Adjectives That Start with G
Table of Contents
- Adjectives that start with G Exercises and Flashcards
- List of Positive Adjectives That Start With G
- List of Negative Adjectives That Start With G
- List of Personality Adjectives That Start With G
- List of Descriptive Adjectives That Start With G
- Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
- Everyday Use of Adjectives Starting With G
- Common Mistakes
Adjectives that start with G Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Adjectives that start with G
List of Positive Adjectives That Start With G
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Gainful |
Producing a profit or benefit. |
She found gainful employment after graduation. |
Gamesome |
Playful or full of fun. |
The kids were gamesome and excited during recess. |
Garnished |
Decorated or enhanced for beauty. |
The dish was beautifully garnished with fresh herbs. |
Gifted |
Having exceptional talent or ability. |
The gifted musician played flawlessly. |
Gilded |
Covered in gold or appearing luxurious. |
The gilded frame added elegance to the painting. |
Glamorous |
Stylish and full of charm. |
The actress wore a glamorous gown on the red carpet. |
Glitzy |
Sparkling and eye-catching. |
The city’s glitzy nightlife attracts tourists. |
Glorious |
Magnificent or splendid. |
The sunrise was a glorious sight to behold. |
Gobsmacked |
Astounded or amazed. |
She was gobsmacked by the surprise party. |
Golden |
Precious, excellent, or prosperous. |
They reminisced about their golden childhood days. |
Goodhearted |
Kind and generous in nature. |
He is a goodhearted person who always helps others. |
Gorgeous |
Extremely beautiful or attractive. |
The bride looked absolutely gorgeous on her wedding day. |
Graceful |
Elegant and smooth in movement or behavior. |
The dancer performed with graceful precision. |
Gratifying |
Giving pleasure or satisfaction. |
Helping others is a deeply gratifying experience. |
Groomed |
Neat and well-cared-for in appearance. |
He arrived at the interview looking impeccably groomed. |
Groovy |
Cool, trendy, or fashionable. |
The band played some groovy tunes at the party. |
Groundbreaking |
Innovative and pioneering. |
The scientist made a groundbreaking discovery in genetics. |
Grounded |
Sensible and emotionally stable. |
Despite her fame, she remains humble and grounded. |
Guaranteed |
Certain or assured. |
The company offers guaranteed satisfaction for its services. |
Gumptious |
Ambitious and energetic. |
His gumptious attitude helped him achieve his goals. |

List of Negative Adjectives That Start With G
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Galling |
Annoying or humiliating. |
The unfair treatment was galling to witness. |
Garish |
Excessively bright and flashy. |
The room was decorated in garish colors that hurt my eyes. |
Garrulous |
Excessively talkative, especially about trivial matters. |
His garrulous nature made the conversation exhausting. |
Gauche |
Lacking social grace or tact. |
His gauche behavior embarrassed everyone at the table. |
Gaudy |
Overly showy and tasteless. |
The outfit was too gaudy for a formal event. |
Gawky |
Awkward and clumsy in movement. |
The gawky teenager tripped over his own feet. |
Ghastly |
Shockingly horrible or terrifying. |
The crime scene was a ghastly sight. |
Gloomy |
Dark or depressing in atmosphere. |
The weather was gloomy, making everyone feel down. |
Gluttonous |
Excessively greedy, especially with food. |
His gluttonous appetite shocked everyone at the dinner table. |
Godforsaken |
Remote, desolate, or neglected. |
They lived in a godforsaken town with no modern amenities. |
Gossipy |
Fond of spreading rumors. |
The gossipy neighbors always seemed to know everyone’s business. |
Grandiloquent |
Using pompous or extravagant language. |
His grandiloquent speech was difficult to take seriously. |
Grandiose |
Overly ambitious and unrealistic in scale. |
The plan was too grandiose to ever succeed. |
Grating |
Harsh and irritating, often referring to sound. |
Her grating voice made it hard to enjoy the meeting. |
Gratuitous |
Unnecessary or uncalled for. |
The film contained gratuitous violence that added nothing to the story. |
Grave |
Serious and likely to cause concern. |
His tone was grave as he delivered the bad news. |
Greedy |
Excessively desirous of wealth or possessions. |
The greedy landlord raised the rent unfairly. |
Groggy |
Dazed or weakened, often from lack of sleep. |
She felt groggy after the long flight. |
Gross |
Disgusting or highly offensive. |
The food left a gross aftertaste in my mouth. |
Grotesque |
Distorted and unnatural in appearance. |
The statue had a grotesque expression that frightened the children. |
Grueling |
Extremely demanding and exhausting. |
The marathon was a grueling test of endurance. |
Gruesome |
Causing horror or disgust. |
The film’s gruesome scenes made it hard to watch. |
Gruff |
Rough or harsh in manner or speech. |
The old man’s gruff response discouraged further questions. |
Gutless |
Lacking courage or resolve. |
His gutless behavior in the face of danger disappointed his friends. |
Gut-wrenching |
Extremely distressing or emotionally painful. |
The documentary was a gut-wrenching account of the tragedy. |
List of Personality Adjectives That Start With G
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Gallant |
Brave and chivalrous. |
The knight was gallant in defending the villagers. |
Geeky |
Enthusiastically focused on niche interests. |
He’s a bit geeky, always talking about coding and video games. |
Genial |
Friendly and cheerful. |
