Adjectives That Start with M
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Adjectives that start with M Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Adjectives that start with M
List of Positive Adjectives That Start With M
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Magic |
Having mysterious or enchanting qualities. |
The show was filled with magic moments. |
Magical |
Beautiful or delightful in a way that seems otherworldly. |
The sunset over the ocean was truly magical. |
Magnanimous |
Generous and forgiving, especially toward a rival. |
The magnanimous winner congratulated his opponent. |
Magnetic |
Having an attractive or captivating quality. |
Her magnetic personality drew people to her. |
Magnificent |
Impressively beautiful or elaborate. |
The palace had a magnificent design. |
Majestic |
Having grandeur or beauty. |
The majestic mountains took their breath away. |
Manicured |
Neatly trimmed or groomed. |
The garden was perfectly manicured. |
Marketable |
Attractive or appealing for commercial purposes. |
The product has several marketable features. |
Marvelous |
Causing great wonder or delight. |
She gave a marvelous performance in the play. |
Master |
Having exceptional skill or knowledge in a field. |
He is a master chef known for his creativity. |
Maternal |
Having qualities associated with a mother. |
Her maternal instincts made her an excellent caregiver. |
Mature |
Fully developed, either physically or emotionally. |
She handled the situation in a very mature way. |
Meaningful |
Full of significance or purpose. |
His kind words had a meaningful impact on her. |
Meditative |
Involving deep thought or reflection. |
She enjoyed the meditative calm of the forest. |
Mellow |
Pleasantly smooth or soft in tone or style. |
The wine had a mellow flavor. |
Melodic |
Pleasant-sounding or tuneful. |
Her voice had a melodic quality that was soothing. |
Memorable |
Worth remembering due to being special or unique. |
Their vacation was a memorable experience. |
Merciful |
Showing compassion or forgiveness. |
The judge was merciful in his sentencing. |
Merry |
Cheerful and lively. |
They sang merry songs during the celebration. |
Meticulous |
Showing great attention to detail. |
His meticulous research impressed the panel. |
Mighty |
Possessing great power or strength. |
The mighty river flowed through the valley. |
Mindful |
Aware and considerate of something. |
She is always mindful of her surroundings. |
Miraculous |
Extraordinary and unexpected, like a miracle. |
The recovery of the patient was nothing short of miraculous. |
Mirthful |
Full of happiness and laughter. |
The children’s mirthful laughter filled the room. |
Modern |
Relating to the present or recent times. |
The apartment had a sleek and modern design. |
Modest |
Humble and unassuming in behavior or appearance. |
Despite her success, she remained modest. |
Momentous |
Of great importance or significance. |
It was a momentous day in their lives. |
Monumental |
Exceptionally great or significant. |
The discovery was a monumental achievement. |
Moral |
Concerned with principles of right and wrong. |
He is known for his moral integrity. |
More |
Additional or greater in amount or degree. |
She needed more time to complete the project. |
Motherly |
Caring and protective like a mother. |
Her motherly concern for the children was evident. |
Motivated |
Driven to achieve a goal. |
The students were highly motivated to succeed. |
Motivating |
Inspiring others to take action. |
Her speech was both motivating and uplifting. |
Motivational |
Providing encouragement or inspiration. |
He attended a motivational seminar to boost his confidence. |
Mouthwatering |
Appealing to the taste or smell. |
The chef prepared a mouthwatering feast. |
Moving |
Stirring strong emotions. |
Her story was deeply moving. |
Multicultural |
Relating to or including diverse cultures. |
The city is known for its multicultural community. |
Multipurpose |
Serving multiple functions or uses. |
This tool is incredibly multipurpose and efficient. |
Multitalented |
Possessing multiple talents or skills. |
She is a multitalented artist who paints and sings. |
Munificent |
Extremely generous or bountiful. |
The charity received a munificent donation. |

List of Negative Adjectives That Start With M
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Mad |
Mentally ill or irrational. |
His mad behavior worried everyone. |
Maddening |
Infuriating or extremely irritating. |
The delay was absolutely maddening. |
Maladjusted |
Unable to adapt to social or emotional demands. |
The child seemed maladjusted in the new school. |
Malady |
A disease or illness. |
The economic system suffers from a serious malady. |
Malaise |
A general feeling of discomfort or unease. |
The team experienced a sense of malaise after their loss. |
Malcontent |
Dissatisfied and rebellious. |
The malcontent employees caused disruptions. |
Malevolent |
Wishing harm or evil to others. |
He had a malevolent look in his eyes. |
Malicious |
Intending to harm or upset someone. |
Her malicious comments hurt his feelings. |
Malodorous |
Having an unpleasant smell. |
The room was filled with a malodorous stench. |
Mangled |
Severely damaged or distorted. |
The mangled car was beyond repair. |
Maniacal |
Exhibiting extremely wild or violent behavior. |
His maniacal laughter echoed through the hall. |
Manipulative |
Using devious tactics to control others. |
She’s known for being highly manipulative in her dealings. |
Marginal |
Of minor importance or relevance. |
His contribution to the project was marginal at best. |
Mashed |
Crushed into a soft, pulpy mass. |
The potatoes were overcooked and mashed too finely. |
Mawkish |
Overly sentimental in an unpleasant way. |
The movie’s mawkish ending was hard to watch. |
Meager |
Lacking in quantity or quality. |
They survived on a meager income. |
Meaningless |
Without meaning, value, or purpose. |
His apology felt meaningless after repeated mistakes. |
Mean |
Unkind or spiteful. |
She was unnecessarily mean to her classmates. |
Mediocre |
Of average or poor quality. |
The film received mediocre reviews. |
Melancholic |
