Adjectives That Start with L
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Adjectives that start with L Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Adjectives that start with L
List of Positive Adjectives That Start With L
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Laid-back |
Relaxed and easygoing. |
His laid-back attitude made him a pleasure to work with. |
Lambent |
Softly glowing or flickering. |
The lambent light of the candles created a cozy atmosphere. |
Lamblike |
Gentle and innocent. |
The child’s lamblike demeanor melted everyone’s hearts. |
Laudable |
Praiseworthy or commendable. |
Her dedication to charity work is truly laudable. |
Laughing |
Showing happiness or amusement. |
She had a warm, laughing smile. |
Laureate |
Honored for exceptional achievement. |
The laureate poet received widespread acclaim. |
Laureled |
Crowned with or as if with laurels; celebrated. |
The laureled athlete was cheered by the crowd. |
Lavish |
Rich, luxurious, or generous. |
They hosted a lavish banquet for the guests. |
Law-abiding |
Obedient to the laws. |
He is a law-abiding citizen with a spotless record. |
Lawful |
Legitimate and permitted by law. |
Their actions were completely lawful. |
Lead |
Holding a prominent position. |
She is the lead researcher on the project. |
Leading |
Most important or influential. |
He’s one of the leading experts in the field. |
Lean |
Thin and fit, often in a healthy way. |
His lean physique was a result of daily exercise. |
Learned |
Having great knowledge or erudition. |
The professor is a learned scholar in ancient history. |
Legendary |
Famous and admired for a long time. |
Her legendary storytelling captivated everyone. |
Legitimate |
Genuine and valid. |
The claim was backed by legitimate evidence. |
Lenient |
Permissive and not strict. |
The teacher was lenient with late assignments. |
Lettered |
Highly educated or scholarly. |
His lettered background made him a skilled writer. |
Level-headed |
Calm and sensible. |
Her level-headed approach helped solve the crisis. |
Life-giving |
Providing energy or vitality. |
The rain had a life-giving effect on the crops. |
Lifesaving |
Capable of saving lives. |
The doctor performed a lifesaving surgery. |
Lighthearted |
Cheerful and carefree. |
Her lighthearted attitude made everyone relax. |
Likable |
Pleasant and easy to like. |
His likable personality won him many friends. |
Like-minded |
Having similar opinions or interests. |
They formed a group of like-minded individuals. |
Limber |
Flexible and agile. |
The gymnast’s limber body amazed the audience. |
Limitless |
Without boundaries or limits. |
His imagination seemed limitless. |
Limpid |
Clear and transparent. |
The lake’s limpid water reflected the sky. |
Lincolnesque |
Resembling the qualities of Abraham Lincoln. |
His Lincolnesque leadership inspired the team. |
Lionhearted |
Brave and courageous. |
The lionhearted firefighter saved lives during the rescue. |
Lissome |
Thin, supple, and graceful. |
The dancer moved with lissome elegance. |
Literary |
Relating to literature. |
Her writing style has a distinctly literary flair. |
Literate |
Able to read and write, or well-educated. |
The literate population has greatly increased over the years. |
Lithe |
Graceful and flexible in movement. |
The cat’s lithe body moved silently through the grass. |
Lithesome |
Easily bent; supple. |
Her lithesome frame allowed her to perform complex yoga poses. |
Lively |
Full of energy and enthusiasm. |
The lively music brought everyone to the dance floor. |
Lofty |
Of imposing height; noble or exalted. |
He set a lofty goal for the team to achieve. |
Logical |
Reasonable and based on sound judgment. |
Her logical explanation clarified the confusion. |
Long-sighted |
Able to see far ahead; farsighted. |
His long-sighted plans ensured future success. |
Loquacious |
Very talkative. |
The loquacious host kept the conversation flowing. |
Lovable |
Inspiring affection or love. |
The puppy’s playful nature made him incredibly lovable. |
Lovely |
Beautiful and delightful. |
She wore a lovely dress to the party. |
Loving |
Feeling or showing love. |
He gave her a loving smile. |
Loyal |
Faithful and devoted. |
Her loyal friend stood by her through thick and thin. |
Lucid |
Clear and easy to understand. |
His lucid explanation helped everyone grasp the concept. |
Lucky |
Having good fortune. |
She felt lucky to have such wonderful friends. |
Lucrative |
Producing a lot of profit. |
He started a lucrative business in the tech industry. |
Luculent |
Clear in thought or expression. |
Her luculent speech impressed the audience. |
Luminescent |
Emitting a soft light. |
The luminescent glow of the fireflies lit up the night. |
Luminous |
Bright and shining. |
The room was filled with luminous light from the chandelier. |
Luscious |
Rich and delicious in taste or smell. |
The cake had a luscious layer of chocolate frosting. |
Lush |
Growing luxuriantly or richly. |
The garden was filled with lush greenery. |
Lustrous |
Shiny and glowing. |
Her lustrous hair caught everyone’s attention. |
Luxuriant |
Abundant and rich in growth. |
The rainforest was dense with luxuriant vegetation. |
Luxurious |
Elegant and expensive. |
They stayed in a luxurious hotel during their vacation. |
Lyrical |
Expressing emotion in a beautiful way. |
The poem had a deeply lyrical quality. |

List of Negative Adjectives That Start With L
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Labored |
Done with great difficulty or effort. |
His labored breathing worried the doctors. |
Laborious |
Requiring much time and effort. |
The laborious task drained all her energy. |
Laconic |
Using few words; terse. |
His laconic response left much to the imagination. |
Lachrymose |
Tearful or prone to weeping. |
The lachrymose movie left the audience in tears. |
Lackadaisical |
Lacking enthusiasm or determination. |
