Adjectives That Start with R
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Adjectives that start with R Exercises and Flashcards
These exercises focus on Adjectives that start with R
List of Positive Adjectives That Start With R
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Radiant |
Emitting light or joy. |
She looked radiant in her wedding gown. |
Rapt |
Completely absorbed or fascinated. |
He listened with rapt attention. |
Rare |
Uncommon and unique. |
Her kindness is a rare quality these days. |
Rational |
Based on reason and logic. |
His rational approach helped solve the issue. |
Ravishing |
Stunningly beautiful. |
The sunset over the ocean was ravishing. |
Real |
Genuine and authentic. |
I appreciate her real honesty. |
Reasonable |
Fair and sensible. |
The price for the service was quite reasonable. |
Reassuring |
Offering comfort or confidence. |
Her smile was reassuring during the crisis. |
Receptive |
Open and willing to accept new ideas. |
The team was receptive to his suggestions. |
Redeemable |
Able to be improved or corrected. |
His mistakes are redeemable with effort. |
Refined |
Elegant and cultured. |
She has refined tastes in art and music. |
Refreshing |
Invigorating and revitalizing. |
The cold drink was refreshing on a hot day. |
Regal |
Royal and majestic. |
The castle had a regal appearance. |
Relaxed |
Free from tension or anxiety. |
His relaxed demeanor put everyone at ease. |
Reliable |
Dependable and trustworthy. |
She’s a reliable friend in tough times. |
Remarkable |
Worthy of attention and admiration. |
His performance was truly remarkable. |
Resilient |
Able to recover quickly from difficulties. |
She’s incredibly resilient in the face of challenges. |
Respectful |
Showing respect and courtesy. |
The children were very respectful toward their elders. |
Rich |
Full of valuable qualities or resources. |
The soil in this region is particularly rich. |
Robust |
Strong and healthy. |
The old bridge is still robust despite its age. |
Romantic |
Filled with love and passion. |
The couple had a romantic dinner by candlelight. |

List of Negative Adjectives That Start With R
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Rambunctious |
Uncontrollably energetic and noisy. |
The rambunctious children made it hard to concentrate. |
Rancid |
Having a foul or unpleasant smell or taste. |
The butter had gone rancid and was inedible. |
Ratty |
Worn out or shabby. |
He wore a ratty old sweater to the meeting. |
Reckless |
Careless and without thought for consequences. |
His reckless driving endangered everyone on the road. |
Repellant |
Causing intense dislike or disgust. |
The idea of eating insects was utterly repellant to her. |
Repugnant |
Extremely distasteful or unacceptable. |
His behavior was morally repugnant. |
Repulsive |
Disgusting or offensive. |
The repulsive odor drove everyone out of the room. |
Resentful |
Feeling or expressing bitterness. |
She was resentful about not getting credit for her work. |
Ridiculous |
Deserving or inviting mockery; absurd. |
His suggestion was so ridiculous that no one took it seriously. |
Risky |
Involving a high chance of danger or failure. |
Investing in that startup seemed like a risky decision. |
Rotten |
Decayed or spoiled. |
The fruit was rotten and had to be thrown away. |
Rude |
Impolite and lacking manners. |
His rude remarks offended everyone in the room. |
Rumpled |
Wrinkled or messy. |
He showed up to the interview in a rumpled suit. |
Ruthless |
Having no compassion or pity. |
The dictator was known for his ruthless tactics. |
List of Descriptive Adjectives That Start With R
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Rabid |
Extremely passionate or fanatical. |
The rabid fans cheered loudly for their team. |
Raucous |
Loud and disorderly. |
The raucous party disturbed the neighbors. |
Radioactive |
Emitting radiation. |
They found radioactive material in the abandoned lab. |
Raging |
Violent and intense. |
The raging storm caused widespread damage. |
Rakish |
Stylish in a confident and unconventional way. |
He had a rakish charm that was hard to ignore. |
Rambling |
Lengthy and wandering. |
Her rambling speech confused the audience. |
Ramshackle |
Poorly built and likely to collapse. |
The ramshackle old house looked unsafe. |
Raspy |
Having a rough or harsh sound. |
His voice was raspy after shouting all day. |
Raunchy |
Vulgar or sexually explicit. |
The comedian’s jokes were too raunchy for some in the audience. |
Ravenous |
Extremely hungry. |
After the hike, they felt ravenous. |
Recessed |
Set back or sunken. |
The shelves were built into a recessed wall. |
Refrigerated |
Kept cool in a refrigerator. |
The refrigerated drinks were refreshing. |
Resonant |
Deep and full of sound. |
His resonant voice filled the auditorium. |
Revolting |
Disgusting and offensive. |
The smell from the garbage was absolutely revolting. |
Rickety |
Likely to break or collapse. |
The rickety ladder wobbled with every step. |
Rigid |
Inflexible and strict. |
The teacher enforced rigid rules in the classroom. |
Rigorous |
Thorough and exacting. |
The program required rigorous training. |
Ripe |
Fully developed or mature. |
The ripe tomatoes were perfect for picking. |
Ritzy |
Expensively stylish or elegant. |
They stayed in a ritzy hotel downtown. |
Robotic |
Mechanical or lacking emotion. |
His movements were stiff and almost robotic. |
Roomy |
Having a lot of space. |
The car’s roomy interior made it comfortable for long trips. |
Rosy |
Having a pinkish color or an optimistic outlook. |
She has a rosy complexion and a cheerful attitude. |
Rotund |
Round and plump. |
The man’s rotund figure made him easily recognizable. |
Round |
Shaped like a circle or sphere. |
The round table fit perfectly in the small room. |
Rowdy |
Noisy and disruptive. |
The rowdy crowd cheered wildly at the concert. |
Rustic |
Relating to the countryside; simple and charming. |
The cabin’s rustic decor added to its charm. |
Rubbery |
Having a texture like rubber. |
The pancakes were overcooked and felt rubbery. |
Ruddy |
Having a healthy red complexion. |
His ruddy cheeks glowed from the cold. |
Rugged |
Rough and sturdy in appearance. |
The rugged terrain made the hike challenging. |
Rusty |
Covered with rust; outdated in skill. |
The old tools were rusty and needed cleaning. |
List of Neutral Adjectives That Start With R
Adjective |
Definition |
Example Sentence |
Radical |
Relating to fundamental change or extreme views. |
The scientist proposed a radical new theory. |
Rampant |
Widespread and unchecked. |
Rumors about the incident were running rampant. |
Random |
Without specific order or purpose. |
The selection process was completely random. |
Rapid |
Happening quickly. |
The company experienced rapid growth last year. |
Raw |
Unprocessed or in a natural state. |
The chef used raw ingredients for the dish. |
Realistic |
Practical and based on facts. |
His goals were ambitious yet realistic. |
Rebellious |
Resisting authority or control. |
The teenager had a rebellious streak. |
Recalcitrant |
Resisting authority or discipline. |
The recalcitrant student refused to follow the rules. |
Reclusive |
Preferring to be alone; avoiding social contact. |
The author lived a reclusive life in the countryside. |
Recondite |
Difficult to understand; obscure. |
The professor’s lecture was filled with recondite concepts. |
Redundant |
Unnecessarily repetitive. |
The instructions were redundant and confusing. |
Reflective |
Deeply thoughtful. |
She had a reflective moment after the meeting. |
Refried |
Cooked again, often for a different purpose. |
The refried beans were delicious with tacos. |
Refundable |
Able to be returned for money. |
The ticket is refundable if canceled within 24 hours. |
Regional |
Relating to a specific area. |
The cuisine has a distinct regional flavor. |
Religious |
Relating to faith or worship. |
She comes from a deeply religious family. |
Relentless |
Persistent and unyielding. |
His relentless efforts paid off in the end. |
Relevant |
Closely connected to the topic. |
The information was highly relevant to the project. |
Reluctant |
Unwilling or hesitant. |
He was reluctant to accept the offer. |
Reprehensible |
Deserving of criticism or blame. |
His actions were morally reprehensible. |
Reserved |
Restrained in speech or behavior. |
She is polite but somewhat reserved. |
Restless |
Unable to relax or stay still. |
The child grew restless during the long trip. |
Retired |
No longer working, often due to age. |
He is a retired teacher who now travels. |
Revolutionary |
Bringing about significant change. |
The invention was revolutionary in its field. |
Rhetorical |
Relating to the art of persuasive speaking. |
He posed a rhetorical question during his speech. |
Rough |
Having an uneven or coarse surface. |
The rough texture of the fabric irritated her skin. |
Routine |
Performed as part of a regular procedure. |
The workers followed their daily routine. |
Rudimentary |
Basic or undeveloped. |
His understanding of the topic was still rudimentary. |
Featured Adjectives Grouped by Topics
Personality Traits: Resilient, Respectful, Reserved, Rigid.
Appearance: Radiant, Robust, Ravishing, Rotund.
Behavioral Characteristics: Rebellious, Reckless, Responsible, Ruthless.
Emotion-Related: Restless, Resentful, Romantic, Ravenous.
Everyday Use of Adjectives Starting With R
“She’s a reliable colleague who always meets deadlines.”
“The view from the mountaintop was absolutely remarkable.”
“The children grew restless after sitting in class all day.”
Common Mistakes
Relevant vs. Irrelevant
Mistake: “This information is irrelevant to the discussion.”
Correction: “This information is relevant to the discussion.”
Ravenous vs. Famished
Mistake: “I’m famished, but I could wait a little longer.”
Correction: “I’m ravenous; I need food now!”
Resilient vs. Resistant
Mistake: “She’s resistant to stress.”
Correction: “She’s resilient under pressure.”
What are some positive adjectives starting with R?
Positive adjectives include resilient, remarkable, radiant, respectful, and reliable.
Can "rebellious" be used positively?
Yes, rebellious can describe someone who challenges norms in a creative or revolutionary way.
What’s the difference between “robust” and “resilient”?
Robust refers to physical strength or durability, while resilient emphasizes recovering from difficulties.
Is “rustic” always a positive adjective?
No, rustic can be positive when describing charm but negative if implying primitiveness.
How can I use “revolutionary” in a sentence?
Example: “His revolutionary ideas transformed the tech industry.”
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