Feeling or expressing deep sadness. |
He played a melancholic tune on the piano. |
Menacing |
Threatening or dangerous. |
The storm clouds looked dark and menacing. |
Mendacious |
Dishonest or untruthful. |
His mendacious claims were exposed during the trial. |
Menial |
Lowly and degrading, often relating to work. |
She refused to take on such menial tasks. |
Merciless |
Showing no mercy or compassion. |
The judge was merciless in her ruling. |
Messy |
Untidy or disorganized. |
His desk was cluttered and messy. |
Mischievous |
Playfully causing trouble. |
The mischievous child hid his sister’s shoes. |
Miserable |
Extremely unhappy or uncomfortable. |
She felt miserable after the argument. |
Miserly |
Stingy and unwilling to spend money. |
The miserly landlord refused to make repairs. |
Misguided |
Based on poor judgment or faulty reasoning. |
His misguided decision led to financial trouble. |
Monotonous |
Dull and lacking variety. |
The lecture was long and monotonous. |
Morbid |
Relating to disturbing or unpleasant subjects. |
She had a morbid fascination with crime stories. |
Murderous |
Intending or likely to kill. |
His murderous rage was terrifying. |
Murky |
Dark, gloomy, or unclear. |
The lake was too murky to see the bottom. |
Musty |
Having a stale or moldy smell. |
The old attic had a musty odor. |
List of Character Traits Starting with M
Trait |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Machiavellian |
Cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics. |
His Machiavellian tactics secured his promotion, but alienated his colleagues. |
Maddening |
Extremely irritating or annoying. |
Her constant interruptions were maddening. |
Macho |
Exhibiting aggressive masculine pride. |
His macho attitude annoyed his more reserved friends. |
Magnanimous |
Generous and forgiving, especially toward a rival. |
She showed a magnanimous spirit by congratulating her competitor. |
Magisterial |
Authoritative and commanding. |
The professor delivered his lecture with a magisterial air. |
Magnetic |
Having an attractive or captivating personality. |
His magnetic charm drew people to him instantly. |
Majestic |
Impressive in appearance or manner. |
The majestic lion roared from atop the hill. |
Maladjusted |
Unable to adapt to social or emotional demands. |
The maladjusted child struggled to fit in at school. |
Manageable |
Easy to control or deal with. |
The workload was challenging but manageable. |
Maniacal |
Showing wild, violent, or crazy behavior. |
He let out a maniacal laugh during the movie. |
Manipulative |
Skillfully influencing or controlling others, often unfairly. |
Her manipulative behavior strained her friendships. |
Marvelous |
Causing great wonder or delight. |
She had a marvelous sense of humor that made everyone laugh. |
Maternal |
Having qualities associated with a mother. |
Her maternal instincts were evident as she cared for the injured bird. |
Mature |
Showing adult-like behavior and understanding. |
He handled the criticism in a very mature manner. |
Methodical |
Done in a systematic and organized way. |
She approached the experiment in a methodical fashion. |
Mighty |
Possessing great power or strength. |
The mighty oak stood tall amidst the forest. |
Mischievous |
Playfully causing trouble or annoyance. |
His mischievous grin suggested he was up to something. |
Miserly |
Stingy and reluctant to spend money. |
The miserly landlord refused to fix the broken heater. |
Modest |
Humble or unassuming in attitude or behavior. |
Despite her success, she remained modest. |
Moody |
Prone to frequent mood changes. |
His moody behavior made it hard to predict his reactions. |
Moral |
Concerned with principles of right and wrong. |
She made a moral decision to help the less fortunate. |
Motivated |
Driven to achieve goals or tasks. |
The students were highly motivated to succeed. |
Mysterious |
Difficult to understand or explain; enigmatic. |
The stranger had a mysterious air about him. |
Mirthful |
Full of laughter and joy. |
The group shared a mirthful evening together. |
Meticulous |
Showing great attention to detail. |
Her meticulous work impressed the entire team. |
Morose |
Sullen, gloomy, or ill-tempered. |
He became morose after hearing the bad news. |
Motivational |
Inspiring others to take action or improve. |
She gave a motivational speech that energized the team. |
Monstrous |
Shockingly hideous or unnatural. |
The villain's monstrous deeds horrified everyone. |
Mystical |
Relating to spiritual or supernatural experiences. |
She felt a mystical connection to the ancient temple. |
Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
1. Personal Qualities
Positive: Magnanimous, Methodical, Motivated.
Negative: Manipulative, Morose, Moody.
2. Descriptions of Appearance
Majestic, Luminous, Lush.
3. Emotional States
Marvelous, Melancholic, Mischievous.
Everyday Use of Adjectives Starting With M
Words like "magnificent," "meaningful," and "messy" frequently appear in daily conversations and writing. Using these adjectives can help convey precise emotions or descriptions in various contexts, from casual chats to professional settings.
Common Mistakes
Confusing "mature" with "modest"
Mistake: "She is very modest for her age." (Meaning mature).
Correction: "She is very mature for her age."
Overusing "magnificent" for minor things
Tip: Reserve "magnificent" for truly impressive situations.
What’s the difference between "mature" and "modest"?
"Mature" refers to someone who behaves in an adult-like manner, while "modest" means humble or not boastful.
Is "moody" always negative?
"Moody" often carries a negative connotation but can describe someone with quickly shifting emotions, not necessarily bad ones.
How can I use "meticulous" in writing?
Use "meticulous" to describe someone who pays great attention to detail, e.g., "Her meticulous planning ensured the event's success."
Can "malicious" describe a situation?
Yes, "malicious" can describe actions or behavior intended to cause harm, e.g., "The email contained malicious content."
What’s an alternative to "messy"?
You could use "untidy" or "cluttered" depending on the context.
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