His lackadaisical attitude frustrated his teammates. |
Lackluster |
Lacking vitality, energy, or brightness. |
The performance was disappointingly lackluster. |
Lame |
Weak, inadequate, or unconvincing. |
His excuse for being late was utterly lame. |
Lamentable |
Deserving regret or pity. |
The team's lamentable loss shocked everyone. |
Languid |
Lacking energy or enthusiasm. |
She gave a languid wave before leaving the room. |
Languishing |
Failing to progress or improve. |
He spent years languishing in a dead-end job. |
Larcenous |
Inclined to steal. |
The larcenous thief was caught red-handed. |
Lascivious |
Having or showing excessive sexual desire. |
His lascivious remarks made everyone uncomfortable. |
Last |
Coming after all others in time or order. |
She was the last to finish the race. |
Late |
Occurring after the expected time. |
His late arrival delayed the meeting. |
Laughable |
Ridiculous and deserving of mockery. |
The idea was so poorly thought out, it was laughable. |
Lawless |
Not obeying laws or rules. |
The lawless town was rife with crime. |
Lax |
Not strict or careful enough. |
His lax attitude toward safety caused accidents. |
Lazy |
Unwilling to work or use effort. |
He’s too lazy to clean his own room. |
Leaden |
Dull, heavy, or slow. |
Her leaden movements showed her fatigue. |
Leathery |
Having a tough, dry texture. |
His skin was rough and leathery from years in the sun. |
Lecherous |
Excessively or offensively sexual. |
The character’s lecherous behavior made the audience cringe. |
Leering |
Looking in an unpleasantly suggestive way. |
He gave her a leering smile that made her uneasy. |
Lesser |
Of lower quality or importance. |
His contributions were seen as lesser than others’. |
Lethargic |
Sluggish and lacking energy. |
She felt too lethargic to get out of bed. |
Lewd |
Crude and offensive in a sexual way. |
His lewd jokes were inappropriate for the setting. |
Libelous |
Containing false and defamatory statements. |
The article was deemed libelous and was retracted. |
Licentious |
Lacking moral discipline, especially sexually. |
The novel was banned for its licentious content. |
Life-threatening |
Posing a danger to life. |
He was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. |
Lifeless |
Without energy, vitality, or spirit. |
The conversation was dull and lifeless. |
Light-fingered |
Prone to stealing. |
The light-fingered pickpocket was caught in action. |
Lily-livered |
Cowardly or lacking courage. |
The lily-livered knight fled from the battle. |
Limited |
Restricted or narrow in scope. |
His knowledge of the subject was quite limited. |
Limp |
Lacking firmness or strength. |
His handshake was disappointingly limp. |
Listless |
Lacking energy or enthusiasm. |
She felt listless after a long day at work. |
Litigious |
Inclined to engage in lawsuits. |
He’s known for his litigious nature, always ready to sue. |
Livid |
Furiously angry. |
She was livid when she found out about the mistake. |
Loathly |
Disgusting or revolting. |
The loathly sight made her turn away. |
Loathsome |
Causing hatred or disgust. |
His loathsome behavior alienated everyone. |
Lonely |
Feeling sad due to isolation. |
He felt lonely after moving to a new city. |
Lopsided |
Uneven or not balanced. |
The lopsided arrangement of chairs looked strange. |
Loud-mouthed |
Talking too loudly or indiscreetly. |
His loud-mouthed comments annoyed everyone. |
Lousy |
Very bad or unpleasant. |
She had a lousy day at work. |
Lugubrious |
Mournful, gloomy, or dismal. |
His lugubrious tone dampened the cheerful mood. |
Lurid |
Shockingly vivid or sensational, often in a bad way. |
The newspaper published a lurid story about the scandal. |
Lying |
Telling falsehoods or being untruthful. |
He was caught lying about his whereabouts. |
List of Descriptive Adjectives That Start With L
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Labeled |
Marked or identified with a label. |
The jars were neatly labeled with their contents. |
Labial |
Related to the lips. |
The singer had excellent labial control for pronunciation. |
Labiate |
Having lips or lip-like parts. |
The flower’s labiate structure attracted bees. |
Labile |
Easily changed or unstable. |
His emotions were extremely labile under stress. |
Labored |
Done with great effort and difficulty. |
His speech was slow and labored due to exhaustion. |
Laborious |
Requiring much effort and time. |
The process of assembling the model was quite laborious. |
Labyrinthian |
Complex and intricate, like a maze. |
The old mansion had a labyrinthian layout. |
Labyrinthine |
Complicated and maze-like. |
The labyrinthine corridors confused the visitors. |
Laced |
Decorated or intertwined with something. |
The drink was laced with hints of vanilla. |
Lacelike |
Resembling lace in appearance. |
Her gown had a delicate, lacelike trim. |
Lacerated |
Torn or deeply cut. |
The victim had lacerated skin from the accident. |
Lachrymal |
Related to tears or tear glands. |
The lachrymal glands were swollen. |
Lachrymose |
Tearful or prone to weeping. |
The lachrymose film brought many to tears. |
Laciniate |
Divided into narrow segments. |
The plant had laciniate leaves. |
Lackadaisical |
Lacking enthusiasm or determination. |
His lackadaisical attitude frustrated the team. |
Lackluster |
Lacking brilliance or energy. |
Her lackluster performance disappointed the judges. |
Laconic |
Brief and to the point. |
His laconic responses left much unsaid. |
Lactic |
Relating to or derived from milk. |
The product contained lactic acid for skin care. |
Lacy |
Resembling or made of lace. |
She wore a beautiful lacy scarf. |
Ladylike |
Polite and refined in behavior. |
She carried herself in a very ladylike manner. |
Laden |
Heavily loaded or weighed down. |
The ship was laden with cargo. |
Laic |
Not ecclesiastical or clerical; secular. |
The ceremony had a laic tone, focusing on humanism. |
Laid-back |
Relaxed and easygoing. |
His laid-back personality made him enjoyable to be around. |
Lambent |
Softly glowing or flickering. |
The lambent glow of the fire was comforting. |
Lame |
Crippled or weak. |
The horse was lame after injuring its leg. |
Lamentable |
Deserving of regret or pity. |
The lamentable state of the building called for immediate repairs. |
Languid |
Lacking energy or enthusiasm. |
She gave a languid wave before leaving. |
Lanky |
Tall and thin, often awkwardly so. |
The lanky teenager struggled to find clothes that fit. |
Large |
Of considerable size or extent. |
They lived in a large house near the lake. |
Lascivious |
Showing excessive or offensive sexual desire. |
His lascivious comments were unwelcome. |
Lasting |
Enduring or continuing over time. |
Their friendship had a lasting impact on her life. |
Livid |
Furiously angry or discolored from bruising. |
His face turned livid when he heard the news. |
Lopsided |
Uneven or unbalanced. |
The lopsided cake leaned to one side. |
Lugubrious |
Mournful, gloomy, or dismal. |
His lugubrious tone made everyone uncomfortable. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Last-minute |
Happening or done at the last possible moment. |
He made a last-minute decision to join the trip. |
Late |
Occurring after the expected time. |
Her late arrival disrupted the meeting. |
Latent |
Existing but not yet developed or visible. |
The disease remained latent for years. |
Later |
Occurring after a specific time. |
We’ll discuss the details at a later date. |
Lateral |
Relating to the side. |
The tree had strong lateral roots. |
Latest |
Most recent or up-to-date. |
This is the latest version of the software. |
Lathery |
Having a frothy or soapy texture. |
The soap created a thick, lathery foam. |
Latitudinal |
Relating to latitude or width. |
The map shows latitudinal lines for navigation. |
Latter |
Referring to the second of two items. |
I prefer the latter option in this scenario. |
Latticed |
Formed with a crisscrossed framework. |
The latticed window let in filtered sunlight. |
Latticelike |
Resembling a lattice structure. |
The intricate design had a latticelike pattern. |
Laudable |
Deserving praise and commendation. |
Her efforts to help the community were truly laudable. |
Laureled |
Honored with a laurel or recognition. |
The laureled poet received many awards. |
Laughable |
Deserving laughter or ridicule. |
His attempt to fix the sink was laughable. |
Laughing |
Expressing joy or amusement. |
The laughing children played in the park. |
Lavender |
Of a light purple color. |
She wore a beautiful lavender dress. |
Lavish |
Rich, luxurious, or generous. |
They hosted a lavish banquet for their guests. |
Law-abiding |
Obedient to the laws. |
He’s a law-abiding citizen with a clean record. |
Lawful |
Permitted by law. |
Their actions were completely lawful. |
Lawless |
Lacking law and order. |
The lawless region was rife with chaos. |
Lax |
Not strict or careful enough. |
His lax attitude towards deadlines caused delays. |
Layered |
Arranged in multiple layers. |
The cake had a beautifully layered design. |
Lazy |
Unwilling to work or use energy. |
He was too lazy to clean his room. |
Lead |
Leading or most important. |
She plays the lead role in the movie. |
Leaden |
Dull, heavy, or slow. |
His leaden footsteps echoed through the hall. |
Leading |
Most important or influential. |
She’s one of the leading scientists in her field. |
Leafless |
Without leaves. |
The leafless tree looked stark in winter. |
Leaflike |
Resembling a leaf. |
The butterfly’s wings had leaflike patterns. |
Leafy |
Covered with leaves. |
They lived in a leafy suburb. |
Leaking |
Allowing liquid or gas to escape. |
The leaking faucet needed immediate repair. |
Leakproof |
Preventing leaks. |
She bought a leakproof water bottle for her hikes. |
Leaky |
Allowing small amounts of liquid to escape. |
The old roof was leaky during heavy rain. |
Lean |
Thin and fit, often in a healthy way. |
His lean physique was the result of regular exercise. |
Learnable |
Capable of being learned. |
This skill is easily learnable with practice. |
Learned |
Having a lot of knowledge or education. |
The learned professor gave an inspiring lecture. |
Leased |
Rented under a lease agreement. |
They moved into a leased apartment. |
Leasing |
Involving the renting of property or equipment. |
The company specializes in leasing vehicles. |
Least |
Smallest in amount, extent, or degree. |
He showed the least interest in the project. |
Leather |
Made from the hide of an animal. |
She bought a leather jacket for the winter. |
Leathered |
Having a tough, weathered texture like leather. |
His leathered hands showed years of hard work. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Leatherlike |
Resembling leather in texture or appearance. |
The bag was made of a leatherlike material. |
Leathery |
Having a tough, durable texture like leather. |
His hands were leathery from years of hard labor. |
Leaved |
Having leaves. |
The tree was lush and leaved with vibrant foliage. |
Leavened |
Made to rise using yeast or another agent. |
They baked a fresh loaf of leavened bread. |
Lecherous |
Showing excessive or offensive sexual desire. |
His lecherous gaze made everyone uncomfortable. |
Leechlike |
Clinging or dependent in an annoying way. |
Her leechlike behavior irritated her friends. |
Leering |
Looking in an unpleasantly suggestive way. |
The stranger gave her a leering glance. |
Leeward |
On or toward the side sheltered from the wind. |
They anchored the boat on the leeward side of the island. |
Left |
Located on the side of the body or object opposite the right. |
He turned to the left to avoid the obstacle. |
Left-handed |
Using the left hand more skillfully than the right. |
She is left-handed and writes beautifully. |
Left-wing |
Supporting liberal or progressive policies. |
The politician was known for his left-wing views. |
Leftover |
Remaining after the rest has been used. |
They stored the leftover food for the next day. |
Legal |
Permitted by law. |
The transaction was completely legal. |
Legato |
In a smooth, flowing manner (used in music). |
The violinist played the piece legato for a soothing effect. |
Legendary |
Famous and admired for a long time. |
Her legendary achievements inspired many. |
Legged |
Having legs. |
The insect was six-legged and moved swiftly. |
Leggy |
Having long legs. |
The leggy model walked gracefully down the runway. |
Legible |
Clear enough to be read. |
His handwriting is neat and legible. |
Legion |
Numerous or vast in number. |
She faced legion challenges but overcame them all. |
Legislative |
Relating to laws or the making of laws. |
The senator proposed a new legislative measure. |
Legitimate |
Conforming to the law or rules. |
His concerns were entirely legitimate. |
Leguminous |
Relating to or resembling legumes. |
The farm produced a variety of leguminous crops. |
Leisurely |
Acting or done at a relaxed pace. |
They took a leisurely stroll along the beach. |
Lemonlike |
Resembling a lemon in taste, color, or appearance. |
The dish had a lemonlike tang that was refreshing. |
Lemony |
Having the flavor or scent of lemon. |
The pie had a deliciously lemony taste. |
Lendable |
Capable of being lent or borrowed. |
The library offers a wide range of lendable books. |
Lengthwise |
In the direction of the longer side. |
Cut the cucumber lengthwise for the salad. |
Lengthy |
Long in duration or extent. |
His explanation was unnecessarily lengthy. |
Lenient |
Permissive and not strict. |
The teacher was lenient with late homework. |
Lenten |
Relating to or appropriate for Lent. |
They followed a strict Lenten diet. |
Lenticular |
Shaped like a lens. |
The lenticular clouds were mesmerizing to watch. |
Lentiform |
Having the shape of a biconvex lens. |
The lentiform seeds were easy to identify. |
Lentiginous |
Covered with freckles or spots. |
Her lentiginous skin was dotted with freckles. |
Lentissimo |
Very slow in tempo (used in music). |
The pianist played the piece lentissimo, creating a somber mood. |
Lento |
Slow in tempo. |
The orchestra played the opening movement lento. |
Leonine |
Resembling a lion. |
His leonine mane of hair was striking. |
Lepidote |
Covered with small scales. |
The lizard’s skin was lepidote and shiny. |
Leprose |
Covered with scaly or flaky patches. |
The tree bark appeared leprose due to disease. |
Leprous |
Resembling or affected by leprosy. |
The leprous texture of the rock was unsettling. |
Lesbian |
Relating to female homosexuality. |
The film explored themes of lesbian love. |
Less |
Not as much in quantity or degree. |
The project required less effort than expected. |
Lessened |
Made smaller in amount or importance. |
The storm lessened in intensity by the evening. |
Lesser |
Of lower quality or importance. |
He took on a lesser role in the new project. |
Lesser-known |
Not well-known or famous. |
The book explores lesser-known historical events. |
Lethal |
Capable of causing death. |
The snake’s bite was extremely lethal. |
Lethargic |
Sluggish and lacking energy. |
She felt lethargic after a heavy meal. |
Lettered |
Educated and knowledgeable. |
The lettered scholar gave an inspiring lecture. |
Level |
Flat, even, or balanced. |
The surface of the table was perfectly level. |
Levelheaded |
Calm and sensible, especially in difficult situations. |
His levelheaded response defused the tension. |
Levitical |
Relating to the Levites or their laws. |
The Levitical texts provide detailed instructions for rituals. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Levorotatory |
Turning to the left (used in chemistry). |
The substance exhibited a levorotatory rotation of light. |
Lewd |
Crude and offensive in a sexual way. |
His lewd comments were highly inappropriate. |
Lexical |
Relating to words or vocabulary. |
The dictionary provides lexical definitions for each term. |
Lexicalized |
Converted into a fixed word or phrase. |
"Blog" has become a lexicalized part of our vocabulary. |
Lexicographic |
Relating to the writing, editing, or compiling of dictionaries. |
The lexicographic process requires great attention to detail. |
Liable |
Legally responsible. |
The company is liable for any damages caused. |
Libelous |
Containing false and defamatory statements. |
The article was removed due to its libelous content. |
Liberal |
Open to new ideas or free from strict rules. |
She has a very liberal approach to teaching. |
Liberated |
Freed from social or legal constraints. |
The liberated artist expressed herself without fear. |
Libidinal |
Relating to sexual desire. |
His actions were driven by libidinal instincts. |
Licensable |
Capable of being licensed. |
The software is licensable for commercial use. |
Licensed |
Having official permission. |
She is a licensed pilot with years of experience. |
Licentious |
Lacking moral discipline, especially sexually. |
The novel was criticized for its licentious content. |
Licit |
Permitted by law. |
The transaction was entirely licit. |
Licked |
Beaten or overcome. |
He felt completely licked after the defeat. |
Lidded |
Having a lid or cover. |
She used a lidded container to store the leftovers. |
Lidless |
Without a lid or cover. |
The jar sat lidless on the counter. |
Liege |
Relating to feudal loyalty. |
He was a liege lord, bound to protect his vassals. |
Life-giving |
Providing vitality or energy. |
The rain was a life-giving force for the parched crops. |
Lifeless |
Without energy or vitality. |
Her voice sounded lifeless after the long day. |
Lifelike |
Very realistic or true to life. |
The wax figure was incredibly lifelike. |
Lifelong |
Lasting for the entirety of a person’s life. |
They shared a lifelong friendship. |
Lifesize |
Of the same size as in real life. |
The museum had a lifesize replica of a dinosaur. |
Life-threatening |
Posing a serious risk to life. |
The accident left him with life-threatening injuries. |
Lifted |
Raised or elevated. |
She felt her spirits lifted after the good news. |
Light |
Not heavy or intense. |
He enjoyed a light snack before bed. |
Light-armed |
Equipped with light weaponry. |
The light-armed soldiers moved swiftly through the terrain. |
Light-blue |
A pale shade of blue. |
She wore a light-blue dress to the party. |
Lightheaded |
Feeling dizzy or faint. |
He felt lightheaded after standing up too quickly. |
Light-fingered |
Prone to stealing. |
The light-fingered thief was caught shoplifting. |
Light-footed |
Agile and quick in movement. |
The dancer’s light-footed steps captivated the audience. |
Light-handed |
Using a delicate or gentle approach. |
The chef’s light-handed seasoning was perfect. |
Lighthearted |
Cheerful and carefree. |
Her lighthearted jokes brightened everyone’s day. |
Lightless |
Without light; dark. |
The room was cold and lightless. |
Light-minded |
Not serious or thoughtful. |
His light-minded attitude frustrated his boss. |
Lightproof |
Impervious to light. |
The photographer stored film in a lightproof container. |
Lightsome |
Nimble or graceful. |
Her lightsome movements made her look effortless on stage. |
Lightweight |
Of relatively little weight. |
He bought a lightweight jacket for summer. |
Ligneous |
Resembling wood. |
The fossil had a ligneous texture. |
Likable |
Easy to like or pleasant. |
His likable personality made him many friends. |
Likelier |
More likely to happen. |
It’s likelier to rain than to stay sunny today. |
Likely |
Probable or expected. |
She is likely to arrive late. |
Like-minded |
Having similar opinions or interests. |
The group consisted of like-minded individuals. |
Lilac |
A pale purple color. |
She decorated her room with lilac curtains. |
Lilaceous |
Relating to the lilac plant family. |
The garden was filled with lilaceous flowers. |
Lilliputian |
Extremely small or tiny. |
The model village featured Lilliputian houses. |
Lilting |
Having a cheerful or rhythmic quality. |
Her lilting voice made the song enchanting. |
Lily-livered |
Cowardly or lacking courage. |
He was too lily-livered to confront the bully. |
Limacine |
Resembling a slug. |
The creature had a limacine texture. |
Limbed |
Having limbs. |
The spider was eight-limbed and moved swiftly. |
Limber |
Flexible and agile. |
Her limber body allowed her to perform difficult yoga poses. |
Limbic |
Relating to the limbic system of the brain. |
The study focused on limbic responses to stress. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Limbless |
Without limbs. |
The limbless statue stood in the middle of the room. |
Limited |
Restricted in amount or scope. |
The offer was only available for a limited time. |
Limiting |
Serving as a restriction. |
His lack of experience was a limiting factor in his career. |
Limitless |
Without any limits or boundaries. |
Her creativity seemed limitless. |
Limnological |
Relating to the study of freshwater bodies. |
The limnological research focused on lake ecosystems. |
Limp |
Lacking stiffness or firmness. |
His handshake was disappointingly limp. |
Limpid |
Clear and transparent. |
The limpid water of the spring was refreshing. |
Limping |
Walking with difficulty due to injury or weakness. |
He was limping after spraining his ankle. |
Lincolnesque |
Resembling the qualities of Abraham Lincoln. |
His Lincolnesque leadership inspired many. |
Lincolnian |
Relating to or characteristic of Abraham Lincoln. |
The speaker’s Lincolnian values emphasized equality and justice. |
Lineal |
Relating to direct descent or lineage. |
He is the lineal heir to the family fortune. |
Linear |
Arranged in a straight line. |
The diagram showed a linear relationship between variables. |
Lined |
Having lines or marks. |
Her face was lined with years of experience. |
Lingering |
Lasting for a long time. |
She had a lingering feeling of unease. |
Lingual |
Relating to the tongue. |
The dentist examined the lingual side of the teeth. |
Linguistic |
Relating to language or linguistics. |
Her linguistic skills allowed her to learn new languages easily. |
Lingulate |
Shaped like a tongue. |
The leaf had a lingulate structure. |
Linked |
Connected or related in some way. |
The two events are closely linked. |
Linnaean |
Relating to the classification system of Carl Linnaeus. |
The scientist used the Linnaean taxonomy to classify the species. |
Lionhearted |
Brave and courageous. |
The lionhearted soldier led his troops into battle. |
Lipless |
Without lips. |
The fish’s lipless mouth made it look peculiar. |
Liplike |
Resembling lips. |
The flower had a liplike petal structure. |
Lipophilic |
Having an affinity for fats or lipids. |
The lipophilic compound dissolved easily in oil. |
Lipotropic |
Promoting the breakdown of fat. |
The supplement contains lipotropic agents to support metabolism. |
Lipped |
Having lips. |
The lipped bowl was perfect for pouring liquids. |
Liquefiable |
Capable of being turned into a liquid. |
The gas is liquefiable under high pressure. |
Liquefied |
Turned into a liquid state. |
The liquefied gas was stored in tanks. |
Liquescent |
Becoming liquid or soft. |
The liquescent snow began to melt under the sun. |
Liquid |
Having a flowing, water-like consistency. |
The chemical changed from solid to liquid form. |
Liquified |
Turned into a liquid, often through heat. |
The butter was liquified for the recipe. |
Lissome |
Thin, supple, and graceful. |
The ballerina’s lissome movements captivated the audience. |
Listed |
Included in a list. |
The item was clearly listed on the inventory. |
Listless |
Lacking energy or enthusiasm. |
She felt listless after a long day at work. |
Lit |
Illuminated or lighted. |
The room was brightly lit by the chandelier. |
Lite |
Lighter in weight, content, or intensity. |
He opted for the lite version of the software. |
Literal |
Taking words in their usual or most basic sense. |
His literal interpretation of the joke confused everyone. |
Literary |
Relating to literature or writing. |
She enjoys discussing literary works. |
Literate |
Able to read and write, or well-educated. |
A literate population is essential for progress. |
Lithe |
Graceful and flexible in movement. |
The dancer’s lithe body moved effortlessly. |
Lithesome |
Easily bent or flexible. |
Her lithesome frame allowed her to perform complex acrobatics. |
Lithographic |
Relating to a printing method using flat surfaces. |
The artist’s lithographic prints were stunning. |
Litigious |
Prone to engaging in lawsuits. |
His litigious nature made him difficult to work with. |
Littered |
Scattered or covered with debris. |
The beach was littered with trash after the party. |
Little |
Small in size or amount. |
She lived in a little cottage in the woods. |
Little-known |
Not widely known or recognized. |
The documentary explored a little-known part of history. |
Littler |
Smaller in size or amount. |
The littler dog barked at the bigger one. |
Liturgical |
Relating to public worship or religious rituals. |
The church followed a liturgical calendar. |
Livable |
Suitable or fit to live in. |
They made the old house livable with some renovations. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Live |
Having life or existing in real time. |
The concert was broadcast live on television. |
Livelier |
More full of energy or spirit. |
The party grew livelier as the night progressed. |
Liveliest |
Most full of energy or spirit. |
She was the liveliest person at the event. |
Livelong |
Lasting for the whole day or long duration. |
They worked the livelong day in the fields. |
Lively |
Full of energy and enthusiasm. |
The lively music got everyone dancing. |
Liver-colored |
Having the dark reddish-brown color of liver. |
The dog had a liver-colored coat. |
Liveried |
Dressed in a uniform or specific attire. |
The liveried servant greeted the guests at the door. |
Liverish |
Having a sallow complexion, resembling liver. |
He looked a bit liverish after the long trip. |
Livid |
Furiously angry or discolored from bruising. |
She was livid when she found out about the mistake. |
Living |
Having life; active or current. |
The garden was full of living plants and animals. |
Loaded |
Heavily burdened or charged. |
The truck was loaded with goods. |
Loath |
Reluctant or unwilling. |
He was loath to admit his mistake. |
Loathsome |
Causing hatred or disgust. |
His loathsome behavior alienated everyone. |
Lobed |
Having rounded or projecting parts. |
The leaf was deeply lobed and unique in shape. |
Lobular |
Shaped like or relating to a small lobe. |
The tumor was found to be lobular in structure. |
Local |
Relating to a specific area or region. |
They bought produce from the local farmers’ market. |
Localized |
Restricted to a specific area. |
The pain was localized to her lower back. |
Locatable |
Able to be found or located. |
The treasure was easily locatable using the map. |
Located |
Positioned in a particular place. |
The hotel is located near the city center. |
Locked |
Secured with a lock. |
The cabinet was locked to keep it safe. |
Locomotive |
Relating to movement or travel. |
The locomotive engine pulled the long train. |
Lodged |
Fixed or stuck in a specific position. |
The splinter was painfully lodged in his finger. |
Lofty |
Of imposing height or noble in character. |
He had lofty ambitions for his career. |
Logarithmic |
Relating to logarithms, a mathematical concept. |
The data was plotted on a logarithmic scale. |
Loggerheaded |
Stupid or stubborn. |
They had a loggerheaded argument over nothing. |
Logical |
Based on sound reasoning or clear thinking. |
Her solution to the problem was entirely logical. |
Logistic |
Relating to the organization of complex operations. |
The logistic details of the event were handled perfectly. |
Logistical |
Relating to the coordination of resources. |
They faced several logistical challenges during the move. |
Logographic |
Relating to a writing system using symbols. |
Ancient Chinese script is a logographic system. |
Logy |
Sluggish or lacking energy. |
He felt logy after eating too much. |
Lone |
Solitary or by itself. |
The lone wolf howled at the moon. |
Lonely |
Feeling sad due to isolation. |
She felt lonely after moving to a new city. |
Lonesome |
Isolated or deserted. |
The lonesome road stretched on for miles. |
Long |
Measuring a great distance or duration. |
It was a long journey across the country. |
Long-armed |
Having long arms. |
The long-armed monkey easily reached the fruit. |
Long-distance |
Covering a great distance. |
He excels at long-distance running. |
Longer |
Of greater length. |
The second bridge is much longer than the first. |
Longest |
Of the greatest length. |
This is the longest river in the country. |
Longhand |
Written by hand, not typed. |
He prefers writing his notes in longhand. |
Longing |
Having a strong desire for something. |
She felt a longing for her hometown. |
Longitudinal |
Relating to length or running lengthwise. |
The study tracked longitudinal data over a decade. |
Long-lived |
Existing or lasting for a long time. |
The long-lived tree stood for centuries. |
Long-range |
Involving a great distance or long-term. |
They made long-range plans for the project. |
Long-sighted |
Able to see far distances clearly. |
His long-sighted vision helped guide the company. |
Long-standing |
Existing for a long time. |
They had a long-standing friendship. |
Long-suffering |
Patiently enduring hardship. |
She remained long-suffering despite her challenges. |
Long-term |
Involving an extended period of time. |
The project required long-term commitment. |
Longtime |
Having existed or lasted for a long time. |
They are longtime friends from childhood. |
Long-winded |
Using too many words; verbose. |
His long-winded explanation bored the audience. |
Look-alike |
Resembling someone or something else. |
The actor was a look-alike of the famous star. |
Loony |
Crazy or eccentric. |
His wild ideas made him seem a bit loony. |
Loopy |
Silly, strange, or eccentric. |
The movie had a loopy plot that was hard to follow. |
Loose |
Not tight or secure. |
The shirt was too loose and needed alterations. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Looseleaf |
Having pages that can be easily removed or replaced. |
He organized his notes in a looseleaf binder. |
Loosened |
Made less tight or strict. |
She loosened the straps of her backpack. |
Looser |
Less tight or strict than before. |
His jacket is much looser after losing weight. |
Loosest |
Most free or least tight. |
These are the loosest pants I’ve ever worn. |
Looted |
Stolen or taken by force. |
The store was looted during the riots. |
Lopsided |
Uneven or out of balance. |
The picture frame hung lopsided on the wall. |
Loquacious |
Tending to talk a great deal. |
Her loquacious nature made her popular at parties. |
Lordless |
Without a lord or ruler. |
The lordless land was in chaos. |
Lordly |
Showing a superior or arrogant attitude. |
He gave a lordly wave to his subjects. |
Lossy |
Involving or resulting in the loss of data. |
The image was compressed in a lossy format. |
Lost |
Unable to find one’s way or lacking direction. |
She felt lost in the big city. |
Louche |
Disreputable or sordid, but in an appealing way. |
He had a louche charm that intrigued everyone. |
Loud |
Producing a strong sound. |
The music was too loud for her liking. |
Louder |
More noisy than before. |
The crowd grew louder as the game continued. |
Loudest |
Producing the most noise. |
The loudest cheer came when the team scored. |
Loud-mouthed |
Speaking too loudly or boldly. |
His loud-mouthed remarks annoyed his colleagues. |
Loud-voiced |
Having a strong or projecting voice. |
The loud-voiced announcer energized the audience. |
Lousy |
Very bad or unpleasant. |
He had a lousy day at work. |
Loutish |
Rude or clumsy in behavior. |
His loutish manners embarrassed his friends. |
Lovable |
Inspiring love or affection. |
The puppy was absolutely lovable. |
Loved |
Held in deep affection. |
She felt deeply loved by her family. |
Lovely |
Beautiful and pleasing. |
The garden looked lovely in the spring sunshine. |
Lovelier |
More beautiful or charming. |
The sunset grew lovelier as the evening progressed. |
Loveliest |
Most beautiful or charming. |
That was the loveliest bouquet she had ever seen. |
Lovelorn |
Unhappy due to unrequited love. |
He wandered the streets, lovelorn and dejected. |
Loving |
Feeling or showing deep affection. |
She gave her child a loving embrace. |
Low |
Situated or ranked below others. |
His spirits were low after the defeat. |
Lowborn |
Of humble or low social origin. |
The lowborn hero rose to greatness. |
Lowbred |
Ill-mannered or coarse. |
His lowbred behavior was shocking to everyone. |
Lowbrow |
Not highly intellectual or cultured. |
He preferred lowbrow comedy over serious dramas. |
Low-budget |
Requiring or involving little expense. |
The film was made on a low-budget, but it was a hit. |
Low-calorie |
Containing few calories. |
She prefers low-calorie snacks for her diet. |
Low-carb |
Containing few carbohydrates. |
They followed a low-carb diet to lose weight. |
Low-cost |
Inexpensive. |
The airline offers low-cost travel options. |
Low-density |
Having relatively few units in a given space. |
The area is known for its low-density population. |
Lower |
Situated beneath or less in rank. |
They moved to the lower floor of the building. |
Lowercase |
Not capitalized. |
His password was written entirely in lowercase. |
Lowered |
Brought or moved to a lower position. |
She lowered her voice to a whisper. |
Lowermost |
Situated at the very bottom. |
The lowermost shelf was hard to reach. |
Lowest |
At the very bottom in rank or position. |
This is the lowest point in the valley. |
Low-fat |
Containing little fat. |
She enjoys low-fat yogurt for breakfast. |
Low-grade |
Of poor or inferior quality. |
The product was made from low-grade materials. |
Low-interest |
Having a small rate of interest. |
They applied for a low-interest loan. |
Low-key |
Subtle, restrained, or understated. |
Their wedding was a low-key affair with close friends. |
Lowland |
Relating to or situated in a low area of land. |
They lived in a lowland region near the river. |
Low-level |
Situated at a low position or rank. |
The job required only low-level technical skills. |
Lowly |
Humble or low in status. |
He began his career in a lowly position. |
Low-lying |
Situated near or below sea level. |
The low-lying areas are prone to flooding. |
Low-maintenance |
Requiring little care or upkeep. |
This plant is perfect for beginners as it’s low-maintenance. |
Low-necked |
Having a low neckline. |
She wore a low-necked dress to the gala. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Low-pressure |
Not stressful or urgent. |
The company promotes a low-pressure work environment. |
Low-priced |
Inexpensive or affordable. |
They offer low-priced options for budget travelers. |
Low-ranking |
Holding a position of little authority. |
He is a low-ranking officer in the organization. |
Low-risk |
Involving minimal danger or loss. |
It’s a low-risk investment with steady returns. |
Low-spirited |
Feeling sad or discouraged. |
She seemed low-spirited after receiving the bad news. |
Loyal |
Faithful and devoted. |
The dog remained loyal to its owner. |
Lubberly |
Clumsy and awkward. |
His lubberly attempts at dancing amused everyone. |
Lubricated |
Made slippery or smooth with a substance. |
The machine parts were well lubricated for smooth operation. |
Lubricious |
Lecherous or overly suggestive. |
His lubricious behavior made everyone uncomfortable. |
Lucent |
Glowing with light; luminous. |
The lucent stars lit up the night sky. |
Lucid |
Clear and easy to understand. |
Her explanation was so lucid that everyone understood immediately. |
Luckier |
Having more good fortune. |
He seemed luckier than most in winning games. |
Luckiest |
Having the most good fortune. |
She felt like the luckiest person alive. |
Luckless |
Unfortunate or unlucky. |
The luckless adventurer faced one obstacle after another. |
Lucky |
Having good fortune. |
She found a lucky penny on the ground. |
Lucrative |
Producing a great deal of profit. |
Real estate is often a lucrative business. |
Luculent |
Clear in thought or expression. |
His speech was both luculent and compelling. |
Ludic |
Relating to play or games. |
The children enjoyed the ludic activities at the park. |
Ludicrous |
Absurd or ridiculous. |
The idea of walking 50 miles in one day seemed ludicrous. |
Lugubrious |
Mournful, gloomy, or dismal. |
His lugubrious expression dampened the mood of the party. |
Lukewarm |
Moderately warm or lacking enthusiasm. |
Her response to the proposal was rather lukewarm. |
Lumbar |
Relating to the lower back. |
He experienced pain in his lumbar region. |
Lumbering |
Moving in a slow, heavy, or awkward way. |
The lumbering bear made its way through the forest. |
Lumbosacral |
Relating to the lumbar and sacral regions of the spine. |
The doctor examined the lumbosacral area for pain. |
Luminary |
Inspiring or influential, often in a field. |
She is a luminary in the field of medicine. |
Luminescent |
Emitting a soft light. |
The luminescent glow of the jellyfish was mesmerizing. |
Luminous |
Bright or shining. |
The luminous moon lit up the night. |
Lumpen |
Awkward or clumsy, often socially. |
His lumpen behavior made social interactions difficult. |
Lumpish |
Heavy or ungainly in movement. |
The lumpish cat slowly climbed onto the couch. |
Lumpy |
Full of lumps or uneven. |
The soup was lumpy and needed more stirring. |
Lunar |
Relating to the moon. |
The astronauts conducted a lunar exploration. |
Lunate |
Shaped like a crescent. |
The lunate scar on his arm was oddly shaped. |
Lunatic |
Wildly foolish or insane. |
His lunatic plan was met with skepticism. |
Lupine |
Relating to or resembling a wolf. |
The dog had a lupine appearance with its sharp features. |
Lurid |
Vivid in color, often in an unpleasant way. |
The lurid headlines caught everyone’s attention. |
Luscious |
Rich, sweet, and delicious. |
She enjoyed the luscious taste of ripe strawberries. |
Lush |
Abundant, rich, or luxurious. |
The garden was filled with lush greenery. |
Lusterless |
Without shine or brilliance. |
The old silverware had become lusterless over time. |
Lustful |
Filled with strong sexual desire. |
His lustful gaze made her uncomfortable. |
Lustrous |
Shining or glowing. |
Her lustrous hair caught the light beautifully. |
Lusty |
Full of vigor or enthusiasm. |
The audience gave a lusty cheer for the performer. |
Luxe |
Expensive and luxurious. |
The resort offered a luxe experience for its guests. |
Luxuriant |
Rich and abundant in growth. |
The luxuriant vegetation covered the hillside. |
Luxurious |
Extremely comfortable and elegant. |
They stayed in a luxurious suite with ocean views. |
Lying |
Not telling the truth. |
He was caught lying about his whereabouts. |
Lymphatic |
Relating to the lymph system. |
The doctor examined her lymphatic glands for swelling. |
Lymphoid |
Relating to lymph or lymphatic tissue. |
The biopsy revealed lymphoid cells. |
Lyrate |
Shaped like a lyre or harp. |
The leaf had a lyrate form, making it unique. |
Lyric |
Expressing the writer's emotions in a poetic way. |
The lyric passages in the novel were beautifully written. |
Lyrical |
Expressing deep personal emotions. |
Her lyrical voice moved the entire audience. |
Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
Personality Traits
Positive: Loyal, Likable, Lighthearted
Negative: Lazy, Lethargic, Lecherous
Descriptions of Appearance
Positive: Luminous, Legendary, Lacy
Negative: Lurid, Loathsome, Lugubrious
Behavioral Descriptors
Positive: Lavish, Ladylike, Laudable
Negative: Lackluster, Lousy, Lecherous
Everyday Use of Adjectives Starting With L
Words like lively, loyal, and lazy are frequently used in everyday conversations to describe people, places, or situations. For example:
“She’s always so lively at parties.”
“My dog is incredibly loyal and follows me everywhere.”
In contrast, negative adjectives like lethargic or lackluster are useful for expressing dissatisfaction: -
“I felt too lethargic to get any work done today.”
Common Mistakes
Confusing “Luminous” with “Luminescent”
Mistake: “The stars were luminescent tonight.”
Correction: Use luminous for bright, glowing objects in a general sense, while luminescent refers to emitting light without heat.
Misusing “Lazy” for Temporary Fatigue
Mistake: “I’m feeling so lazy after that workout.”
Correction: Use tired or exhausted instead, as lazy implies unwillingness to act.
Overusing “Legendary”
Mistake: “That sandwich was legendary!”
Correction: Reserve legendary for truly remarkable things or events.
What are some positive adjectives starting with L?
Adjectives like loyal, lively, lighthearted, and lavish are great for describing positive traits or situations.
How do I use “labyrinthine” in a sentence?
Example: “The city’s labyrinthine streets were easy to get lost in.”
What’s the difference between “luminous” and “radiant”?
Luminous: Emitting light or glowing.
Radiant: Emitting light, heat, or happiness.
Are there any scientific adjectives starting with L?
Yes! Words like linear (arranged in a line) and lithic (relating to stone) are often used in scientific contexts.
How can I avoid overusing “lazy” in descriptions?
Use synonyms like sluggish, inactive, or lethargic for variety, depending on the context.
Explore other adjectives: