Adjectives That Start with P
Table of Contents
Adjectives that start with P Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Adjectives that start with P
List of P Words to Describe Someone
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Pale |
Lacking color or vitality. |
After the illness, she looked pale and tired. |
Paltry |
Insignificant or small in amount. |
His paltry contribution did little to help. |
Pampered |
Treated with excessive care or indulgence. |
The pampered child was used to getting everything he wanted. |
Panicked |
Overcome with fear or anxiety. |
She felt panicked before the big presentation. |
Panicky |
Easily frightened or anxious. |
His panicky reaction made the situation worse. |
Paranormal |
Beyond normal scientific explanation. |
She claimed to have paranormal abilities. |
Parched |
Extremely dry or thirsty. |
He was parched after running in the heat. |
Pardonable |
Forgivable or excusable. |
His mistake was pardonable given the circumstances. |
Parental |
Relating to or characteristic of a parent. |
Her parental instincts kicked in immediately. |
Particular |
Fussy or hard to please. |
He’s very particular about how his coffee is made. |
Partisan |
Strongly supportive of a specific cause or group. |
Her partisan views made debates challenging. |
Passionate |
Having strong feelings or enthusiasm. |
She’s passionate about environmental conservation. |
Passive |
Accepting without resistance or reaction. |
He took a passive approach to the conflict. |
Pastoral |
Relating to rural life or the countryside. |
The town had a pastoral charm. |
Paternal |
Relating to a father. |
His paternal advice was always helpful. |
Paternalistic |
Managing others in a fatherly but controlling way. |
The boss’s paternalistic style irritated his team. |
Pathetic |
Deserving pity or scorn. |
His attempt to fix the sink was pathetic. |
Pathological |
Extreme or abnormal in behavior. |
Her pathological fear of germs affected her daily life. |
Patient |
Able to remain calm during difficulties. |
The teacher was extremely patient with her students. |
Patriotic |
Having or expressing love for one’s country. |
The crowd’s patriotic cheers filled the stadium. |
Patronizing |
Treating others with a sense of superiority. |
His patronizing tone irritated everyone in the room. |
Peaceful |
Free from conflict or disturbance. |
She enjoys living in a peaceful neighborhood. |
Peculiar |
Strange or unusual. |
There was something peculiar about his behavior. |
Pedantic |
Overly concerned with minor details or rules. |
His pedantic explanations bored the audience. |
Peeved |
Annoyed or irritated. |
She felt peeved when her calls went unanswered. |
Pensive |
Deep in thought. |
He looked pensive as he considered his options. |
Perceptive |
Quick to notice or understand things. |
Her perceptive observations helped solve the mystery. |
Perfect |
Without flaws or defects. |
The weather was perfect for a picnic. |
Perfumed |
Having a pleasant fragrance. |
The garden was perfumed with the scent of roses. |
Perky |
Cheerful and lively. |
She was in a perky mood despite the rain. |
Perplexed |
Confused or puzzled. |
He looked perplexed after hearing the question. |
Perplexing |
Causing confusion or difficulty. |
The puzzle was perplexing and took hours to solve. |
Persevering |
Continuing despite difficulties. |
Her persevering spirit helped her overcome challenges. |
Persistent |
Determined and not giving up. |
His persistent efforts led to success. |
Personable |
Pleasant and friendly in manner. |
The salesperson was very personable and approachable. |
Personal |
Relating to an individual. |
She shared a personal story about her journey. |
Persuasive |
Skilled at convincing others. |
His persuasive speech won the audience over. |
Pertinent |
Relevant to the matter at hand. |
Her comments were pertinent to the discussion. |
Perturbed |
Anxious or unsettled. |
She looked perturbed by the sudden change in plans. |
Pervasive |
Spreading widely throughout an area or group. |
The pervasive smell of coffee filled the café. |
Perverse |
Contrary to what is expected or desired. |
His perverse attitude made the situation worse. |
Pesky |
Annoying or troublesome. |
The pesky flies kept buzzing around the table. |
Pessimistic |
Expecting the worst to happen. |
His pessimistic outlook frustrated his teammates. |
Petite |
Small and dainty. |
She was a petite woman with a strong presence. |
Petty |
Concerned with trivial matters. |
Their argument over such a petty issue was unnecessary. |
Petulant |
Childishly sulky or bad-tempered. |
His petulant complaints annoyed everyone. |
Philanthropic |
Generous and charitable. |
The organization is known for its philanthropic work. |
Philosophical |
Calm and wise, especially in difficult situations. |
He remained philosophical despite the setback. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Phobic |
Having an extreme fear of something. |
She’s phobic about public speaking. |
Phony |
Not genuine or fake. |
His phony smile didn’t fool anyone. |
Photographic |
Having a sharp and detailed memory. |
She has a photographic memory for faces. |
Physical |
Relating to the body rather than the mind. |
He’s in great physical condition. |
Pigheaded |
Stubborn and unwilling to change opinions. |
His pigheaded refusal to listen frustrated everyone. |
Pitch-perfect |
Accurate in tone or performance. |
Her pitch-perfect singing impressed the judges. |
Pitiful |
Deserving of pity or compassion. |
The dog’s pitiful condition broke their hearts. |
Pitiless |
Showing no compassion or mercy. |
The pitiless dictator showed no remorse. |
Placid |
Calm and not easily upset. |
The placid lake reflected the surrounding trees. |
Plain |
Simple and without decoration. |
She wore a plain dress for the event. |
Plaintive |
Expressing sorrow or melancholy. |
His plaintive cry echoed through the night. |
Playful |
Full of fun and high spirits. |
The playful kitten chased its tail. |
Pleading |
Showing an urgent request or appeal. |
His pleading eyes begged for forgiveness. |
Pleasant |
Giving enjoyment or satisfaction. |
She had a pleasant conversation with her neighbor. |
Pleased |
Feeling satisfied or happy. |
He was pleased with his exam results. |
Pleasing |
Attractive or satisfying. |
The artwork was very pleasing to the eye. |
Pliable |
Flexible or easily influenced. |
The material was soft and pliable. |
Plucky |
Showing courage and determination. |
The plucky child stood up to the bully. |
Plump |
Slightly overweight or rounded. |
The plump cat lounged on the couch. |
Pluralistic |
Accepting of multiple views or groups. |
The country embraced its pluralistic culture. |
Poignant |
Evoking a sense of sadness or regret. |
The film’s poignant ending brought tears to her eyes. |
Polite |
Showing good manners and respect. |
The waiter was very polite and attentive. |
Political |
Relating to government or public affairs. |
He’s deeply involved in political activism. |
Pompous |
Arrogant and self-important. |
His pompous speech annoyed the audience. |
Ponderous |
Slow and clumsy due to great weight. |
The elephant moved in a ponderous manner. |
Poor |
Lacking in wealth or resources. |
The family lived in a poor neighborhood. |
Poorer |
Comparatively lacking wealth. |
They are much poorer than their neighbors. |
Poorest |
Having the least wealth of all. |
He grew up in one of the poorest areas of the city. |
Popular |
Liked or admired by many people. |
She’s one of the most popular students in her class. |
Portly |
Having a stout or round body. |
The portly gentleman greeted everyone warmly. |
Posh |
Elegant and luxurious. |
They stayed in a posh hotel during their vacation. |
Positive |
Having a good or optimistic attitude. |
She always maintains a positive outlook on life. |
Possessive |
Wanting to control or own something entirely. |
He became possessive of his personal belongings. |
Powerful |
Having great strength or influence. |
The powerful speech moved the entire audience. |
Powerless |
Lacking strength or influence. |
She felt powerless to change the situation. |
Practical |
Focused on realistic and useful solutions. |
His practical approach solved the problem quickly. |
Pragmatic |
Dealing with things sensibly and realistically. |
She took a pragmatic approach to the issue. |
Praiseworthy |
Deserving of approval and admiration. |
His dedication to the project was praiseworthy. |
Precious |
Highly valued or cherished. |
The locket was her most precious possession. |
Predictable |
Easy to foresee or anticipate. |
The plot of the movie was rather predictable. |
Predisposed |
Inclined to something in advance. |
He’s predisposed to anxiety due to family history. |
Pregnant |
Carrying a developing baby. |
She announced that she was pregnant. |
Prejudiced |
Having preconceived opinions without reason. |
His prejudiced views caused tension in the group. |
Prejudicial |
Harmful or detrimental to someone’s rights. |
The decision had a prejudicial impact on the defendant. |
Premature |
Occurring before the proper time. |
The baby was born premature but healthy. |
Prenatal |
Relating to the time before birth. |
She received excellent prenatal care during her pregnancy. |
Preoccupied |
Deeply absorbed in thought. |
He was too preoccupied to notice her arrival. |
Prepared |
Ready and equipped for something. |
She was fully prepared for the job interview. |
Preposterous |
Completely absurd or ridiculous. |
His suggestion was utterly preposterous. |
Present |
Existing or occurring now. |
She was very focused on the present moment. |
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Prestigious |
Having a high reputation or status. |
She was accepted into a prestigious university. |
Presumptive |
Based on probability or assumption. |
His presumptive remarks caused confusion. |
Presumptuous |
Overstepping bounds; too bold. |
It was presumptuous of him to assume he’d get the job. |
Pretentious |
Attempting to impress by pretending greater importance. |
Her pretentious attitude annoyed everyone. |
Pretty |
Attractive in a delicate way. |
She has a pretty smile that lights up the room. |
Prickly |
Easily irritated or touchy. |
He’s a bit prickly when it comes to criticism. |
Prim |
Formal and proper, often excessively so. |
She’s very prim in her manners and dress. |
Primitive |
Relating to an early stage of development. |
Their tools were quite primitive but effective. |
Princely |
Generous or luxurious. |
They lived in a princely mansion by the sea. |
Prissy |
Overly fussy or prim. |
His prissy attitude annoyed his adventurous friends. |
Private |
Not open to others; reserved. |
He’s a very private person and rarely shares his thoughts. |
Privileged |
Having special advantages or rights. |
She felt privileged to attend such a prestigious event. |
Proactive |
Taking initiative to act before problems occur. |
Being proactive at work can lead to great success. |
Problematic |
Difficult to deal with or solve. |
His behavior became increasingly problematic. |
Productive |
Producing a lot or achieving results. |
She had a very productive day at the office. |
Profane |
Showing disrespect for sacred things. |
His profane language shocked the audience. |
Professional |
Exhibiting competence and skill. |
She handled the situation in a very professional manner. |
Proficient |
Skilled and competent in a particular area. |
He’s proficient in multiple languages. |
Progressive |
Favoring change or reform. |
The school has adopted a progressive teaching approach. |
Prohibitive |
Excessively high or restrictive. |
The cost of living in the city is prohibitive. |
Prolific |
Producing a large amount of something. |
The prolific writer published three books this year. |
Prominent |
Important or well-known. |
He holds a prominent position in the company. |
Prompt |
Quick to act or respond. |
She gave a prompt reply to the inquiry. |
Proper |
Correct or appropriate in behavior. |
He always uses proper table manners. |
Protective |
Showing a strong desire to keep someone safe. |
She’s very protective of her younger brother. |
Proud |
Feeling deep satisfaction over achievements. |
He was proud of his daughter’s accomplishments. |
Provocative |
Causing strong reactions or emotions. |
Her provocative comments sparked a lively debate. |
Provoking |
Intentionally causing annoyance or anger. |
His provoking remarks irritated everyone. |
Prudent |
Acting with care and thought for the future. |
It’s always prudent to save money for emergencies. |
Prying |
Intrusive or overly curious. |
She resented his prying questions about her personal life. |
Psychiatric |
Relating to mental illness or its treatment. |
He’s undergoing psychiatric evaluation. |
Psychological |
Relating to the mind or mental processes. |
The movie delves into psychological complexities. |
Psychotic |
Affected by a severe mental disorder. |
His psychotic behavior frightened everyone around him. |
Puffy |
Swollen or inflated. |
Her eyes were puffy from crying all night. |
Punctual |
Always on time. |
She’s very punctual and never arrives late. |
Pungent |
Having a strong or sharp taste or smell. |
The cheese had a pungent aroma. |
Pure |
Not mixed with anything else; clean or genuine. |
The air in the mountains felt fresh and pure. |
Purposeful |
Having a clear aim or goal. |
He walked with a purposeful stride toward the stage. |
Pushy |
Aggressively assertive. |
The pushy salesperson made me uncomfortable. |
Putrid |
Decayed and emitting a foul smell. |
The putrid smell of garbage filled the alley. |
Puzzled |
Confused or unsure. |
She looked puzzled by the unexpected question. |
Puzzling |
Difficult to understand or explain. |
The instructions were puzzling and unclear. |
Pygmy |
Exceptionally small in size. |
The pygmy species of the animal is rarely seen. |
Pyrotechnic |
Relating to fireworks or brilliant displays. |
The concert ended with a stunning pyrotechnic show. |

List of Negative Words That Start With P
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Painful |
Causing physical or emotional pain. |
The breakup was a painful experience. |
Painstaking |
Requiring a lot of effort and attention to detail. |
The artist’s painstaking work took months to complete. |
Paltry |
Insignificant or small in amount. |
His paltry contribution didn’t help much. |
Panicked |
Overcome with fear or anxiety. |
She felt panicked when she lost her phone. |
Panicky |
Easily frightened or anxious. |
His panicky behavior made the situation worse. |
Paradoxical |
Seemingly contradictory or inconsistent. |
Her calmness during the crisis was paradoxical. |
Parasitic |
Relying on others without giving anything in return. |
His parasitic habits annoyed his roommates. |
Parched |
Extremely dry or thirsty. |
The soil was parched after weeks of drought. |
Patronizing |
Acting superior or condescending. |
His patronizing tone irritated everyone in the room. |
Peculiar |
Strange or unusual. |
There’s something peculiar about that house. |
Peeved |
Annoyed or irritated. |
She was peeved by his constant interruptions. |
Peevish |
Easily annoyed or bad-tempered. |
His peevish attitude made working with him difficult. |
Pensive |
Deep in thought, often in a sad way. |
He had a pensive look after hearing the bad news. |
Permissible |
Allowed by rules but often reluctantly. |
His actions were barely permissible under the law. |
Permissive |
Allowing too much freedom or leniency. |
The teacher’s permissive attitude led to chaos in the classroom. |
Perplexed |
Confused or puzzled. |
She looked perplexed by the strange instructions. |
Perplexing |
Difficult to understand or solve. |
The perplexing problem took hours to resolve. |
Perturbed |
Anxious or unsettled. |
He felt perturbed by the sudden changes. |
Perturbing |
Causing worry or distress. |
The news was deeply perturbing. |
Pervasive |
Spreading widely and often negatively. |
The pervasive smell of smoke filled the building. |
Perverse |
Deliberately behaving in an unacceptable way. |
His perverse refusal to cooperate frustrated everyone. |
Pesky |
Annoying or troublesome. |
The pesky flies wouldn’t leave the picnic alone. |
Petty |
Concerned with trivial matters. |
Their argument was over a petty misunderstanding. |
Petulant |
Childishly sulky or bad-tempered. |
His petulant outbursts annoyed everyone. |
Phony |
Fake or insincere. |
She could see through his phony charm. |
Pigheaded |
Stubborn and inflexible. |
His pigheaded refusal to compromise caused delays. |
Pitch-dark |
Completely dark. |
The cave was pitch-dark and silent. |
Pitiful |
Deserving of pity or contempt. |
The dog’s pitiful state made everyone sad. |
Pointless |
Having no purpose or value. |
The meeting was long and pointless. |
Poisonous |
Harmful or toxic. |
Some mushrooms are poisonous and should not be eaten. |
Polluted |
Contaminated with harmful substances. |
The river was heavily polluted with waste. |
Pompous |
Arrogant and self-important. |
His pompous speech annoyed the crowd. |
Poor |
Lacking in wealth, quality, or strength. |
The team’s performance was poor this season. |
Possessive |
Showing an excessive desire to own or control. |
Her possessive nature strained their friendship. |
Powerless |
Lacking strength or ability. |
She felt powerless to stop the injustice. |
Preferential |
Giving special treatment to certain people. |
The company’s preferential policies caused resentment. |
Prejudiced |
Having an unfair or biased opinion. |
He was prejudiced against people from other cultures. |
Prejudicial |
Harmful to someone’s rights or reputation. |
The media coverage was prejudicial to the defendant. |
Pressing |
Requiring immediate attention. |
The issue was pressing and couldn’t be delayed. |
Pressurized |
Feeling pressured or stressed. |
She felt pressurized to meet everyone’s expectations. |
Presumptive |
Based on assumption rather than certainty. |
The presumptive diagnosis was later confirmed. |
Presumptuous |
Overstepping bounds; too confident. |
His presumptuous behavior offended many. |
Pretentious |
Pretending to be more important than is true. |
His pretentious manner alienated his colleagues. |
Pricey |
Expensive or costing a lot. |
The hotel was a bit too pricey for their budget. |
Prickly |
Easily irritated or touchy. |
He’s a bit prickly when asked personal questions. |
Primitive |
Relating to early or undeveloped stages. |
Their tools were rather primitive but effective. |
Privileged |
Having special advantages not enjoyed by others. |
He grew up in a privileged household. |
Profane |
Showing disrespect toward sacred things. |
His profane language offended many. |
Prohibitive |
Excessively high or restrictive. |
The prohibitive cost of housing deterred buyers. |
Proud |
Having excessive self-esteem. |
His proud attitude made him seem unapproachable. |
Provocative |
Intending to provoke or incite. |
Her provocative remarks stirred controversy. |
Provoking |
Causing annoyance or irritation. |
His constant interruptions were provoking. |
Prudent |
Acting cautiously and wisely. |
His overly prudent decisions delayed progress. |
Prying |
Intrusive or overly curious. |
She disliked his prying questions about her personal life. |
Psychotic |
Affected by a severe mental disorder. |
His psychotic behavior alarmed his colleagues. |
Pugnacious |
Eager to argue or fight. |
His pugnacious attitude often led to conflicts. |
Pungent |
Having a strong or sharp smell or taste. |
The pungent odor of garlic filled the kitchen. |
Punishable |
Deserving of punishment. |
The offense was deemed punishable by law. |
Punished |
Suffering consequences for wrongdoing. |
He was punished for his reckless behavior. |
Puny |
Weak or small in size. |
The kitten looked puny compared to the others. |
Purposeless |
Lacking a clear goal or purpose. |
The discussion seemed purposeless and unproductive. |
Putrid |
Decayed and emitting a foul smell. |
The putrid stench from the garbage was unbearable. |
Puzzling |
Difficult to understand or explain. |
The mystery was puzzling even to the experts. |
List of Positive Words That Start With the Letter P
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Paisley |
Patterned with curved, colorful designs. |
She wore a beautiful paisley scarf. |
Palatable |
Pleasant to taste or acceptable. |
The dish was both palatable and satisfying. |
Pampered |
Treated with great care and indulgence. |
The cat lived a pampered life. |
Pardonable |
Forgivable or excusable. |
His mistake was pardonable given the circumstances. |
Party |
Full of fun and celebration. |
The atmosphere was party-like and lively. |
Passionate |
Filled with strong emotion or enthusiasm. |
She’s passionate about helping others. |
Pastel |
Soft and light in color. |
The room was painted in pastel shades. |
Patchwork |
Made up of different pieces or parts. |
The quilt had a beautiful patchwork design. |
Patented |
Officially recognized or unique. |
They introduced a patented technology. |
Patient |
Able to remain calm during difficulties. |
She’s very patient with her students. |
Patriotic |
Showing love and devotion to one’s country. |
The parade had a patriotic spirit. |
Patterned |
Decorated with repeated designs. |
She wore a patterned dress to the party. |
Payable |
Able to be paid or settled. |
The bill is payable by the end of the month. |
Peaceful |
Free from disturbance or conflict. |
They enjoyed a peaceful day in the countryside. |
Perfect |
Without any flaws or defects. |
The day was absolutely perfect for a hike. |
Perfumed |
Scented with a pleasant fragrance. |
The air was perfumed with the smell of flowers. |
Perky |
Cheerful and lively. |
She was feeling perky after her morning coffee. |
Permanent |
Lasting forever or for a long time. |
They made a permanent mark on the community. |
Persevering |
Continuing despite difficulties. |
Her persevering attitude led to success. |
Persistent |
Determined and not giving up. |
His persistent efforts finally paid off. |
Personal |
Relating to an individual. |
She shared a personal anecdote during her speech. |
Petite |
Small and delicate. |
She looked elegant in her petite frame. |
Picturesque |
Visually charming or attractive. |
The village was picturesque and serene. |
Pink |
A pale red color associated with sweetness. |
She chose a pink dress for the occasion. |
Pitch-perfect |
Exactly right in tone or performance. |
Her pitch-perfect delivery wowed the judges. |
Pithy |
Concise and meaningful. |
His pithy remarks captured everyone’s attention. |
Planned |
Thought out or arranged in advance. |
The project was well planned and executed. |
Plausible |
Seemingly reasonable or believable. |
She provided a plausible explanation for her actions. |
Playful |
Full of fun and high spirits. |
The puppy was playful and energetic. |
Pleasant |
Giving a sense of satisfaction or enjoyment. |
She had a pleasant conversation with her friend. |
Pleased |
Feeling happy or satisfied. |
He was pleased with his performance. |
Pleasing |
Attractive or agreeable. |
The garden was visually pleasing. |
Pleasurable |
Giving pleasure or satisfaction. |
The massage was a pleasurable experience. |
Plentiful |
Available in large amounts. |
The harvest this year was plentiful. |
Plenty |
A large or sufficient amount. |
They had plenty of food for the party. |
Plucky |
Showing courage and determination. |
The plucky young girl stood up to the bully. |
Plush |
Luxurious and comfortable. |
They stayed in a plush hotel. |
Poetic |
Having qualities of poetry; beautiful and artistic. |
The sunset had a poetic beauty to it. |
Poignant |
Deeply affecting or moving. |
The movie had a poignant ending. |
Polished |
Refined and elegant. |
Her speech was polished and professional. |
Polite |
Showing good manners and respect. |
He was very polite to the guests. |
Polka-dotted |
Decorated with dots. |
She wore a polka-dotted skirt to the party. |
Popular |
Liked or admired by many. |
She’s one of the most popular students in school. |
Posh |
Elegant and luxurious. |
They dined at a posh restaurant. |
Positive |
Optimistic and confident. |
She always has a positive outlook on life. |
Possible |
Able to be done or achieved. |
With hard work, anything is possible. |
Powerful |
Having great strength or influence. |
The president gave a powerful speech. |
Pragmatic |
Practical and realistic. |
She took a pragmatic approach to solving the problem. |
Praiseworthy |
Deserving of praise or approval. |
His efforts were praiseworthy and appreciated. |
Precious |
Highly valued or cherished. |
Her precious necklace was a family heirloom. |
Precise |
Marked by exactness and accuracy. |
The instructions were precise and easy to follow. |
Preferable |
More desirable or suitable. |
A healthy diet is preferable to fast food. |
Premium |
Of the highest quality. |
They stayed in a premium suite at the hotel. |
Present |
Existing or occurring now. |
She was fully present during the meeting. |
Presentable |
Neat and suitable in appearance. |
He made sure to look presentable for the interview. |
Prestigious |
Having a high reputation and status. |
She graduated from a prestigious university. |
Pretty |
Attractive in a delicate way. |
She wore a pretty floral dress to the event. |
Priceless |
Too valuable to be measured in monetary terms. |
The artwork was absolutely priceless. |
Pristine |
In its original condition; unspoiled. |
The beach was pristine and untouched. |
Private |
Personal and not public. |
He kept his thoughts private. |
Prize |
Something valuable and worthy of striving for. |
The winner received a prize for their hard work. |
Prized |
Highly valued or esteemed. |
Her prized possession was a rare book. |
Professional |
Competent and skilled in a particular field. |
The lawyer handled the case in a very professional manner. |
Proficient |
Skilled and competent. |
He’s proficient in Spanish and French. |
Profitable |
Yielding financial gain. |
Their business proved to be highly profitable. |
Profound |
Having deep insight or understanding. |
The speech left a profound impact on the audience. |
Promising |
Showing signs of future success. |
She has a promising career ahead of her. |
Proportionate |
Corresponding in size or amount. |
The punishment was proportionate to the crime. |
Protective |
Showing care and concern for safety. |
He’s very protective of his family. |
Proud |
Feeling deep satisfaction over achievements. |
She felt proud of her accomplishments. |
Pure |
Not mixed or contaminated; clean. |
The water in the stream was crystal pure. |
Purified |
Cleansed of impurities. |
The purified air felt refreshing. |
Purple |
A royal color often associated with luxury. |
The flowers bloomed in vibrant purple shades. |
Purposeful |
Having a clear aim or goal. |
He walked with a purposeful stride. |
Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
1. Personality Traits
Positive: Passionate, Perceptive, Polite.
Negative: Pretentious, Paranoid, Pompous.
2. Appearance
Pristine, Plain, Prominent.
3. Emotional States
Positive: Peaceful, Playful, Positive.
Negative: Petty, Pessimistic, Petulant.
Common Mistakes
Confusing “peaceful” with “passive”
Mistake: "She has a passive personality" (when referring to calmness).
Correction: "She has a peaceful personality."
Overusing “perfect”
Tip: Use more specific alternatives like "flawless" or "excellent" for greater precision.
What is the difference between "persistent" and "perseverant"?
Both mean determined, but "perseverant" implies continuing in the face of difficulty.
Can “playful” describe an adult?
Yes, it can describe someone who is lighthearted or has a sense of humor.
Is “pompous” always negative?
Yes, “pompous” typically refers to arrogance or self-importance.
How can “polished” be used to describe a person?
It suggests someone refined and well-mannered.
Is “powerful” more commonly used for physical or abstract strength?
Both! It can refer to physical strength or influence, such as a “powerful leader.”
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