His genial personality made him well-liked by everyone. |
Genteel |
Polite and refined in manners. |
She maintained a genteel demeanor throughout the event. |
Gentle |
Kind and soft-spoken. |
He is a gentle person who always speaks with care. |
Gentlemanly |
Having the qualities of a gentleman; courteous. |
He showed gentlemanly behavior by holding the door for her. |
Genuine |
Sincere and authentic. |
Her genuine kindness made her stand out. |
Giddy |
Lighthearted and excitable. |
She was giddy with excitement about the trip. |
Giving |
Generous and willing to help others. |
He has a giving nature and always supports charities. |
Glad |
Happy and pleased. |
She was glad to hear the good news. |
Gleeful |
Full of joy and delight. |
The children were gleeful when they saw the presents. |
Glum |
Sullen and downcast. |
He seemed glum after hearing the disappointing news. |
Goofy |
Silly and playful. |
His goofy jokes always lighten the mood. |
Gracious |
Courteous, kind, and pleasant. |
She was gracious in both victory and defeat. |
Grateful |
Feeling or showing appreciation. |
He was grateful for the support from his family. |
Gregarious |
Sociable and enjoying the company of others. |
Her gregarious nature makes her the life of the party. |
Guarded |
Cautious and reserved in sharing thoughts or feelings. |
He was guarded about his personal life during the interview. |
Guileless |
Honest and innocent, without deceit. |
The child’s guileless smile melted everyone’s hearts. |
Gullible |
Easily deceived or tricked. |
He’s so gullible that he believed the prank immediately. |
Gutsy |
Bold and courageous. |
Her gutsy decision to start her own business paid off. |
List of Descriptive Adjectives That Start With G
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Gamy |
Having a strong flavor or smell, often associated with meat. |
The stew had a gamy aroma that not everyone appreciated. |
Gaping |
Wide open or large. |
There was a gaping hole in the wall after the storm. |
Gargantuan |
Extremely large or enormous. |
They served a gargantuan portion of dessert. |
Gaunt |
Thin and haggard, often due to hunger or illness. |
The refugees appeared gaunt after their long journey. |
Gauzy |
Thin, light, and semi-transparent. |
She wore a gauzy scarf over her shoulders. |
Gelatinous |
Having a jelly-like consistency. |
The dessert had a gelatinous texture. |
Gelid |
Icy or extremely cold. |
The gelid wind made walking outside unbearable. |
Generous |
Ample or abundant in size or quantity. |
The chef gave a generous serving of pasta. |
Geriatric |
Relating to old age or elderly people. |
The hospital has a specialized geriatric care unit. |
Gigantic |
Very large or enormous. |
The gigantic skyscraper dominated the skyline. |
Glaring |
Harshly bright or highly conspicuous. |
The glaring sunlight made it hard to see. |
Gleaming |
Shining brightly and cleanly. |
The floor was gleaming after being polished. |
Glistening |
Shiny and sparkling with reflected light. |
The dew was glistening on the grass in the morning sun. |
Glittering |
Sparkling or shining with many small flashes of light. |
The city lights were glittering in the distance. |
Glossy |
Smooth and shiny. |
The magazine was printed on glossy paper. |
Gnarled |
Twisted and rough, often referring to trees or hands. |
The old tree had gnarled branches reaching upward. |
Gory |
Involving or showing bloodshed and violence. |
The horror movie was filled with gory scenes. |
Grand |
Impressive in scale, style, or appearance. |
The palace had a grand staircase in the foyer. |
Graphic |
Vivid and detailed, often unpleasantly so. |
The book included graphic descriptions of war. |
Greasy |
Covered with or resembling grease. |
His hands were greasy after fixing the car. |
Gritty |
Rough in texture or unrefined in style. |
The film had a gritty realism that captivated viewers. |
Griseous |
Having a grey or mottled appearance. |
The sky turned a griseous shade before the storm. |
Gushing |
Pouring out or flowing abundantly. |
The water was gushing from the broken pipe. |
Gustatory |
Relating to the sense of taste. |
The chef created a gustatory masterpiece. |
Guttural |
Harsh and throaty in sound. |
He let out a deep, guttural growl. |
Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
Personality Traits
Gallant: Brave and chivalrous.
Gracious: Courteous and kind.
Visual Descriptions
Golden: Having a glowing or metallic quality.
Glistening: Sparkling or shiny.
Behavioral Descriptions
Gregarious: Sociable and outgoing.
Greedy: Excessively desirous of material wealth.
Everyday Use of Adjectives Starting With G
Adjective |
Example Sentence |
Generous |
"The generous gift brought tears to her eyes." |
Grim |
"The grim weather dampened everyone’s mood." |
Genuine |
"His genuine concern for others is admirable." |
Common Mistakes
Confusing “Gentle” with “Generous”:
Mistake: "He’s very gentle with his money."
Correction: "He’s very generous with his money." -
Using “Gaudy” to describe people:
Mistake: "She’s a very gaudy person."
Correction: "Her outfit is gaudy."
What’s the difference between “Genuine” and “Generous”?
Genuine refers to being sincere or authentic, while generous means giving or sharing freely.
Can “Glaring” be positive?
No, glaring typically has a negative connotation, describing something overly obvious or harsh.
Is “Golden” always literal?
No, golden can describe qualities like excellence or value metaphorically, e.g., "a golden opportunity."
What’s a synonym for “Glamorous”?
Chic, stylish, or dazzling.
Can “Grim” describe people?
Yes, grim can describe someone stern or serious in demeanor.
Explore other adjectives: