collaborative |
Working well with others. |
Their collaborative effort resulted in success. |
Colombian |
Relating to Colombia or its culture. |
He enjoys Colombian coffee every morning. |
Colonial |
Relating to a colony or colonial period. |
The house had a charming colonial architecture. |
Colorful |
Full of vibrant colors or variety. |
His language was colorful but sometimes inappropriate. |
Colorless |
Lacking vibrancy or interest. |
The room looked colorless without decorations. |
Colossal |
Extremely large or massive. |
The company made a colossal mistake with their launch. |
Comforting |
Providing a sense of comfort or reassurance. |
Her words were comforting during the tough times. |
Comical |
Funny or amusing. |
His comical expressions always make us laugh. |
Commanding |
Authoritative and in control. |
She has a commanding presence in the boardroom. |
Commendable |
Worthy of praise or approval. |
Her commendable efforts earned her a promotion. |
Committed |
Dedicated or loyal to a cause or task. |
He’s fully committed to his work. |
Common |
Ordinary or frequently encountered. |
The practice is a common tradition in this region. |
Communicative |
Willing to share information or ideas. |
She’s very communicative and open to suggestions. |
Communist |
Relating to or supporting communism. |
The region adopted communist policies after the revolution. |
Compassionate |
Showing concern for others. |
Her compassionate nature makes her a great counselor. |
Compelling |
Evoking interest or attention. |
His speech was compelling and kept the audience engaged. |
Competent |
Capable and skilled. |
She’s a highly competent manager. |
Competitive |
Striving to outdo others. |
His competitive spirit drives him to succeed. |
Complacent |
Self-satisfied and unaware of potential dangers. |
His complacent attitude hindered his progress. |
Complex |
Consisting of many interconnected parts. |
Her character is complex and hard to understand. |
Compliant |
Willing to follow rules or requests. |
The company is fully compliant with the regulations. |
Complicated |
Difficult to understand or deal with. |
The situation became more complicated as details emerged. |
Compulsive |
Driven by an irresistible urge. |
His compulsive habits include constant checking of his phone. |
Concentrated |
Focused or intense. |
She gave a concentrated effort to complete the project. |
Concerned |
Worried or interested. |
He’s deeply concerned about the upcoming changes. |
Concise |
Brief and to the point. |
Her presentation was concise and well-organized. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Condescending |
Acting superior or patronizing. |
Her condescending attitude annoyed her coworkers. |
Confident |
Self-assured and certain in abilities. |
He is a confident speaker who captivates his audience. |
Conflicted |
Feeling uncertain or indecisive. |
She felt conflicted about choosing between the two options. |
Confounded |
Extremely confused or perplexed. |
He was confounded by the unexpected outcome of the project. |
Confused |
Lacking understanding or clarity. |
He looked confused after hearing the instructions. |
Confusing |
Difficult to understand or unclear. |
The instructions were so confusing that nobody could follow them. |
Connected |
Involved or linked with something or someone. |
She feels deeply connected to her community. |
Conscientious |
Diligent and careful in doing tasks. |
A conscientious employee ensures no detail is overlooked. |
Conservative |
Preferring traditional values or cautious in change. |
His conservative views on technology surprised the group. |
Considerate |
Thoughtful and mindful of others' needs. |
She’s very considerate when planning group activities. |
Consistent |
Steady and reliable over time. |
His performance has been consistent throughout the season. |
Consoling |
Providing comfort or support. |
She offered consoling words to her grieving friend. |
Conspicuous |
Easily noticeable or attracting attention. |
Her red dress made her conspicuous at the event. |
Contagious |
Spreading easily from one person to another. |
Her contagious laughter brightened everyone's mood. |
Contaminated |
Impure or polluted. |
The water supply was found to be contaminated. |
Contemplative |
Deep in thought or reflective. |
He spent the afternoon in a contemplative mood by the lake. |
Contemporary |
Modern or current in style or ideas. |
The gallery featured contemporary art. |
Contemptuous |
Showing disdain or disrespect. |
His contemptuous remarks offended his peers. |
Content |
Satisfied or happy with what one has. |
She feels content with her current job and lifestyle. |
Contentious |
Likely to cause disagreement or argument. |
The proposal became a contentious topic in the meeting. |
Contoured |
Shaped or outlined. |
Her face was beautifully contoured with makeup. |
Contradictory |
Inconsistent or opposing. |
The two witnesses gave contradictory statements. |
Contrite |
Feeling or expressing remorse. |
He was genuinely contrite after making the mistake. |
Controllable |
Capable of being directed or managed. |
The new system is more controllable than the old one. |
Controlling |
Overly bossy or domineering. |
Her controlling behavior frustrated her team. |
Controversial |
Causing disagreement or debate. |
The decision was highly controversial among the staff. |
Conventional |
Traditional or widely accepted. |
He has a conventional approach to solving problems. |
Conversational |
Friendly and engaging in tone or manner. |
She has a conversational style that puts people at ease. |
Convincing |
Persuasive and believable. |
Her argument was so convincing that everyone agreed. |
Cool |
Calm, composed, or fashionable. |
He’s always so cool under pressure. |
Cooperative |
Willing to work with others. |
The team was very cooperative during the project. |
Coordinated |
Well-organized or synchronized. |
The dancers were perfectly coordinated during their performance. |
Corny |
Overused or overly sentimental. |
His jokes are always corny, but they make us laugh. |
Correct |
Free from error or accurate. |
The teacher praised her for her correct answers. |
Corrupt |
Dishonest or unethical. |
The corrupt politician accepted bribes. |
Corruptive |
Causing moral decay or dishonesty. |
The influence of money can be corruptive in politics. |
Cosmopolitan |
Sophisticated and worldly. |
She has a cosmopolitan taste in art and food. |
Courageous |
Brave and bold in the face of danger. |
The firefighter was celebrated for his courageous actions. |
Courteous |
Polite and respectful. |
The waiter was very courteous and attentive. |
Cowardly |
Lacking courage or bravery. |
His cowardly retreat disappointed his peers. |
Coy |
Pretending to be shy or modest. |
She gave him a coy smile during the conversation. |
Crabby |
Easily annoyed or irritable. |
He’s always crabby in the mornings before coffee. |
Crafty |
Skilled at deception or clever. |
The fox is often portrayed as a crafty animal in fables. |
Cranky |
Bad-tempered or irritable. |
The baby was cranky because she needed a nap. |
Crass |
Lacking sensitivity or refinement. |
His crass comments embarrassed the entire group. |
Craven |
Cowardly or lacking in courage. |
His craven behavior during the crisis was disappointing. |
Crazy |
Wildly foolish or mentally unstable. |
Her crazy ideas often lead to exciting adventures. |
Creative |
Imaginative and innovative. |
She is a creative artist who always surprises us. |
Credible |
Believable and trustworthy. |
The witness gave a credible account of the events. |
Creepy |
Causing unease or fear. |
The abandoned house had a creepy atmosphere. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Crestfallen |
Feeling sad or disappointed. |
She was crestfallen after failing the exam. |
Criminal |
Relating to crime or unlawful behavior. |
His criminal past made it hard to find a job. |
Crippled |
Severely damaged or impaired. |
The business was crippled by the economic downturn. |
Critical |
Inclined to find fault or judge harshly. |
He gave a critical review of the new movie. |
Crooked |
Dishonest or bent out of shape. |
The politician was accused of being crooked. |
Cross |
Annoyed or angry. |
She was cross with him for being late again. |
Crotchety |
Bad-tempered or irritable. |
The crotchety neighbor yelled at the kids playing outside. |
Crude |
Lacking refinement or tact. |
His crude humor made some people uncomfortable. |
Cruel |
Willfully causing pain or suffering. |
The dictator was known for his cruel policies. |
Crummy |
Of poor quality or unpleasant. |
The hotel room was crummy and not worth the price. |
Cryptic |
Mysterious or having a hidden meaning. |
His cryptic message left everyone confused. |
Cuddly |
Soft and inviting hugs. |
The puppy was so cuddly that everyone wanted to hold it. |
Cultural |
Relating to the ideas, customs, or social behavior of a society. |
The festival showcased cultural diversity. |
Cultured |
Refined and well-educated. |
She’s a cultured individual with a love for the arts. |
Cunning |
Skillful in achieving goals through deceit. |
The villain’s cunning plan nearly succeeded. |
Curious |
Eager to learn or know something. |
The curious child asked many questions about the stars. |
Curly |
Having curls or waves in hair or texture. |
Her curly hair framed her face beautifully. |
Cursed |
Doomed or under a spell. |
The villagers believed the forest was cursed. |
Curved |
Having a rounded shape. |
The artist drew a curved line to represent the path. |
Curvy |
Having curves, often used to describe a figure. |
The dress highlighted her curvy silhouette. |
Customer-oriented |
Focused on satisfying customers' needs. |
The company is very customer-oriented in its approach. |
Cute |
Endearing and charming in appearance. |
The baby’s cute smile melted everyone’s hearts. |
Cutting Edge |
Innovative and advanced. |
This technology is truly cutting edge and ahead of its time. |
Cynical |
Distrustful of others' motives. |
His cynical view of the world made him difficult to work with. |
List of Inspirational Adjectives That Start With C
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Calm |
Free from disturbance or agitation. |
Her calm demeanor inspired confidence during the crisis. |
Captivated |
Deeply interested or mesmerized. |
The audience was captivated by the motivational speech. |
Carefree |
Free from worry or stress. |
Their carefree attitude reminds others to live in the moment. |
Celebrated |
Widely recognized and praised. |
He is a celebrated author whose works inspire millions. |
Celestial |
Relating to the heavens or divine beauty. |
The celestial view of the stars filled them with awe. |
Ceremonial |
Relating to formal or meaningful traditions. |
The ceremonial event marked a new beginning for the community. |
Certain |
Free from doubt or confident in a decision. |
She is certain that her efforts will lead to success. |
Chance |
Full of possibility and opportunity. |
It was a chance encounter that changed his life forever. |
Cheery |
Bright and optimistic in attitude. |
Her cheery outlook encouraged everyone to keep going. |
Cherished |
Highly valued or loved. |
The book is a cherished possession that brings her comfort. |
Choice |
Of high quality or carefully selected. |
His choice words inspired the entire team. |
Cinematic |
Dramatic and visually striking. |
The presentation had a cinematic quality that captured the audience's imagination. |
Classical |
Timeless and of enduring value. |
The classical symphony inspired a sense of harmony and beauty. |
Clear |
Easily understood or free of confusion. |
The message was clear, motivating everyone to take action. |
Comfortable |
Providing ease and reassurance. |
Her comfortable presence made the team feel secure in their abilities. |
Compelling |
Evoking interest, attention, or admiration. |
The story was so compelling that it left everyone inspired. |
Connected |
Feeling close to or in harmony with others. |
They felt connected to the cause and dedicated their efforts wholeheartedly. |
Continuous |
Uninterrupted and ongoing. |
Her continuous efforts to improve inspired her peers. |
Creative |
Showing originality and imagination. |
His creative ideas sparked innovation in the organization. |
Crucial |
Of great importance or significance. |
This is a crucial moment to make a difference in the world. |
List of Descriptive Adjectives That Start With C
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Cackling |
Making a harsh, loud laughing sound. |
The witch’s cackling laugh echoed through the forest. |
Cadaverous |
Extremely pale or thin, resembling a corpse. |
His cadaverous appearance worried his family. |
Cadent |
Rhythmic or flowing. |
The poem had a cadent structure that was soothing to read. |
Caged |
Confined or enclosed like in a cage. |
The bird looked sad and caged in its small enclosure. |
Cagey |
Secretive or reluctant to give information. |
She was cagey about her plans for the evening. |
Caked |
Covered with a thick layer of something. |
His boots were caked with mud after the hike. |
Cakey |
Having a texture similar to cake. |
The foundation made her skin look cakey in photographs. |
Calamitous |
Involving disaster or causing great harm. |
The earthquake had a calamitous effect on the region. |
Calculated |
Done with intent or planning. |
His response was measured and calculated. |
Calibrated |
Precisely adjusted for a specific purpose. |
The machine was calibrated to ensure accurate measurements. |
Californian |
Relating to California or its culture. |
The surfer had a distinct Californian vibe. |
Callous |
Insensitive and unfeeling. |
His callous attitude offended his coworkers. |
Callow |
Inexperienced and immature. |
The callow intern struggled with the new responsibilities. |
Calm |
Free from disturbance or stress. |
Her calm demeanor helped diffuse the tense situation. |
Calming |
Having a soothing or relaxing effect. |
The soft music was incredibly calming. |
Calorific |
Containing many calories or producing heat. |
This dessert is delicious but highly calorific. |
Camera-shy |
Reluctant to be photographed. |
The celebrity is surprisingly camera-shy in public. |
Camouflaged |
Hidden or blended into surroundings. |
The soldiers were well camouflaged in the dense jungle. |
Canary |
Bright yellow, like the bird. |
She wore a canary yellow dress to the party. |
Canceled |
Revoked or nullified. |
The flight was canceled due to bad weather. |
Cancerous |
Relating to or resembling cancer. |
The growth was determined to be cancerous. |
Candid |
Open, honest, and straightforward. |
He gave a candid explanation of his mistakes. |
Canine |
Relating to or resembling a dog. |
The canine features of the animal were striking. |
Cantankerous |
Bad-tempered and argumentative. |
The cantankerous old man scolded the children for playing too loudly. |
Capable |
Having the ability or qualities to succeed. |
She is a capable leader who inspires her team. |
Capital |
Excellent or of primary importance. |
This is a capital idea for the project. |
Capricious |
Impulsive or unpredictable. |
Her capricious nature made her difficult to work with. |
Captivated |
Deeply interested or mesmerized. |
The audience was captivated by the performance. |
Captivating |
Attracting and holding attention. |
Her captivating smile won everyone’s heart. |
Captive |
Held under control or influence. |
The captive audience listened intently to her speech. |
Caramel |
Golden-brown in color, like caramel. |
She dyed her hair a rich caramel shade. |
Cardboardy |
Resembling cardboard in texture or quality. |
The cookies were overbaked and tasted cardboardy. |
Carefree |
Without worry or stress. |
They enjoyed a carefree day at the beach. |
Careful |
Taking care to avoid mistakes or harm. |
Be careful with that glass—it’s fragile! |
Careless |
Lacking attention or responsibility. |
His careless actions caused the accident. |
Caring |
Displaying kindness and concern for others. |
She’s a very caring friend who always listens. |
Carnal |
Relating to physical, especially sexual, needs. |
The novel explored carnal desires in depth. |
Carnivorous |
Meat-eating or predatory. |
Tigers are carnivorous animals that hunt their prey. |
Carpeted |
Covered with carpet. |
The room was fully carpeted in soft, beige fabric. |
Carsick |
Feeling nauseous due to motion in a car. |
She became carsick during the long, winding drive. |
Casual |
Relaxed and informal. |
He prefers casual clothing over formal suits. |
Catastrophic |
Disastrous or causing great damage. |
The hurricane left catastrophic destruction in its wake. |
Catatonic |
Appearing lifeless or unresponsive. |
He remained in a catatonic state after the shock. |
Catchable |
Able to be caught. |
The ball was perfectly thrown and easily catchable. |
Catty |
Spiteful or mean-spirited. |
Her catty remarks upset her colleagues. |
Caustic |
Sarcastic in a scathing or bitter way. |
His caustic humor made people uncomfortable. |
Cautious |
Careful to avoid danger or mistakes. |
She is always cautious when driving in bad weather. |
Cavalier |
Showing a lack of concern or seriousness. |
His cavalier attitude irritated his coworkers. |
Cavernous |
Resembling a large, empty space. |
The hall felt cavernous with its high ceilings and bare walls. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Ceaseless |
Never-ending or continuous. |
Her ceaseless energy inspired the entire team. |
Celebrated |
Widely known and praised. |
He is a celebrated author in the literary world. |
Celestial |
Relating to the heavens or sky. |
The celestial beauty of the night sky was mesmerizing. |
Centered |
Emotionally or mentally balanced. |
He remained centered despite the chaos around him. |
Central |
Of primary importance or located in the center. |
The library is in a central location downtown. |
Ceramic |
Made of clay and hardened by heat. |
The ceramic vase was handcrafted by a local artist. |
Cerebral |
Relating to the brain or intellect. |
His arguments were highly cerebral and thought-provoking. |
Ceremonial |
Related to formal or traditional events. |
She wore a ceremonial gown for the inauguration. |
Certain |
Sure or confident about something. |
She was certain that her decision was the right one. |
Certifiable |
Officially recognized or insane (context-dependent). |
His achievements make him a certifiable expert. |
Certified |
Officially recognized or verified. |
She is a certified yoga instructor. |
Chagrined |
Embarrassed or humiliated. |
He felt chagrined after making the mistake in front of the crowd. |
Chalky |
Having a dry, powdery texture. |
The old walls had a chalky surface that needed repainting. |
Challenged |
Experiencing difficulty or obstacles. |
She felt challenged by the complex assignment. |
Challenging |
Demanding effort and determination. |
It was a challenging task, but she succeeded. |
Chance |
Accidental or random. |
It was a chance meeting that changed their lives. |
Changeable |
Capable of being changed or altered. |
The weather in the region is highly changeable. |
Changing |
Undergoing transformation. |
The changing seasons bring a variety of colors. |
Chanting |
Repeatedly singing or speaking words in rhythm. |
The crowd was chanting slogans during the protest. |
Charging |
Moving forward with force or energy. |
The charging bull startled the crowd at the rodeo. |
Charismatic |
Possessing charm and appeal. |
The leader’s charismatic personality won over the audience. |
Charitable |
Generous and helpful to those in need. |
Her charitable efforts have made a significant impact. |
Charmed |
Feeling fortunate or enchanted. |
He lived a charmed life full of opportunities. |
Charming |
Pleasantly attractive or delightful. |
The town had a charming atmosphere that drew tourists. |
Charred |
Burnt or blackened by fire. |
The edges of the toast were slightly charred. |
Chaste |
Pure and virtuous. |
She led a chaste and simple lifestyle. |
Chattering |
Talking rapidly or noisily. |
The students were chattering excitedly before the field trip. |
Chatting |
Engaging in informal conversation. |
They were chatting about their weekend plans. |
Chatty |
Talkative or prone to conversation. |
He’s a chatty person who loves sharing stories. |
Chauvinistic |
Excessively patriotic or prejudiced. |
His chauvinistic remarks offended many listeners. |
Cheap |
Low in cost or quality. |
The shoes looked cheap, but they were comfortable. |
Cheapest |
The least expensive. |
She bought the cheapest option available. |
Checkered |
Marked by varied events or patterns. |
He has a checkered past filled with ups and downs. |
Cheeky |
Playfully bold or mischievous. |
His cheeky grin made everyone laugh. |
Cheerful |
Noticeably happy and optimistic. |
She always has a cheerful smile on her face. |
Cheering |
Encouraging or uplifting. |
The cheering crowd boosted the athlete’s confidence. |
Cheerless |
Gloomy or lacking joy. |
The room felt cheerless without any decorations. |
Cheery |
Bright and happy in mood. |
The café has a cheery atmosphere that draws in customers. |
Cheesy |
Overly sentimental or tacky. |
The movie was so cheesy that it was hard not to laugh. |
Chemical |
Relating to or involving chemicals. |
The chemical smell in the lab was overwhelming. |
Cherish |
Holding something dear or valuable. |
They cherish the memories of their time together. |
Cherished |
Loved and valued greatly. |
Her grandmother’s locket is a cherished heirloom. |
Chewable |
Able to be chewed easily. |
The vitamins come in chewable tablets for kids. |
Chewy |
Requiring effort to chew. |
The cookies were soft and chewy, just the way she liked them. |
Chic |
Stylish and fashionable. |
She looked chic in her tailored dress. |
Chicken |
Cowardly or timid. |
He was too chicken to try the roller coaster. |
Chief |
Most important or highest in rank. |
Her chief responsibility is managing the budget. |
Childish |
Immature or silly. |
His childish behavior embarrassed his colleagues. |
Childlike |
Innocent or resembling a child. |
Her childlike wonder made the trip to the museum exciting. |
Chilling |
Frightening or causing fear. |
The chilling sound in the night startled the campers. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Chilly |
Cold or unfriendly in manner or temperature. |
The chilly wind made everyone shiver. |
Chinese |
Relating to China or its people. |
She enjoys Chinese cuisine. |
Chiseled |
Having well-defined, sharp features. |
His chiseled jawline made him look like a model. |
Chivalrous |
Courteous and gallant, especially toward women. |
He’s known for his chivalrous nature. |
Chock-full |
Completely full or overflowing. |
The box was chock-full of delicious snacks. |
Chocolate |
Having the color or flavor of chocolate. |
She wore a chocolate brown sweater. |
Choice |
Of superior quality or carefully selected. |
They serve choice cuts of meat at the restaurant. |
Choking |
Causing difficulty in breathing. |
The smoke was choking and made it hard to breathe. |
Choosy |
Picky or highly selective. |
She’s very choosy when it comes to her outfits. |
Choppy |
Uneven or rough in movement or texture. |
The boat ride was choppy due to the strong winds. |
Chrome |
Having a shiny metallic surface. |
The car’s chrome accents gave it a sleek look. |
Chronic |
Persisting for a long time or recurring. |
She suffers from chronic back pain. |
Chronological |
Arranged in the order of time. |
The events were listed in chronological order. |
Chubby |
Slightly overweight in a pleasant way. |
The chubby baby smiled at everyone in the room. |
Chuckling |
Laughing quietly or softly. |
He was chuckling at the funny joke. |
Chummy |
Friendly and sociable. |
They’ve been quite chummy since they started working together. |
Chunky |
Bulky or thick in size. |
He wore a chunky sweater on the cold day. |
Churlish |
Rude or lacking manners. |
His churlish behavior upset everyone at the party. |
Cinematic |
Dramatic or visually striking, like in films. |
The scene had a cinematic quality with its stunning visuals. |
Circling |
Moving around in a circular path. |
The eagle was circling above the forest. |
Circular |
Shaped like a circle. |
They sat at a circular table for the meeting. |
Circumstantial |
Dependent on specific conditions or details. |
The evidence was purely circumstantial. |
Citrus |
Relating to or resembling citrus fruits. |
The soap had a refreshing citrus scent. |
Citrusy |
Having the flavor or aroma of citrus. |
The drink had a citrusy tang. |
Civil |
Polite and courteous in manner. |
Despite the disagreement, they remained civil. |
Civilian |
Relating to or characteristic of non-military life. |
The civilian population was evacuated. |
Civilized |
Polite, well-mannered, and culturally advanced. |
The debate was conducted in a civilized manner. |
Clammy |
Damp, sticky, and unpleasant. |
His hands felt clammy from nervousness. |
Clamoring |
Loud and persistent in demand or protest. |
The crowd was clamoring for justice. |
Clamorous |
Making loud and confusing noise. |
The clamorous market was full of life and energy. |
Clandestine |
Secretive and hidden from view. |
They held a clandestine meeting late at night. |
Clanging |
Producing a loud, resonant metallic sound. |
The clanging of the pots startled the cat. |
Clapping |
Producing applause or claps. |
The audience was clapping loudly for the performer. |
Clashing |
In conflict or strikingly different. |
Their clashing personalities often led to arguments. |
Clasped |
Firmly held or fastened. |
Her hands were clasped tightly in prayer. |
Classic |
Timeless and universally recognized. |
The novel is considered a classic in literature. |
Classical |
Traditional or relating to classical music or art. |
The orchestra played a classical symphony. |
Classifiable |
Able to be categorized or classified. |
The documents were neatly classifiable into sections. |
Classified |
Kept secret or restricted. |
The report contained classified information. |
Classy |
Elegant and sophisticated. |
She looked very classy in her evening gown. |
Clean |
Free from dirt or mess. |
The kitchen was spotless and clean. |
Cleanable |
Able to be cleaned easily. |
The fabric is fully cleanable and stain-resistant. |
Cleansed |
Made pure or clean. |
He felt cleansed after the relaxing spa day. |
Clear |
Easily understood or free of obstructions. |
Her voice was clear and carried across the room. |
Clear-cut |
Obvious or sharply defined. |
The distinction between the two options was clear-cut. |
Cleared |
Free from obstacles or authorized. |
The path was cleared for hikers. |
Clear-headed |
Thinking logically and calmly. |
Despite the pressure, she remained clear-headed. |
Clever |
Quick-witted and resourceful. |
His clever solution impressed everyone in the meeting. |
Climatic |
Relating to the weather or climate. |
The climatic conditions were ideal for farming. |
Climbable |
Able to be climbed. |
The tree was climbable, making it perfect for kids. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Clinging |
Holding tightly or persistently. |
The child was clinging to her mother’s arm. |
Clingy |
Overly dependent or emotionally attached. |
Her clingy behavior made her friends uncomfortable. |
Clinical |
Objective and unemotional; related to clinics. |
His explanation was clinical and lacked warmth. |
Clipped |
Short and abrupt in manner or speech. |
Her clipped tone made it clear she was annoyed. |
Cliquish |
Exclusive or forming cliques. |
The group’s cliquish behavior made others feel unwelcome. |
Clogged |
Blocked or obstructed. |
The sink was clogged with food debris. |
Cloistered |
Secluded or sheltered from the outside world. |
The monk led a cloistered life in the mountains. |
Close |
Physically near or emotionally intimate. |
They have a very close friendship. |
Close-minded |
Unwilling to consider new ideas. |
His close-minded attitude limited his opportunities. |
Closable |
Able to be closed. |
The box is designed with a closable lid. |
Closed |
Not open or accessible. |
The store was closed for renovations. |
Cloudless |
Clear and free of clouds. |
The sky was cloudless, perfect for stargazing. |
Cloudy |
Covered with clouds or unclear. |
The weather was cloudy with a chance of rain. |
Clownish |
Foolish or silly in behavior. |
His clownish antics disrupted the serious meeting. |
Clueless |
Lacking knowledge or understanding. |
She seemed completely clueless about the situation. |
Clumsy |
Awkward or lacking coordination. |
His clumsy attempt to dance made everyone laugh. |
Cluttered |
Messy or disorganized. |
Her desk was so cluttered that she couldn’t find her papers. |
Coachable |
Willing and able to learn or improve. |
She’s very coachable, always eager to take feedback. |
Coarse |
Rough in texture or lacking refinement. |
The fabric felt coarse against his skin. |
Coastal |
Located near or relating to the coast. |
They enjoyed the coastal scenery during their vacation. |
Cockamamie |
Ridiculous or nonsensical. |
That’s the most cockamamie idea I’ve ever heard! |
Cocky |
Overconfident and arrogant. |
His cocky attitude annoyed everyone. |
Codified |
Arranged into a systematic code or plan. |
The rules were codified into a formal document. |
Coercive |
Using force or threats to compel action. |
The policy was criticized for its coercive tactics. |
Cognitive |
Relating to mental processes such as thinking. |
The study focused on cognitive development in children. |
Coherent |
Logical and consistent. |
Her argument was clear and coherent. |
Cohesive |
United or working together effectively. |
The team presented a cohesive plan to the board. |
Coincidental |
Happening by chance at the same time. |
Their meeting at the airport was purely coincidental. |
Cold |
Lacking warmth or emotion. |
His cold attitude made it difficult to approach him. |
Cold-hearted |
Unfeeling and lacking compassion. |
She was accused of being cold-hearted after firing the employee. |
Collaborative |
Working well with others. |
The project was a collaborative effort by the entire team. |
Collapsed |
Fallen or caved in. |
The building was collapsed after the earthquake. |
Collapsing |
In the process of falling or caving in. |
The bridge was collapsing under the weight of the truck. |
Collectable |
Worthy of being collected or kept. |
The limited-edition coins are highly collectable. |
Collegial |
Friendly and cooperative among colleagues. |
The team had a collegial atmosphere. |
Colloquial |
Informal or conversational in language. |
The book was written in a colloquial style that appealed to readers. |
Colombian |
Relating to Colombia or its culture. |
She enjoys Colombian coffee every morning. |
Colonial |
Relating to a colony or colonial period. |
The house had beautiful colonial architecture. |
Colorful |
Full of vivid colors or variety. |
The parade was a colorful celebration of culture. |
Colorless |
Lacking color or vibrancy. |
The room looked colorless without decorations. |
Colossal |
Extremely large or massive. |
The skyscraper was a colossal achievement in engineering. |
Combative |
Ready or eager to fight or argue. |
His combative attitude made negotiations difficult. |
Combined |
Brought together or united. |
The combined efforts of the group led to success. |
Comfortable |
Providing ease or relaxation. |
The couch was so comfortable that he fell asleep. |
Comforted |
Reassured or consoled. |
She felt comforted by her friend’s kind words. |
Comforting |
Providing comfort or reassurance. |
The comforting hug eased her worries. |
Comical |
Funny or amusing. |
His comical expressions always made people laugh. |
Commanding |
Authoritative and in control. |
She has a commanding presence in the boardroom. |
Commemorative |
Intended to honor or remember. |
They released a commemorative coin for the anniversary. |
Commendable |
Worthy of praise or recognition. |
Her commendable efforts helped the project succeed. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Conflicting |
Inconsistent or in disagreement. |
The witnesses provided conflicting accounts of the event. |
Conformable |
Agreeable or compliant with rules or conditions. |
The material is conformable to various shapes. |
Confounded |
Extremely confused or perplexed. |
He was confounded by the unexpected test results. |
Confused |
Lacking clarity or understanding. |
She looked confused after hearing the instructions. |
Confusing |
Difficult to understand or unclear. |
The directions were so confusing that no one followed them correctly. |
Congealed |
Turned from liquid to solid or semi-solid. |
The soup had congealed into a thick, gelatinous mass. |
Congenial |
Pleasant and friendly. |
The staff were incredibly congenial and helpful. |
Congenital |
Present from birth. |
She has a congenital heart condition. |
Congested |
Overcrowded or blocked. |
The highway was heavily congested during rush hour. |
Congressional |
Relating to a congress or legislative body. |
The congressional debate lasted for hours. |
Congruent |
In agreement or harmony. |
Their goals were congruent, making collaboration easy. |
Congruous |
Suitable or appropriate in context. |
The new policy is congruous with existing regulations. |
Conical |
Shaped like a cone. |
The mountain had a distinct conical peak. |
Connectable |
Able to be linked or joined. |
The device is connectable to various systems. |
Connected |
Linked or associated. |
She felt deeply connected to her heritage. |
Connecting |
Bringing things or people together. |
The connecting flight was delayed by two hours. |
Connective |
Serving to join or link. |
The connective tissue supports the structure of the body. |
Conscientious |
Diligent and careful in work or tasks. |
He’s a conscientious worker who pays attention to detail. |
Conscious |
Aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings. |
She is conscious of the impact of her actions. |
Consecutive |
Following one after the other. |
She won three consecutive matches in the tournament. |
Consensual |
Agreed upon by all parties involved. |
The decision was made through a consensual agreement. |
Consenting |
Giving permission or agreement. |
Both parties were consenting to the arrangement. |
Conservative |
Favoring traditional values or cautious in change. |
His conservative approach minimized risks. |
Considerable |
Large in amount or importance. |
She made a considerable effort to improve her skills. |
Considerate |
Thoughtful and mindful of others’ needs. |
He is always considerate of his colleagues’ time. |
Consistent |
Steady and reliable over time. |
Her performance has been consistent throughout the season. |
Consoling |
Providing comfort or reassurance. |
His consoling words helped her through a tough time. |
Conspicuous |
Easily noticeable or attracting attention. |
Her red dress made her conspicuous at the party. |
Conspiratorial |
Suggesting involvement in a secret plan. |
They exchanged conspiratorial glances during the meeting. |
Constant |
Unchanging or continuous. |
His support has been a constant source of strength for me. |
Constitutional |
Relating to a constitution or physical health. |
The law was deemed constitutional by the court. |
Constricted |
Tightened or restricted. |
The narrow alley felt constricted and difficult to navigate. |
Constrictive |
Limiting or restricting freedom or movement. |
The rules had a constrictive effect on creativity. |
Constructive |
Serving a useful or beneficial purpose. |
She gave constructive feedback that helped improve the project. |
Consumable |
Intended to be used up or consumed. |
The store sells consumable goods like snacks and drinks. |
Consummate |
Showing a high degree of skill or flair. |
He is a consummate professional in his field. |
Contagious |
Easily spread from person to person. |
Her laughter was so contagious that everyone joined in. |
Containable |
Able to be controlled or kept within limits. |
The fire was quickly deemed containable by the firefighters. |
Contaminated |
Impure or polluted. |
The water supply was contaminated by industrial waste. |
Contemplative |
Deep in thought or reflective. |
He spent the afternoon in a contemplative mood. |
Contemporary |
Modern or current in style or ideas. |
The gallery featured contemporary art exhibits. |
Contemptible |
Deserving of scorn or disrespect. |
His actions were contemptible and deeply upsetting. |
Contemptuous |
Showing disdain or disrespect. |
She gave him a contemptuous glare during the argument. |
Content |
Satisfied or at peace. |
He felt content with his achievements. |
Contented |
Happy and satisfied. |
She led a contented life in the countryside. |
Contentious |
Causing disagreement or argument. |
The policy has become a contentious issue. |
Contextual |
Relating to or dependent on context. |
The meaning of the word is contextual and varies in different situations. |
Continual |
Repeated or happening frequently. |
Her continual interruptions made it hard to focus. |
Continuing |
Ongoing or in progress. |
The continuing success of the campaign was celebrated. |
Continuous |
Without interruption or pause. |
The stream flowed in a continuous motion down the hill. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Contorted |
Twisted or bent out of shape. |
His face was contorted with pain. |
Contoured |
Shaped or outlined with precision. |
The artist painted the contoured landscape. |
Contractual |
Relating to a contract or agreement. |
Their relationship was defined by contractual obligations. |
Contradicting |
Opposing or inconsistent. |
The two statements were clearly contradicting. |
Contradictory |
Inconsistent or mutually opposed. |
His actions were contradictory to his words. |
Contrarian |
Opposing popular opinion or practice. |
Her contrarian views often sparked debates. |
Contrary |
Opposite in nature or direction. |
His behavior was contrary to what was expected. |
Contributive |
Helping to bring about a result. |
His ideas were contributive to the project’s success. |
Contrite |
Feeling or expressing remorse. |
He appeared contrite after realizing his mistake. |
Controllable |
Capable of being managed or directed. |
The new system is highly controllable. |
Controlling |
Overly bossy or domineering. |
Her controlling nature made teamwork difficult. |
Controversial |
Causing disagreement or debate. |
The new policy is highly controversial. |
Convenient |
Easy to use or suitable for a particular purpose. |
The location of the store is very convenient. |
Conventional |
Following traditional norms or standards. |
He prefers a conventional approach to problem-solving. |
Conversational |
Friendly or informal in tone. |
Her conversational style made everyone feel at ease. |
Convex |
Curved outward like the surface of a sphere. |
The mirror has a convex surface. |
Convinced |
Completely certain or persuaded. |
She was convinced that her decision was correct. |
Convincing |
Persuasive or believable. |
His argument was so convincing that everyone agreed. |
Convoluted |
Complicated or difficult to understand. |
The plot of the movie was too convoluted to follow. |
Convulsive |
Involving sudden, uncontrollable movements. |
He had a convulsive reaction to the shock. |
Cooing |
Making soft, murmuring sounds. |
The baby was cooing happily in her crib. |
Cooked |
Prepared by heating or cooking. |
The vegetables were perfectly cooked. |
Cool |
Calm, composed, or fashionable. |
He always stays cool under pressure. |
Cooperative |
Willing to work with others. |
The students were cooperative during the group activity. |
Coordinated |
Well-organized or synchronized. |
The dancers performed in a perfectly coordinated routine. |
Copious |
Abundant or plentiful. |
They received copious amounts of feedback on their proposal. |
Copper |
Having the reddish-brown color of copper. |
Her hair had a rich copper hue. |
Cordial |
Warm and friendly. |
They had a cordial conversation about their plans. |
Corner |
Relating to or forming a corner. |
The corner table was reserved for the couple. |
Cornered |
Trapped or in a difficult position. |
The cat felt cornered and hissed at the intruder. |
Corny |
Overused and lacking originality. |
His jokes were so corny that everyone rolled their eyes. |
Corporate |
Relating to a corporation or business. |
The event was sponsored by a major corporate brand. |
Corpulent |
Large or overweight. |
The king was described as a corpulent man with a hearty laugh. |
Correct |
Free from error or accurate. |
The answer to the math problem was correct. |
Correctable |
Able to be fixed or amended. |
Most of the errors in the report are correctable. |
Corrective |
Intended to fix or improve something. |
They implemented corrective measures to address the issue. |
Corresponding |
Matching or equivalent. |
The graph shows corresponding data for the two groups. |
Corrosive |
Causing damage through a chemical reaction. |
The acid was highly corrosive and required careful handling. |
Corrupt |
Dishonest or unethical. |
The official was accused of being corrupt. |
Corrupting |
Causing moral or ethical decay. |
Power has a corrupting influence on some leaders. |
Corruptive |
Tending to corrupt or degrade. |
The corruptive nature of money was a central theme in the novel. |
Cosmetic |
Relating to appearance or surface features. |
The changes made to the building were purely cosmetic. |
Cosmic |
Vast or relating to the universe. |
The telescope provided a glimpse into cosmic phenomena. |
Cosmopolitan |
Sophisticated and worldly. |
She has a cosmopolitan outlook on life. |
Costly |
Expensive or causing a great loss. |
The mistake proved to be costly for the company. |
Cotton |
Made of or resembling cotton. |
She wore a cotton dress to stay cool in the heat. |
Cottony |
Soft and fluffy like cotton. |
The clouds looked cottony against the blue sky. |
Coughing |
Making sudden, noisy expulsions of air from the lungs. |
The child was coughing all night due to a cold. |
Countless |
Too many to count. |
The project required countless hours of dedication. |
Courageous |
Brave and bold in the face of danger. |
The firefighter’s courageous actions saved lives. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Courteous |
Polite and respectful in manner. |
The waiter was very courteous to all the customers. |
Covered |
Enclosed or concealed by something. |
The table was covered with a red tablecloth. |
Covert |
Hidden or secretive. |
They planned a covert operation to retrieve the files. |
Coveted |
Greatly desired or envied. |
She won the coveted Best Actor award. |
Cowardly |
Lacking courage or bravery. |
His cowardly actions disappointed his friends. |
Cowering |
Cringing or recoiling in fear. |
The dog was cowering in the corner during the thunderstorm. |
Coy |
Pretending to be shy or modest. |
She gave a coy smile during the conversation. |
Cozy |
Comfortable, warm, and inviting. |
The cabin had a cozy atmosphere with its fireplace. |
Crabby |
Irritable or easily annoyed. |
He was feeling particularly crabby after missing his morning coffee. |
Cracked |
Broken or with fine lines on the surface. |
The cracked mirror reflected a distorted image. |
Crackling |
Making sharp, snapping sounds. |
The fire was crackling in the fireplace. |
Crafty |
Clever and deceitful in achieving goals. |
The fox is often portrayed as a crafty character in fables. |
Craggy |
Rugged or uneven, often describing terrain. |
The craggy cliffs made the hike challenging. |
Crammed |
Filled tightly with no space left. |
The room was crammed with books and papers. |
Cramped |
Small and confined in space. |
The apartment felt cramped with so many people inside. |
Cranky |
Bad-tempered or irritable. |
The baby was cranky because she needed a nap. |
Crashing |
Making loud, sudden noises. |
The sound of crashing waves filled the air. |
Crass |
Lacking sensitivity or refinement. |
His crass remarks offended everyone at the meeting. |
Craven |
Cowardly or lacking courage. |
His craven decision to avoid the challenge disappointed his team. |
Crawling |
Moving slowly, especially on hands and knees. |
The baby was crawling across the floor. |
Crazy |
Wildly foolish or mentally unstable. |
Her crazy ideas often led to unexpected adventures. |
Creaking |
Making a high-pitched sound when moving. |
The old door was creaking as it opened. |
Creaky |
Old and likely to make noises when moved. |
The creaky stairs echoed in the empty house. |
Cream |
Having the color or consistency of cream. |
She painted the walls a soft cream color. |
Creamy |
Smooth and rich in texture. |
The soup was deliciously creamy. |
Creative |
Imaginative and original. |
His creative ideas brought new life to the project. |
Credible |
Believable or trustworthy. |
Her explanation was detailed and credible. |
Creeping |
Moving slowly and stealthily. |
A spider was creeping along the windowsill. |
Creepy |
Causing unease or fear. |
The abandoned house had a creepy atmosphere. |
Crestfallen |
Feeling disappointed or dejected. |
She was crestfallen after hearing the bad news. |
Criminal |
Relating to or guilty of a crime. |
His criminal behavior shocked everyone. |
Crimson |
Deep red in color. |
The sunset painted the sky a rich crimson hue. |
Crinkly |
Having small wrinkles or folds. |
The gift wrap was crinkly and shiny. |
Crippled |
Severely damaged or impaired. |
The economy was crippled by the financial crisis. |
Crippling |
Causing severe damage or hardship. |
The storm dealt a crippling blow to the city’s infrastructure. |
Crisp |
Firm, fresh, or clean in appearance. |
The apple was deliciously crisp and sweet. |
Crispy |
Crunchy in texture. |
The bacon was perfectly crispy. |
Crisscross |
Marked with intersecting lines or paths. |
The map was full of crisscross roads and trails. |
Critical |
Expressing judgment or finding fault. |
The report was highly critical of the new policy. |
Critical-thinking |
Logical and analytical in approach. |
Critical-thinking skills are essential for solving complex problems. |
Criticized |
Judged unfavorably or negatively. |
The artist was heavily criticized for her controversial work. |
Crooked |
Bent or dishonest. |
The picture frame hung crooked on the wall. |
Cropped |
Cut short or reduced in length. |
She wore a cropped jacket over her dress. |
Cross |
Annoyed or irritated. |
She was cross with him for being late again. |
Crossed |
Intersected or overlapped. |
The wires were accidentally crossed, causing a short circuit. |
Crotchety |
Bad-tempered or irritable. |
The crotchety old man complained about the noise. |
Crowded |
Full of people or things. |
The train was crowded during rush hour. |
Crucial |
Extremely important or essential. |
It’s crucial to follow the safety guidelines. |
Crude |
Rough or unrefined in behavior or appearance. |
His crude remarks offended everyone in the room. |
Cruel |
Willfully causing pain or suffering. |
Her cruel actions left a lasting impact. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Crumbling |
Breaking apart into small pieces. |
The old castle was crumbling from neglect. |
Crumbly |
Easily breaking into small fragments. |
The cookies were soft and crumbly. |
Crummy |
Of poor quality or unpleasant. |
The hotel room was crummy and overpriced. |
Crumply |
Full of wrinkles or folds. |
The packaging was old and crumply. |
Crunchable |
Able to be crushed or eaten with a crunch. |
These crackers are deliciously crunchable. |
Crunching |
Making a crisp, cracking noise when pressed. |
The sound of crunching leaves filled the air. |
Crunchy |
Crisp and firm in texture. |
The salad was fresh and crunchy. |
Crushable |
Capable of being crushed. |
The aluminum can is lightweight and crushable. |
Crushed |
Broken or pressed into smaller pieces. |
The flowers were crushed underfoot. |
Crushing |
Overwhelming or devastating. |
The team suffered a crushing defeat in the finals. |
Crusty |
Having a hard outer surface. |
The bread had a warm, crusty exterior. |
Crying |
Shedding tears or calling out loudly. |
The crying baby needed attention. |
Cryptic |
Mysterious or having a hidden meaning. |
The message was written in cryptic symbols. |
Crystalline |
Clear or resembling crystal. |
The lake’s water was crystalline and inviting. |
Crystallized |
Formed into crystals or made clear. |
Her ideas became crystallized after much thought. |
Cuddly |
Soft, warm, and inviting hugs. |
The teddy bear was so cuddly that it became her favorite. |
Cultivated |
Refined and educated, or prepared for crops. |
He is a cultivated man with a love for the arts. |
Cultural |
Relating to culture or customs. |
The museum highlights the cultural heritage of the region. |
Cultured |
Sophisticated and well-educated. |
She is a cultured individual with an appreciation for classical music. |
Cumbersome |
Difficult to carry or handle due to size or weight. |
The package was large and cumbersome. |
Cumulative |
Increasing in quantity or effect over time. |
The cumulative effects of the medication took a toll on his health. |
Cunning |
Clever in achieving goals, often deceitfully. |
The thief used a cunning plan to escape. |
Culpable |
Deserving blame or guilt. |
The judge declared him culpable for the crime. |
Curable |
Able to be healed or remedied. |
The disease is rare but curable with early treatment. |
Curative |
Having healing properties. |
This herb is known for its curative effects on the body. |
Curious |
Eager to learn or know something. |
The curious child asked endless questions. |
Curly |
Having curls or waves in hair or texture. |
Her curly hair bounced as she walked. |
Current |
Happening or existing now. |
The current situation requires immediate attention. |
Cursed |
Doomed or under a spell. |
The family believed the house was cursed. |
Curt |
Brief and to the point, often rudely so. |
His curt reply ended the conversation abruptly. |
Curved |
Bent or rounded in shape. |
The curved path led to a hidden garden. |
Curvy |
Having curves or a rounded shape. |
She admired the curvy lines of the sculpture. |
Cushy |
Easy and comfortable. |
He landed a cushy job with flexible hours. |
Customary |
According to tradition or usual practices. |
It’s customary to shake hands when meeting someone new. |
Customer-oriented |
Focused on satisfying customers' needs. |
The business prides itself on being customer-oriented. |
Cut |
Divided into pieces or shaped by cutting. |
The cut flowers were arranged beautifully in a vase. |
Cute |
Endearing and charming in appearance. |
The puppy’s cute antics melted everyone’s hearts. |
Cutting |
Sharp or able to cut. |
The cutting edge of the blade was razor-sharp. |
Cutting Edge |
Highly innovative and advanced. |
The company is known for its cutting-edge technology. |
Cylindrical |
Shaped like a cylinder. |
The container had a cylindrical design. |
Cynical |
Distrustful of others’ motives. |
His cynical view of the world made him difficult to work with. |
Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
1. Personality Traits
Positive: Caring, Cheerful, Charismatic.
Negative: Cynical, Callous, Combative.
Neutral: Curious, Critical, Calm.
2. Describing Appearance
Positive: Classy, Charming, Colorful.
Negative: Clumsy, Cold, Boring.
Neutral: Clear, Cool, Crowded.
3. Emotions and Feelings
Positive: Calm, Cheerful, Confident.
Negative: Cruel, Cynical, Cautious.
Neutral: Curious, Critical, Careful.
Everyday Use of Adjectives Starting With C
Positive: "Her charming demeanor made her a great host."
Negative: "His cynical remarks dampened the mood."
Neutral: "The clear skies made for a perfect day to hike."
Common Mistakes
1. Misusing “Calm” for “Carefree”
Mistake: "She seemed calm and unconcerned."
Correction: "She seemed carefree and unconcerned."
Tip: Use "calm" for peaceful states and "carefree" for lack of worries.
2. Confusing “Confident” with “Arrogant”
Mistake: "He’s confident and ignores advice."
Correction: "He’s arrogant and ignores advice."
Tip: Confidence is positive; arrogance is dismissive or boastful.
3. Overusing “Creative” for Non-Innovative Tasks
Mistake: "The accountant came up with a creative spreadsheet."
Correction: "The accountant came up with an efficient spreadsheet."
4. Using “Cheerful” for Formal Tone
Mistake: "The report had a cheerful conclusion."
Correction: "The report had an optimistic conclusion."
5. Mixing “Critical” with “Cynical”
Mistake: "She’s cynical about every detail in the project."
Correction: "She’s critical about every detail in the project."
What’s the difference between “Cheerful” and “Happy”?
Cheerful implies an outward expression of positivity, while happy refers to an internal state of joy.
Can “Clever” be used negatively?
Yes, it can imply cunning or deceit in some contexts.
Example: "His clever trick fooled everyone."
Is “Cold” always negative?
No, it can describe temperature neutrally or negatively describe a lack of warmth in behavior.
What’s the difference between “Curious” and “Nosy”?
Curious is a neutral or positive trait, while nosy suggests intrusive behavior.
Can “Compassionate” describe non-human subjects?
Rarely, but it can describe actions or policies that demonstrate care for others.
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