Adjectives That Start with E
Table of Contents
- Adjectives that start with E Exercises and Flashcards
- List of Positive Adjectives That Start With E
- List of Negative Adjectives That Start With E
- List of Neutral Adjectives That Start With E
- List of Adjectives That Start With E To Describe a Person
- Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
- Everyday Use of Adjectives Starting With E
- Common Mistakes
Adjectives that start with E Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Adjectives that start with E
List of Positive Adjectives That Start With E
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Eager |
Enthusiastic or keen to do something. |
She was eager to start her new project. |
Earnest |
Sincere and serious in intent. |
His earnest speech moved the audience. |
Easy-going |
Relaxed and tolerant in nature. |
His easy-going attitude made him popular among his peers. |
Ebullient |
Overflowing with enthusiasm and energy. |
Her ebullient personality brightened every room she entered. |
Effervescent |
Full of energy, excitement, and liveliness. |
She has an effervescent charm that draws people in. |
Efficacious |
Producing the intended result effectively. |
The medicine was highly efficacious in treating the illness. |
Elated |
Extremely happy and overjoyed. |
He felt elated after receiving the good news. |
Electric |
Exciting and full of energy. |
The crowd’s reaction created an electric atmosphere. |
Elegant |
Graceful and refined in appearance or behavior. |
She looked elegant in her evening gown. |
Eloquent |
Fluent and expressive in speech or writing. |
His eloquent speech captivated the audience. |
Emboldened |
Made confident or bold. |
Her success emboldened her to take on new challenges. |
Empathetic |
Understanding and sharing others’ feelings. |
Her empathetic nature made her a great counselor. |
Enchanting |
Delightfully charming or captivating. |
The garden had an enchanting beauty. |
Encouraging |
Giving support or confidence. |
Her encouraging words lifted everyone’s spirits. |
Endearing |
Inspiring affection or admiration. |
His endearing smile won over the entire group. |
Engaging |
Charming and able to attract interest. |
The speaker’s engaging style kept everyone attentive. |
Enjoyable |
Giving pleasure or satisfaction. |
The concert was thoroughly enjoyable for all. |
Entertaining |
Providing amusement or enjoyment. |
The movie was incredibly entertaining and fun to watch. |
Enthusiastic |
Showing eager interest or excitement. |
She was enthusiastic about her new role at work. |
Entrancing |
Captivating and delightful. |
The entrancing melody lingered in their minds. |
Ethereal |
Light, delicate, and otherworldly. |
The dancer’s movements were ethereal, almost magical. |
Excellent |
Exceptionally good or outstanding. |
Her performance was nothing short of excellent. |
Exceptional |
Unusually good or remarkable. |
His artwork displayed exceptional talent. |
Exciting |
Creating a feeling of enthusiasm or eagerness. |
The trip promises to be an exciting adventure. |
Exquisite |
Extremely beautiful or delicate. |
The restaurant served exquisite dishes that delighted every guest. |

List of Negative Adjectives That Start With E
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Eerie |
Strange and unsettling in a spooky way. |
The abandoned house had an eerie silence. |
Edgy |
Nervous, tense, or irritable. |
She felt edgy waiting for the results. |
Egomaniacal |
Obsessively self-centered. |
His egomaniacal behavior alienated his friends. |
Egotistical |
Overly self-absorbed or conceited. |
His egotistical attitude made him difficult to work with. |
Egregious |
Shockingly bad or outrageous. |
The company faced criticism for its egregious safety violations. |
Eldritch |
Weird and supernatural in a creepy way. |
The eldritch chanting in the woods gave them chills. |
Emaciated |
Extremely thin or weak due to lack of nourishment. |
The refugees appeared emaciated after weeks without food. |
Embarrassing |
Causing shame or awkwardness. |
His sudden fall during the presentation was embarrassing. |
Embittered |
Full of resentment or bitterness. |
Years of failure had left him embittered and withdrawn. |
Entropic |
Lacking order or predictability. |
The project became entropic, with no clear direction. |
Envious |
Feeling or showing jealousy. |
She felt envious of her friend’s success. |
Errant |
Straying from the correct path or behavior. |
The errant student was sent to the principal’s office. |
Estranged |
Alienated or separated emotionally. |
He became estranged from his family after the argument. |
Evasive |
Avoiding commitment or escape. |
His evasive answers raised suspicions during the interview. |
Evil |
Profoundly immoral or wicked. |
The villain in the story was pure evil. |
Exasperating |
Intensely frustrating or annoying. |
The delays were exasperating for the passengers. |
Excessive |
More than is necessary or normal. |
The excessive noise made it impossible to concentrate. |
Excruciating |
Intensely painful or distressing. |
She endured excruciating pain after the injury. |
Exhausting |
Causing extreme fatigue. |
The long hike was physically exhausting. |
Expensive |
Costing a lot of money, often excessively. |
The designer bag was beautiful but expensive. |
Exploitative |
Taking unfair advantage of others. |
The company was accused of exploitative labor practices. |
Explosive |
Sudden and potentially violent. |
Their argument ended in an explosive outburst. |
Extraneous |
Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject. |
The report contained too many extraneous details. |
List of Neutral Adjectives That Start With E
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Earth-shattering |
Extremely significant or impactful. |
The discovery was described as earth-shattering by the scientists. |
Eccentric |
Unconventional or slightly strange. |
His eccentric style made him stand out in the crowd. |
Eclectic |
Deriving ideas or style from a broad range of sources. |
The restaurant offers an eclectic menu of global cuisines. |
Egalitarian |
Promoting equality for all people. |
The new policy reflects an egalitarian approach to education. |
Elaborate |
Detailed and carefully arranged. |
The plan was presented with elaborate diagrams and charts. |
Elegiac |
Expressing sorrow or lamentation. |
The poem had an elegiac tone, reflecting the loss of a loved one. |
Elephantine |
Huge or clumsy, resembling an elephant. |
The elephantine truck struggled to navigate the narrow street. |
Eligible |
Meeting the necessary requirements. |
He is eligible to vote in the upcoming election. |
Elusive |
Difficult to find, catch, or achieve. |
The concept remains elusive despite years of study. |
Eminent |
Famous and respected in a particular field. |
The award was presented to an eminent scientist. |
Empirical |
Based on observation or experience. |
The theory is supported by empirical evidence. |
Enamored |
Deeply in love or fascinated. |
She was enamored with the vibrant city life. |
Endemic |
Regularly found in a specific area or among certain people. |
Malaria is endemic to many tropical regions. |
Endogenous |
Originating from within. |
The disease was caused by endogenous factors. |
Engrossing |
Fully capturing one’s attention. |
The novel was so engrossing that she couldn’t put it down. |
Enterprising |
Showing initiative and resourcefulness. |
His enterprising ideas transformed the small startup into a global business. |
Eponymous |
Named after a person or character. |
The brand’s eponymous founder became a household name. |
Esoteric |
Intended for or understood by only a small group. |
The lecture focused on esoteric topics in quantum mechanics. |
Exhaustive |
Thorough and comprehensive. |
The report provided an exhaustive analysis of the issue. |
Exotic |
Unusual or strikingly different, often from a foreign place. |
The garden was filled with exotic plants from around the world. |
List of Adjectives That Start With E To Describe a Person
Adjective |
Definition |
Example |
Eagle-eyed |
Having sharp eyesight or keen observation skills. |
The eagle-eyed detective noticed the smallest clue at the crime scene. |
Economical |
Careful in spending or resourceful in saving. |
She is an economical shopper, always looking for the best deals. |
Ecstatic |
Overwhelmingly happy or joyful. |
He was ecstatic when he got the job offer. |
Emotional |
Expressing or easily moved by strong feelings. |
She’s a deeply emotional person who cries at heartfelt moments. |
Enigmatic |
Mysterious and difficult to understand. |
His enigmatic smile left everyone curious. |
Equanimous |
Calm and composed, especially under pressure. |
The equanimous leader handled the crisis with grace. |
Erudite |
Having great knowledge or learning. |
The professor was an erudite scholar in ancient history. |
Euphoric |
Feeling intense excitement and happiness. |
She was euphoric after winning the championship. |
Even-tempered |
Calm and not easily angered. |
His even-tempered nature makes him easy to work with. |
Extroverted |
Outgoing and socially confident. |
She’s an extroverted individual who thrives in large gatherings. |
Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
Emotional Descriptions
Elated: Overjoyed or ecstatic.
Embarrassing: Causing awkwardness or shame.
Physical Characteristics
Elegant: Graceful and stylish.
Endless: Vast or infinite.
Behavioral Traits
Egotistical: Overly self-centered.
Empathetic: Understanding and compassionate.
Everyday Use of Adjectives Starting With E
Adjective |
Example Sentence |
Efficient |
"The efficient machine saved us time." |
Energetic |
"Her energetic performance impressed everyone." |
Embarrassing |
"That was the most embarrassing moment of my life." |
Common Mistakes
Confusing “Effervescent” with “Efficient”:
Mistake: "She’s very efficient in group settings."
Correction: "She’s very effervescent in group settings." -
Using “Elderly” inappropriately:
Mistake: "The elderly child fell asleep quickly."
Correction: "The young child fell asleep quickly."
What’s the difference between “Eager” and “Earnest”?
Eager refers to excitement or enthusiasm, while earnest conveys sincerity and seriousness.
Can “Elegant” describe non-physical things?
Yes, it can describe ideas or solutions that are simple yet effective.
Is “Egotistical” always negative?
Yes, it typically has a negative connotation, indicating excessive self-importance.
Can “Experimental” describe people?
Yes, it can describe someone who is open to trying new ideas or methods.
What’s a synonym for “Empathetic”?
Compassionate or understanding.
Explore other adjectives: